Why Flowerchild hates wolves

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Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by Mattaccount »

Back in the MFC there where several 'explanations' given to why Flower hated wolves, these usually came up when the wolfaboos got too annoying and we got frustrated with saying "he doesn't hate them there are just better things to focus on". I don't remember all of them so I'm posting this topic to see #1 if any of the old guard remember the stories and #2 to try to bring these stories back into the collective conscience of the fanbase.

The only one I remember entirely is that wolves ate Flower's family it ended up kinda elaborate talking about how he was the only survivor of a viscous wolf attack in the back woods summer cabin that they owned.

Anyway I turn this over to the rest of the forum to see what you all come up with.
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by FlowerChild »

Such painful memories...

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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by Magmarashi »

All MCF posters are Wolves.

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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by joetalbot1 »

FC is allergic to them.
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by sargunv »

Found one:
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/253 ... p__5857425
holey Shit what did those dogs ever do to you!?! on a lighter note Epic Mod!
Its not what wolves have done to him.... He just has history with them.

It all started when he was working as a Biological Research Scientist many years ago, researching advanced techniques in combating the rapid growth of Cancers.
Using enough animals to make Noah blush, he and his colleagues were looking for ways to use animal DNA and genes there in to fight the worlds biggest Human killer. It was all going swimmingly with varied degrees of success using in-particularly a compound made from genes found in wolf DNA. With a 60% success rate in curing cancer in rats and other small rodents things were looking up. That was until his colleague, and best friend Adam was diagnosed with Bowl Cancer. After 6 months of tests and conventional treatments Adam was given the news that the Cancer and inoperable and would not respond to further normal treatments.

Stricken with grief and a strong sense of self preservation Adam did the only thing he could: He injected himself with the Wolf Gene compound known as W.89WUFF.

As this was the first time a Human had been used as a test subject for W.89 he was observed every minute of the day for 3 months. In which time his cancer receded and completely vanished. Overjoyed that his last ditch effort in survival was a success, W.89 was rushed into human trials. But not everything was as it seemed. Unbeknown to FlowerChild and the other scientists, Adam had been keeping things from them about his “Cure”. Things such as increased hearing, night vision and sense of smell. It was only after he started growing large masses of dark grey hair on his arms and back that he finally approached the company to report the “unexpected side-effects” of this miracle cure.

Over the next week the speed of the transformation increased dramatically, after 6 days Adam had canine teeth and could no longer speak in a Human voice, only growl and snarl at his once fellow workmates. It was only after Adam attacked and wounded a colleague did the company, and Flowerchild, realise that he was losing his Humanity and with it his sanity. Instead of observing Adam any longer and prolonging his suffering, as the tranformation was far from painless, it was the decision of the Company to end his life before he truly became an animal.

They say Flowerchild even ruffled his fur behind the ears and said he was a good boy, before he inserted the needle and “Put Down” his best friend.

He's never thought much of Wolves since then.
And another one:
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/253 ... p__5751924
When I was just a wee lad, a pack of wolves moved in next door. They kept us up all night with their loud music, revving engines, and crazed orgies. We could do nothing about it, as we knew that if we said anything to the authorities, we'd dissapear without a trace.

Just when my family thought they couldn't handle it anymore, one night the pack got into a crazed drug-fueled fire fight with a pack of hyenas that turned into a total blood bath.

When the smoke cleared, amongst the dead could be counted my baby sister who was killed by a stray-shot.

True story.
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by SPACEDUDE360000 »

sargunster wrote:Found one:
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/253 ... p__5857425
holey Shit what did those dogs ever do to you!?! on a lighter note Epic Mod!
Its not what wolves have done to him.... He just has history with them.

It all started when he was working as a Biological Research Scientist many years ago, researching advanced techniques in combating the rapid growth of Cancers.
Using enough animals to make Noah blush, he and his colleagues were looking for ways to use animal DNA and genes there in to fight the worlds biggest Human killer. It was all going swimmingly with varied degrees of success using in-particularly a compound made from genes found in wolf DNA. With a 60% success rate in curing cancer in rats and other small rodents things were looking up. That was until his colleague, and best friend Adam was diagnosed with Bowl Cancer. After 6 months of tests and conventional treatments Adam was given the news that the Cancer and inoperable and would not respond to further normal treatments.

Stricken with grief and a strong sense of self preservation Adam did the only thing he could: He injected himself with the Wolf Gene compound known as W.89WUFF.

As this was the first time a Human had been used as a test subject for W.89 he was observed every minute of the day for 3 months. In which time his cancer receded and completely vanished. Overjoyed that his last ditch effort in survival was a success, W.89 was rushed into human trials. But not everything was as it seemed. Unbeknown to FlowerChild and the other scientists, Adam had been keeping things from them about his “Cure”. Things such as increased hearing, night vision and sense of smell. It was only after he started growing large masses of dark grey hair on his arms and back that he finally approached the company to report the “unexpected side-effects” of this miracle cure.

Over the next week the speed of the transformation increased dramatically, after 6 days Adam had canine teeth and could no longer speak in a Human voice, only growl and snarl at his once fellow workmates. It was only after Adam attacked and wounded a colleague did the company, and Flowerchild, realise that he was losing his Humanity and with it his sanity. Instead of observing Adam any longer and prolonging his suffering, as the tranformation was far from painless, it was the decision of the Company to end his life before he truly became an animal.

They say Flowerchild even ruffled his fur behind the ears and said he was a good boy, before he inserted the needle and “Put Down” his best friend.

He's never thought much of Wolves since then.
And another one:
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/253 ... p__5751924
When I was just a wee lad, a pack of wolves moved in next door. They kept us up all night with their loud music, revving engines, and crazed orgies. We could do nothing about it, as we knew that if we said anything to the authorities, we'd dissapear without a trace.

Just when my family thought they couldn't handle it anymore, one night the pack got into a crazed drug-fueled fire fight with a pack of hyenas that turned into a total blood bath.

When the smoke cleared, amongst the dead could be counted my baby sister who was killed by a stray-shot.

True story.
Those links seem to be going somewhere else, but epic stories! I loved the first one!
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by Fracture »

Its not what wolves have done to him.... He just has history with them.

It all started when he was working as a Biological Research Scientist many years ago, researching advanced techniques in combating the rapid growth of Cancers.
Using enough animals to make Noah blush, he and his colleagues were looking for ways to use animal DNA and genes there in to fight the worlds biggest Human killer. It was all going swimmingly with varied degrees of success using in-particularly a compound made from genes found in wolf DNA. With a 60% success rate in curing cancer in rats and other small rodents things were looking up. That was until his colleague, and best friend Adam was diagnosed with Bowl Cancer. After 6 months of tests and conventional treatments Adam was given the news that the Cancer and inoperable and would not respond to further normal treatments.

Stricken with grief and a strong sense of self preservation Adam did the only thing he could: He injected himself with the Wolf Gene compound known as W.89WUFF.

As this was the first time a Human had been used as a test subject for W.89 he was observed every minute of the day for 3 months. In which time his cancer receded and completely vanished. Overjoyed that his last ditch effort in survival was a success, W.89 was rushed into human trials. But not everything was as it seemed. Unbeknown to FlowerChild and the other scientists, Adam had been keeping things from them about his “Cure”. Things such as increased hearing, night vision and sense of smell. It was only after he started growing large masses of dark grey hair on his arms and back that he finally approached the company to report the “unexpected side-effects” of this miracle cure.

Over the next week the speed of the transformation increased dramatically, after 6 days Adam had canine teeth and could no longer speak in a Human voice, only growl and snarl at his once fellow workmates. It was only after Adam attacked and wounded a colleague did the company, and Flowerchild, realise that he was losing his Humanity and with it his sanity. Instead of observing Adam any longer and prolonging his suffering, as the tranformation was far from painless, it was the decision of the Company to end his life before he truly became an animal.

They say Flowerchild even ruffled his fur behind the ears and said he was a good boy, before he inserted the needle and “Put Down” his best friend.

He's never thought much of Wolves since then.

At first all I could think was "NOT BOWL CANCER!!" but then the last line was actually kinda sad.
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by logorouge »

Here's the others:
FlowerChild wrote: When I was just 5 years old, I had to really go wee, so I snuck off to the kindergarten lavatory without asking the supervisor's permission.

It was dark and deserted when I arrived, but swallowing my fear, I timidly approach the urinal and dropped my trousers.

I heard something move behind me but was too frozen in fear to turn to look. Next I fealt hot ragged breath accross my neck and clenched my eyes shut in abject terror.

When it was done I lay curled up in a fetal position on the floor, sobbing and clutching myself with both hands. I finally stole a glance and just saw the fluffy tail slinking out the door.

They found me that way an hour later, crying and bleeding from every orifice of my tiny little body.

True story.
Urian wrote:He doesn't hate dogs, he hate wolves. As to why? Well, it's a rater sad story... You see, when Flower was younger he was in the military. Once upon a time, he and his unit were far behind enemy lines on a scouting mission to locate the possible hideout of a guerrilla unit that had been terrorizing the area. Their guide on this fateful mission was none other than a wolf -but, as you can probably guess by now, that wolf was a traitorous bastard and betrayed them (as wolves are want to do) to the nefarious guerrilla. Flower was the only member of his unit to make it out alive and to this day he still wakes up every night, hearing the screams of his dying companions and the laughter of the wolf. True story.
True stories. :P
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by Kwilt »

There should be a site solely dedicated to coming up with stories like these...

Seriously. I'd have a ball just reading them.

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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by Mintdragon »

KWilt wrote:There should be a site solely dedicated to coming up with stories like these...

Seriously. I'd have a ball just reading them.
+1 I would probable die laughing. :)
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by danielngtiger »

These are great.
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by Brethern »

logorouge wrote:Here's the others:
FlowerChild wrote: When I was just 5 years old, I had to really go wee, so I snuck off to the kindergarten lavatory without asking the supervisor's permission.

It was dark and deserted when I arrived, but swallowing my fear, I timidly approach the urinal and dropped my trousers.

I heard something move behind me but was too frozen in fear to turn to look. Next I fealt hot ragged breath accross my neck and clenched my eyes shut in abject terror.

When it was done I lay curled up in a fetal position on the floor, sobbing and clutching myself with both hands. I finally stole a glance and just saw the fluffy tail slinking out the door.

They found me that way an hour later, crying and bleeding from every orifice of my tiny little body.

True story.
Well that explains the leather bondage gear.
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by Urian »

Brethern wrote:Well that explains the leather bondage gear.
No, no. That is actually more connected to an "incident" which occurred during FC's first year in college. You see, as an eager freshman FC really wanted to enjoy his time at college and decided to join a frat house. Still blue eyed and not yet wise to the ways of the world he did not remember to do a background check on what fraternity he should join and instead went for the one alleged to have the best parties.

Not much is known about what exactly the hazing ritual for the potential pledges includes. There have however been whispered rumors in the darkest and seediest of night clubs, where topics such as "The best candy to offer to young children" and "What brand of eye drops has the most pounce-for-the-ounce" are advertised on neon signs that illuminate the decay of humanity that gathers there and the stench of corrupt minds overpowers even the smell of innocence crushed. These rumors mention the unmentionable horrors that are thrust upon the unsuspecting young minds and forever twist and warp them. The rumors of the blackest of black hell holes. The rumors of the frat house Alpha Lupus Omega.

When FC emerged, the light in his eyes had dimmed, the skip in his step had faltered and the chaps on his legs had lost their bottom.

True story.
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by Mintdragon »

Oooo! Ooo! Can I tell a story? Please? :D
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by FlowerChild »

Urian wrote:When FC emerged, the light in his eyes had dimmed, the skip in his step had faltered and the chaps on his legs had lost their bottom.
A story like that deserves musical accompaniment...

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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by BigShinyToys »

[Not that I have anything against that, but we should keep this forum family-friendly ;)
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by Mintdragon »

The story of why Flowerchild hates wolves is a very sad story. You see, Flowerchild didn't always hate wolves. He used to have a pet wolf of his own. Then one day, it turned on him. Flowerchild was a small boy at the time. He was a good little boy. He loved his parents, did his homework, and took good care of his wolf. Then, one day when he was a teenager, he fell in love. She was slightly younger then him. She had blond hair and big blue eyes. They would spend hours together, enjoying each others company. His wolf got jealous, just as wolves do. It savagely attacked and killed Flowerchild. Flowerchild is now a demonic Nether being, who has vowed to destroy all wolves.
True story.
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by SPACEDUDE360000 »

Mintdragon wrote: The story of why Flowerchild hates wolves is a very sad story. You see, Flowerchild didn't always hate wolves. He used to have a pet wolf of his own. Then one day, it turned on him. Flowerchild was a small boy at the time. He was a good little boy. He loved his parents, did his homework, and took good care of his wolf. Then, one day when he was a teenager, he fell in love. She was slightly younger then him. She had blond hair and big blue eyes. They would spend hours together, enjoying each others company. His wolf got jealous, just as wolves do. It savagely attacked and killed Flowerchild. Flowerchild is now a demonic Nether being, who has vowed to destroy all wolves.
True story.
Hmm... I would have suspected the wolf to kill the girl.
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by logorouge »

SPACEDUDE360000 wrote:Hmm... I would have suspected the wolf to kill the girl.
Ah ah, me too! "And as FlowerChild shed tears of rage and sorrow, he sworn to never forgive wolves for taking away his one true love."
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Re: Why Flowerchild hates wolves

Post by Mintdragon »

logorouge wrote:
SPACEDUDE360000 wrote:Hmm... I would have suspected the wolf to kill the girl.
Ah ah, me too! "And as FlowerChild shed tears of rage and sorrow, he sworn to never forgive wolves for taking away his one true love."
Hey I like that!^^
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