Cats love Companion Cubes

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Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by RaustBlackDragon »

The new cat behavior is just incredibly annoying. The only blocks they're currently attracted to are blocks that have utility. I'm thinking there should be a way to bait them onto an aesthetic block, such as a companion cube.

And of course, considering how cats generally behave around "furniture", I'm sure this kind of thing would give FC a field day in his signature style of dark, sadistic humor :)
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by Battosay »

If that's as easy to make as it sounds, I say yes, that sounds fun :)
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by SterlingRed »

I'd be pleased with this! Cats seated on thrones of the cubed wolves would be cool. Of course I don't want it to take away from time spent on the April 10th release.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by orangeweaver »

Word. I'd approve of my cat sitting down on many a companion cube in my rooms rather than chests.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by Adalah217 »

As long as the cats still ward off creepers while seated on their thrones, I'd want this.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by TheAnarchitect »

It'd pretty much cement the "Wolves suck, cats rock" troll. Worth it, in a power the cake/toss the milk sense.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by SgtChuckle »

Also, you could make a little path to guide your cat through by pushing companion cubes in and out of walls. You can already do this with furnaces and chests, but it'd be so much more satisfying to do it with the remains of by bovine (Edit: bovine? WTF! canine I mean) nemises.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by FlowerChild »

Yeah, I like it. Will check how much of a base-class mod it requires though, as I'm still trying to avoid those as much as I can in anticipation of the mod API being released.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by walker_boh_65 »

I gotta say I love this! :) Fingers crossed for FC.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by FlowerChild »

walker_boh_65 wrote:I gotta say I love this! :) Fingers crossed for FC.
Well, it's on the border-line. Right now most of the new base-class modifications I am making are contingent on the following questions

"Is this something that will likely be included in the API?"

"Is this something that will increase the amount of time it takes me to maintain the mod significantly, and does what it provides justify that work?" (each base-class mod increases the amount of time it takes me to perform version updates)

"Is it ok if this feature is removed from the mod at a later date?"

In this case, we're looking at "no", "maybe" and "maybe".

It's entirely possible that when the mod-API comes out, I may have to drop a number of base-class modifications entirely if I can't get hooks for them put into the game. In some cases, I consider functionality common enough to all mods (say for example custom bow-firing animation support), that I'm fairly certain that hooks will be provided with time.

However, for something like this (custom blocks for cats to sit on), there's no way I can see that becoming an API hook due to how special-case it is. I wouldn't even feel right asking for it to be a hook. So, it becomes a matter of whether I think it will adversely affect people's worlds if it stops working at some point because I have to rip it out of the mod, and how much time it adds to maintenance based on the invasiveness of the base-class mods required.

Obviously, this isn't a feature that provides a huge benefit to players, it's just something that is kinda cool, so the work involved would have to be very low indeed for me to consider it, and I'd have to be convinced it could be dropped at a later date without adversely affecting people.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by RaustBlackDragon »

I think you're misconstruing the code setup. All this would require is that you add the companion cube to the EntityAIOcelotSit class where it says chest, bed, and furnace.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by FlowerChild »

RaustBlackDragon wrote:I think you're misconstruing the code setup. All this would require is that you add the companion cube to the EntityAIOcelotSit class where it says chest, bed, and furnace.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by RaustBlackDragon »

FlowerChild wrote:
...I'm sorry, I don't understand. Did I say something rude? I didn't mean it like that, it just sounded like you thought that cat attraction was similar to the torches on cover plates thing, involving multiple base class edits and weighing down updates, when unless I'm quite mistaken, it looks like one of the cat's AI scripts searches for nearby beds, closed chests, and lit furnaces, and sits on one, which means that, again, unless I'm mistaken about the nature of the code, this would be just a line or two, and not the kind of edit you (rightly, in my honest opinion) tend to avoid.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by Urian »

I'd say it's a case of FC not liking people telling him how to code something. People (most often) mean well and only wants to help but he prefers to do it on his own.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by RaustBlackDragon »

Urian wrote:I'd say it's a case of FC not liking people telling him how to code something. People (most often) mean well and only wants to help but he prefers to do it on his own.
Oh, that I can totally understand, and that wasn't my intention. Sorry about that FC.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by Sarudak »

It's also a matter of cost/benefit. I'm sure he already knows what you just said. Therefore he knows the cost is small. But the benefit in this case is trivial and is one more thing for him to maintain in the mod.

Now the torch thing was a significantly bigger feature than this with far more value and could have easily warranted a single minor base class edit. But in that case he decided the cost (many invasive base class edits) was too much for a relatively small (though valuable) feature.

But yeah. Flowerchild doesn't want ANY coding advice. He's said it many times before and he doesn't react well to it. From anyone.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by OneTripleZero »

No need for that either.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by Ribky »

Back on topic... I like the idea. I know that my cat chooses my couch over my stove and my chest (dresser...) every time. And while my dog was still around, he chose the dog over the couch. Truly, what is a companion cube but a couch made of dog (wolf...)?
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by OneTripleZero »

Battosay wrote:No need for that either.
Whoo hoo! Censorship too! Man, this place rocks. Way to community-build guys, you really go the extra mile to make people feel welcome. Don't bother banning me, I won't be back.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by Zhil »

OneTripleZero wrote:
Battosay wrote:No need for that either.
Whoo hoo! Censorship too! Man, this place rocks. Way to community-build guys, you really go the extra mile to make people feel welcome. Don't bother banning me, I won't be back.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by Urian »

OneTripleZero wrote: Don't bother banning me, I won't be back.
Oh it's not a problem, we're happy to help out in that regard! :)
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by FlowerChild »

Urian wrote: Oh it's not a problem, we're happy to help out in that regard! :)
That's the spirit :)

Glad you guys were on top of things while I took the evening to play a little Dwarf Fortress ;)
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by TaterBoy »

This goes with the spirit of fixing the annoying cat behavior, and it's something that already exists with another animal...Would it be feasible to implement sheep-like behavior so that smearing dung on a cat would drive it away from where it is sitting? It'd be fun/funny to see cat's fleeing from dog doo would it not? (now I am a cat person and would never do this to my kitties, but in a way it makes sense.)
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by Kazuya Mishima »

This might be somewhat late but what about "overfeeding" cats and making them morbidly obese and unable to move up 1m( essentially limiting them from jumping up blocks like an infant animal). I'm not sure how technically feasible this would be.
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Re: Cats love Companion Cubes

Post by DaveYanakov »

TaterBoy wrote:This goes with the spirit of fixing the annoying cat behavior, and it's something that already exists with another animal...Would it be feasible to implement sheep-like behavior so that smearing dung on a cat would drive it away from where it is sitting? It'd be fun/funny to see cat's fleeing from dog doo would it not? (now I am a cat person and would never do this to my kitties, but in a way it makes sense.)
This would require adding to the cat code a way for them to remember where they have been. It would require a new file for every cat who lives in your world in addition to being a lot of coding for very little effect. The whole reason cats are acceptable is because the pet code was already in place so there was little effort spent on them outside of art assets.

Throwing poop at cats would also run completely counter to the 'cats rule, dogs should be locked in pitch dark, flooded basements and force fed the meat that humans don't want to eat' aesthetic of the mod.
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