New Release! (BTW V4.61)

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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.61)

Post by SterlingRed »

Comment further time! I haven't experienced hch early game yet, I'll take my time in my next re spawn to do that. But from the perspective of the middle ish gameplay era, you've brought fear back into Minecraft. I'm afraid of mobs now. My health regens slower and I can't fight as effectively on my last hit point as on my first. I found myself deep into an abandoned mineshaft system last night cautiously creeping around corners and taking my time rushing into unlit areas. I was on hyper alert and paid so much attention to not taking too much damage, I didn't notice my food supply dwindling. Now I have a few stews left, but I'm still in the mine system and the riches are calling my name. Amazing how now you've made me have to really weigh the risk of running low on food as I can't just feed off zombies and limp my way out.

I love it. Its made me have to think and make decisions like I didn't have to before. Thanks man!
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.61)

Post by Sage »

I just wanted to drop in and say thanks for this release! Hardcore hunger is a bit rough at the beginning, but it makes the game a lot more enjoyable. Actually I'm playing with a friend (and total newbie to MC) on a LAN game, and while she was "adapted" to every hardcore change before that (they feel natural to a player who hasn't ever played vanilla), she initially pussied out, but then it has pushed her to build "a restaurant". So I would say mission accomplished here, FC :)

As for me, HH has given a nice nightmarish nether fortress experience (love the blindness effect), and I was really motivated to make a brewing stand and steal her melons to make some health potions, for the first time.
FlowerChild wrote:
Serjo44 wrote:today i was banned on ip for reason: <dances>
what i have do wrong?
Whatever it just did it again.
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.61)

Post by Moldiworp2 »

Better Than Wolves: Encouraging you to grab your friend's melons.

These HCH changes have forced me back to the days where night falling also meant fear setting in. And seriously, eating huge quantities of rotten flesh is no longer rewarding... thank christ, that was the dumbest thing ever.
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.61)

Post by Ribky »


I have not feared the night like this in a very, very long time. What a horrible night to have a curse :P
The spice must flow...

[03:28] <Detritus_> Weird, I'm still logged in her
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.61)

Post by FlowerChild »

Hehe...I'm admittedly getting a bit of a chuckle out of the impact this has had on night time for many people, considering there were some complaints when I removed beds that night time wasn't a sufficient challenge to not allow people to skip it.

I don't think Hardcore Hunger was how anyone expected me to address that ;)
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.61)

Post by Tekei »

FlowerChild wrote:Hehe...I'm admittedly getting a bit of a chuckle out of the impact this has had on night time for many people, considering there were some complaints when I removed beds that night time wasn't a sufficient challenge to not allow people to skip it.

I don't think Hardcore Hunger was how anyone expected me to address that ;)
Haha, indeed!
I've had some very frustrating experiences with HCH today. Frustrating as in I got myself into situations that I was never prepared for, and that killed me multiple times, and together with Hardcore Spawn got me into new threatening situations right away. (I still haven't found my way back to my old base, lol).
I say this in a very positive way. I haven't had a non-competitive gaming experience this powerful in a very long while. Thank you!
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.61)

Post by jecowa »

FlowerChild wrote:Note: There was an error in the previous change log that specified mushrooms as part of the recipe for Kebabs. The actual recipe is mutton, carrots, potatoes, and a stick, with no mushrooms involved.
As of 4.62, the shapeless recipe for raw kebob is raw mutton, raw carrot, new brown mushroom, and stick. Was the recipe intended to include raw potato instead?
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.61)

Post by Elevatator »

How about reading the 4.62 patch log, where it changed?
-Changed the Kebab to use brown mushrooms instead of potatoes in its recipe. It is now made with brown mushrooms, carrots, and mutton, combined with a stick in the crafting grid.

It is intended as a middle-game food source for people that find carrots but not potatoes (much like Steak and Potatoes operates for potatoes).
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.61)

Post by jecowa »

Elevatator wrote:How about reading the 4.62 patch log, where it changed?
-Changed the Kebab to use brown mushrooms instead of potatoes in its recipe. It is now made with brown mushrooms, carrots, and mutton, combined with a stick in the crafting grid.

It is intended as a middle-game food source for people that find carrots but not potatoes (much like Steak and Potatoes operates for potatoes).
Sorry, I thought I searched there first, but it turned out I was actually in the "4.62 Balance Observations & Discussion" thread. Thanks for the help.
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