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Graphical conflict between BTW and GLSL Shaders

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:33 am
by Erisiah
This is both a bug report and suggestion. The images are in spoilers.

With the latest release of BTW and the new method of storing textures, there is now a graphical glitch that occurs when someone is using the GLSL Shaders mod and the "Waving Plants/Liquids" shaders:
The saw, rope, detector, hand crank, pulley and liquid cement all have some of their textures distorted because of this.
The red areas are where the plants, leaves, wheat, water & lava lie in the original terrain.png
Now I know that I can fix this by turning off the waving plants in the shader files, but I was wondering if the BTW terrain could be modified to move the affected tiles out of the "wavy vegitation areas"? Something like this:
If you put the hemp growth stages where the wheat is in the original, the GLSL shaders will automatically wave the hemp when "Waving Wheat" is turned on!
I ask this only because I like both of these mods, and I'd really like them to play nice with each other.

Re: Graphical conflict between BTW and GLSL Shaders

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:10 am
by FlowerChild
I'm moving this over to the tech support forum as it's not a bug with the mod.

I'd recommend that the author of said mod consider Forge compatibility to avoid problems like this. I suspect it would be a very easy change for him to make.

Re: Graphical conflict between BTW and GLSL Shaders

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:12 am
by Erisiah
FlowerChild wrote:I'm moving this over to the tech support forum as it's not a bug with the mod.
Upon further reflection, I realise that this will probably happen to any Forge mod that uses the terrain.png style of textures. I'll mention that in the GLSL Shaders thread.