A lesson these forums taught me.

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A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by TheAnarchitect »

I just wanted to say this: This forum has made my life better in a most interesting fashion.

In my first few weeks here, I've been on tiptoes because of how widely FC swings the Banhammer. I've been extremely careful to make sure that what I'm posting is useful, adds to the discussion, or is at least entertaining. If I thought I was stepping near a line, I've double and triple checked my posts to make sure they're worth it. And more than once I've said "You know, on second thought, I think I'll keep my trap shut."

This habit has leaked into my general internet use.

I've noticed it on other forums and on the comment sections of websites. Oftentimes I'll be halfway into a rant and think "wait, why am I even bothering?" Or "is conversing with this person worth it?" Or "Am I adding anything to this discussion beyond an obvious and tasteless joke?" And I've closed the respond window. This has saved hours of my life and a few sanity points.

Which then get used up playing minecraft, as it should be.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by morvelaira »

Yet another reason why these forums need some sort of way of recognizing outstanding posts. *wants +1 button*
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by BinoAl »

TheAnarchitect wrote:I just wanted to say this: This forum has made my life better in a most interesting fashion.

In my first few weeks here, I've been on tiptoes because of how widely FC swings the Banhammer. I've been extremely careful to make sure that what I'm posting is useful, adds to the discussion, or is at least entertaining. If I thought I was stepping near a line, I've double and triple checked my posts to make sure they're worth it. And more than once I've said "You know, on second thought, I think I'll keep my trap shut."

This habit has leaked into my general internet use.

I've noticed it on other forums and on the comment sections of websites. Oftentimes I'll be halfway into a rant and think "wait, why am I even bothering?" Or "is conversing with this person worth it?" Or "Am I adding anything to this discussion beyond an obvious and tasteless joke?" And I've closed the respond window. This has saved hours of my life and a few sanity points.

Which then get used up playing minecraft, as it should be.
Haha. I can say it was nearly the same for me. It wasn't too bad before, but one careless post actually had me lose my flying turtle status for a few days... I found so many friggin bugs to fuix that he reinstated my turtlehood :D
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by Rasuth »

I guess nearly everyone of the frequent posters had typed out a post just to not submit it. I recall statements about venting via said "almost-postings" in the suggestions forum.
I believe the BTW Forums actually manage to walk the thin line between a dead forum and a forum full of useless spam. That's the main reason I enjoy lurking and participating here even though I neither play Minecraft nor BTW anymore.
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The other half is violence.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by Katalliaan »

I've always taken a similar approach to Anarchitect, in that I keep a couple things in mind - a personal standard that I set for myself and the rules of the forum. Often the combination of the two leads me to rewrite an entire post, or to just delete it and not post anything.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by Gargantuan_Penguin »

this forum is one of the ONLY places on the internet where I post anonymously. the rest is facebook and email. so for me I find that I have a had a huge advantage as far as my future on the internet because I have so many examples of the proper way to interact via the internet.

And I have typed out several posts now that I have just decided to not post. sometimes it is rants and sometimes it would just be a post that has no value. anyways, as rasuth said, this forum is pretty much ideal. even if I were to stop playing minecraft I would stick around here in some capacity, just because it is such a great place.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by SterlingRed »

I started these forums wanting to comment on everything whether I knew what I was talking about or not. After being cautioned once or twice for my comments on technically problematic suggestions in which my assumptions about mc programming were completely wrong, I went into lurker mode to watch the community develop and learn more about the mod by playing it more actively.

I've recently been posting again keeping in mind to post only in the realm of my knowledge and to stay away from making technical assumptions. I do abandon comments on occasion after realizing they may be a bit flamatory, off topic, or pointless.

These forums really do have a great community that keeps generating good discussion. And FC has that relentless shiny banhammer to keep it that way :-)
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by walker_boh_65 »

If only I could count the number of times I have decided not to post something because I thought it was best to keep my big mouth shut.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by FurkeyRefills »

Yeah, keeping my trap shut is something I've been trying to apply to real life as well as on the forums ;)
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by TheAnarchitect »

Oh gods yes I need to figure that out. Sadly IRL once you open your mouth there's no way to choose not to post. You can't start saying something, realize it's stupid, then go back and unsay it.

I have a really bad habit of answering truthfully when asked.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by FurkeyRefills »

TheAnarchitect wrote:I have a really bad habit of answering truthfully when asked.
Yes I definitely have that problem too but you can usually solve this issue, (Well, it works for me) by saying:

"Would you like me to tell you the truth or the answer you actually want to hear ?"

This will either come over nicely, or as you being a cocky shit, Its a bit hit and miss depending on the person you're talking to xD

EDIT: Corrected my awful grammar :@
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by Caboose »

Yeah, I'm a lot more careful here than I am elsewhere, I definitely keep my random silliness to a minimum, and try to be helpful when I can, and be quiet when I can't.

And yeah, I've noticed this has had an effect on my postings on other forums.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by TheAnarchitect »

What typically happens is that I'm telling a story about something, and suddenly a detail I didn't think much of arouses interest in my audience. Before I realize I've been careless, I get asked to clarify. Suddenly I'm giving out way more details about my lifestyle than I want passing acquaintances to have, but if I stop there without educating them they'd assume even worse. And educating people takes time and effort I don't really want to expend given the low rate of success.

For example, you may now be wondering what kind of lifestyle I have that I don't want to share. And you are probably thinking of things way worse than what they actually are. Quod erat demonstrandum
Last edited by TheAnarchitect on Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by FurkeyRefills »

Yeah, I feel pressured by people at school sometimes to release info that they might use against me later, and you can get sucked in very easily, then you realize you've basically sealed your own demise.

Oh, my Latin classes really haven't served me well, had to Google that ;)
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by Catox »

paradox : you're quite right about the self limitation this forum tends to induce... and it should, as a matter of fact, lead me to not post my exact thoughts/rants/whatever-it-is about this very topic. Yet I'm still posting this... might be useless, might not be. What would be even more useless would be, precisely, to post nothing.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by HavokSCOUT »

Little off-topic: Congrats on the turtilization! You probably have the record for someone who wasn't on the MC Forums in the beginning.
On Topic: Yeah, some people can come off as jerks, but the way to deal with them is to smile and nod and think of nasty ways they could get hurt :D
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by rhacer »

TheAnarchitect wrote:Suddenly I'm giving out way more details about my lifestyle than I want passing acquaintances to have, but if I stop there without educating them they'd assume even worse.
I've come to peace with being me both in RL and on the net. This means I try and be careful about what I post wherever I post (I'm not always successful but since my net identity is so closely linked to my real persona it's a good thing).
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by TheAnarchitect »

rhacer wrote:I've come to peace with being me both in RL and on the net.
Yeah, this attitude is great and all, until you lose your job over it. Suddenly spending time and effort not making people uncomfortable with your differences takes on certain importance. Not that I'm insanely bitter over the experience or anything.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by Panda »

TheAnarchitect wrote:I just wanted to say this: This forum has made my life better in a most interesting fashion.

In my first few weeks here, I've been on tiptoes because of how widely FC swings the Banhammer. I've been extremely careful to make sure that what I'm posting is useful, adds to the discussion, or is at least entertaining. If I thought I was stepping near a line, I've double and triple checked my posts to make sure they're worth it. And more than once I've said "You know, on second thought, I think I'll keep my trap shut."

This habit has leaked into my general internet use.

I've noticed it on other forums and on the comment sections of websites. Oftentimes I'll be halfway into a rant and think "wait, why am I even bothering?" Or "is conversing with this person worth it?" Or "Am I adding anything to this discussion beyond an obvious and tasteless joke?" And I've closed the respond window. This has saved hours of my life and a few sanity points.

Which then get used up playing minecraft, as it should be.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by rhacer »

TheAnarchitect wrote:
rhacer wrote:I've come to peace with being me both in RL and on the net.
Yeah, this attitude is great and all, until you lose your job over it. Suddenly spending time and effort not making people uncomfortable with your differences takes on certain importance. Not that I'm insanely bitter over the experience or anything.
Now THAT sucks. I'm sorry about that.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by TheAnarchitect »

Which I why I'm so very happy to be finally learning how to keep my mouth shut. Turns out emotionally I care more about losing posting rights here than losing my job IRL. Damn I'm messed up.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by Catox »

TheAnarchitect wrote:Which I why I'm so very happy to be finally learning how to keep my mouth shut. Turns out emotionally I care more about losing posting rights here than losing my job IRL. Damn I'm messed up.
I'd say you're true to yourself and you care more about people you value than others.
Psychologically, I wouldn't say that is being messed up.
(practically though, that may not be the safest move, but that's something else, I think)
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by MoRmEnGiL »

Well I usually am a manipulative, subterfuge employing, social chameleon kind of guy, that only resists his impulses to speak if it is of strategic use.

That said, there are times when I'm brutally honest and blunt when silence would be more inline with general tact. Depends on my mood at the time. But my general way of thinking is, I will repress myself for noone but myself.
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by Stormweaver »

To be honest, I post a hell of a lot more on these forums than most people see - mainly because I often just close the tab instead of hitting the 'submit' button. The development of this habit is what promoted me from being a standard forum user to a turtle ^.^
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Re: A lesson these forums taught me.

Post by Poppycocks »

MoRmEnGiL wrote:Well I usually am a manipulative, subterfuge employing, social chameleon kind of guy, that only resists his impulses to speak if it is of strategic use.

That said, there are times when I'm brutally honest and blunt when silence would be more inline with general tact. Depends on my mood at the time. But my general way of thinking is, I will repress myself for noone but myself.
Oh god, I am so this. My need to speak the truth bluntly has gotten me into more trouble than you can shake a stick at. The subterfuge methods developed from that. Quite a crazy turnaround. It makes me feel... stuck, because I can't talk the way which is natural for me, and the other way is often very awkward because I tend to over-think what I say.
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