Home - the starting experience.

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Home - the starting experience.

Post by SterlingRed »

However it happens, home will arrive eventually and will be a new world/dimension with FCs rules.

Starting a new minecraft world we all know what to do, punch trees, get stone, whatever. We learned how to do this through wiki, experience, let's plays, etc.
Well maybe home will start the same, maybe it won't, but one thing we can count on is eventually it will be different than a vanilla start experience.
I'm posting this to say, I want to truly experience the home world spoiler free. I don't want release notes detailing the terrain generation and starting mechanics. I want to wake up morning with a new mod/version of btw and the change log says *created home. Good luck.
I want to figure out how to play the beginning again on my own, I want to punch a tree and suddenly find out it hits back, I want to find myself frozen to death, stung by seemingly innocent bees, splattered by exploding ore, mutilated by a some unimaginable beast because I rushed into his cave with a wooden sword. I'm not asking for those things in the mod, just describing how I want to learn about the new world. I want to learn the hard way and discover the place like discovering minecraft for the first time.

So what I'm asking I guess is, can there be no change log when this comes out? I want it to entirely be a surprise!

As players how do you want your start experience to feel? Like you're returning to something familiar? Entirely different and dangerous? Knowledge handed to you so know what's coming in advance? Remember no suggestions.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by FlowerChild »

Oh, as is my usual form, I'll be providing no info whatsoever man :)

My intention is to release it pretty much as you describe and allow players to experience the new world entirely on their own. Some of my fondest memories of MC are first starting to play and having no idea how anything worked. It was a big part of the fear involved in those first few nights.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by SterlingRed »

Awesome! I'm probably more excited for the unknown that comes with a new world with unfamiliar mechanics than I am about anything else this brings. As weird as it may be, I want the noob experience of minecraft again. It was quite fun figuring it all out.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Sarudak »

I'm really looking forward to the noob experience again too. No wiki. No foreknowledge. Nothing. Familiar and yet totally different.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by SterlingRed »

Sarudak wrote:I'm really looking forward to the noob experience again too. No wiki. No foreknowledge. Nothing. Familiar and yet totally different.
And yet you appear to love spoilers haha.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Sarudak »

SterlingRed wrote:And yet you appear to love spoilers haha.
Appearances are decieving. Most people appear to enjoy quickly become god-like powerful in games but in truth don't.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by FlowerChild »

SterlingRed wrote:Awesome! I'm probably more excited for the unknown that comes with a new world with unfamiliar mechanics than I am about anything else this brings. As weird as it may be, I want the noob experience of minecraft again. It was quite fun figuring it all out.
Well, one of my primary goals in developing Home is to extend that noob experience significantly, so hopefully you won't be disappointed :)
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Elevatator »

Oh f*ck.
I still remember that the first lightsource I crafted was a redstone torch...
It was very dark in the caves until I found normal torches.
And I had about 32 red torches desperately placed around my bed, to avoid mob spawn at night, wich of course, didn´t worked. (Bed was too near to wall :p)
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Sarudak »

The experience I really hope to see is the survival one. I want to feel tiny and insignificant at the start. I want to struggle to survive and always be on the edge of starvation and death. I want to fear the world. I want to see certain places or creatures in the world and think "No I can't go there... Yet..."

I want to feel accomplishment when I can finally mine stone. And when i can finally smelt iron. I want mastery of the world to be an award won through blood, sweat and tears not a given outcome.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Mason11987 »

(Not questions seeking answers from FC here).

I'm wondering just how different are we talking. As a minecraft mod I presume there will be an infinite changeable world made up of cubes. There will be items you can pick up and tools you can use or wear. But... I could see the real similarities ending there. Maybe he'll tweak the world height, maybe the entire world will be underground, maybe it'll be flying islands? I bet there'll be liquids and stuff that grows, and almost certainly things that want you to be dead. But will there be a day night cycle? Will mobs "spawn" as they do now, or even spawn at all? Will blocks float in the air without support? I doubt we'll show up in a world with grass and trees around us, but what else could it be? Will the player move the same? How will multiplayer work in this? Will there be other "Steve's" at home or are we all alone there too? What about inventory? Presumably we will acquire and store things. But what about food (or other necessities like drink, warmth, sleep?) Steve seems like
he needs to eat today.

Can't wait to see what happens, I'm sure it'll be cool no matter what :).
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Ethinolicbob »

I can't wait to get the noob experience again.
Don't get me wrong, as I love having a wiki and lets plays to fill the gaps in my knowledge.
But the chance to get thrown into a world, where the only rule i know is that things are blocks, and get that whole adrenalin rush of figuring out things out and not knowing what to expect and this time hopefully getting the chance to do that with one of my oldest and dearest friends with multiplayer. Priceless...
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Wafflewaffle »

Im going to blow up so many times! It will be fun! Being a noob is awesome cuz there is always someting to learn.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by thygrrr »

Sarudak wrote:The experience I really hope to see is the survival one. I want to feel tiny and insignificant at the start. I want to struggle to survive and always be on the edge of starvation and death. I want to fear the world. I want to see certain places or creatures in the world and think "No I can't go there... Yet..."

I want to feel accomplishment when I can finally mine stone. And when i can finally smelt iron. I want mastery of the world to be an award won through blood, sweat and tears not a given outcome.
Seconded. In fact, I think survival quickly becomes a secondary consideration when you managed to get some Wheat up and dug a hole more than 3 blocks deep. You hardly have any risk after the first couple of ours, barring your own stupidity, or greed. The quest for Blaze Rods is what currently takes my breath away (I find the Nether deeply disturbing and the enemies are pretty hard on hard), and in normal Minecraft I couldn't care less for Blaze Rods.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Thordan Ssoa »

SterlingRed wrote:I want to punch a tree and suddenly find out it hits back, I want to find myself frozen to death, stung by seemingly innocent bees, splattered by exploding ore, mutilated by a some unimaginable beast because I rushed into his cave with a wooden sword.
Well if that's the experience you're looking for, might I suggest dwarf fortress? You'll certainly have plenty of Fun.
Mason11987 wrote:I'm wondering just how different are we talking.
I'm fairly certain the day/night cycle and current mob spawning mechanics will stay, though possibly slightly modified, you can also expect systems much like redstone and mechanical power. In fact, from some of the hints FC has dropped I'd expect a number of expansions to these systems or more systems like them, or maybe even both. In the end the basic gameplay will still be Minecraft, just as it is now, but the environment will be vastly different.

However, more on topic here, I've personally never had that experience of "What do I do?" in MC, or even BtW. Even from the first days I played I was all over the MC wiki, and with BtW it's been the same. Heck, the first thing I look for when there's a new release is the spoiler thread. I'm somewhat excited for Home, and for once I might not go and check them right away. New experiences all around I suppose.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by FlowerChild »

Thordan Ssoa wrote:I'm fairly certain the day/night cycle and current mob spawning mechanics will stay, though possibly slightly modified, you can also expect systems much like redstone and mechanical power.
Actually, I will give a bit of info on the redstone/mech power aspect, because I think it represents a good example of some of my goals in this, and some of the advantages of me doing it.

You guys may have heard me mention before how I wished there was a clear separation between redstone being signal and mech power representing actual power. This has always been my internal concept of what redstone is, and what mech power is, but it's one that Mojang obviously doesn't share.

One of the advantages that "starting fresh" like this presents me with is the ability to make that kind of thing a reality, which ultimately will result in a more cohesive play experience where every aspect of the mod/game interrelates properly to every other and we don't have that kind of blurry design overlap between different systems. If you want to move something, you do so mechanically. If you want to control when that happens, you use redstone (or whatever redstone becomes because from a technical standpoint, it has many performance hogging aspects to it that I'd like to address as part of this so that circuits aren't a major lag generator in SMP).

Overall, this allows me to create both better integrated systems, and a much better tech-progression as we no longer have this rather lame vanilla "tech tree" sitting at the entry point of all of it.

Anyways, my point being that you guys have all heard me say many *many* times how much I wished vanilla worked a certain way in the past. Well now...all that can become a reality, free of breaking people's existing builds and free of people's expectations of what BTW is "supposed" to be. What we can get is the game that me, and many others like me, always wished MC would become.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Detritus »

SterlingRed wrote:However it happens, home will arrive eventually and will be a new world/dimension with FCs rules.

Starting a new minecraft world we all know what to do, punch trees, get stone, whatever. We learned how to do this through wiki, experience, let's plays, etc.
Well maybe home will start the same, maybe it won't, but one thing we can count on is eventually it will be different than a vanilla start experience.
I'm posting this to say, I want to truly experience the home world spoiler free. I don't want release notes detailing the terrain generation and starting mechanics. I want to wake up morning with a new mod/version of btw and the change log says *created home. Good luck.
I want to figure out how to play the beginning again on my own, I want to punch a tree and suddenly find out it hits back, I want to find myself frozen to death, stung by seemingly innocent bees, splattered by exploding ore, mutilated by a some unimaginable beast because I rushed into his cave with a wooden sword. I'm not asking for those things in the mod, just describing how I want to learn about the new world. I want to learn the hard way and discover the place like discovering minecraft for the first time.

So what I'm asking I guess is, can there be no change log when this comes out? I want it to entirely be a surprise!

As players how do you want your start experience to feel? Like you're returning to something familiar? Entirely different and dangerous? Knowledge handed to you so know what's coming in advance? Remember no suggestions.
I agree 100%.
Also, I kinda wish that there might be some sought of integrated way to work out what the hell you're supposed to do, that fits with the immersion of the game. Maybe a book or something, left behind by the residents of home. Or something.

Also, to FC's most recent post, sounds very very exciting. Mojang really don't seem to always understand what aspects of their game do, or are meant to do.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Jeet »

FlowerChild wrote:Anyways, my point being that you guys have all heard me say many *many* times how much I wished vanilla worked a certain way in the past. Well now...all that can become a reality, free of breaking people's existing builds and free of people's expectations of what BTW is "supposed" to be. What we can get is the game that me, and many others like me, always wished MC would become.
Somehow I feel like Neo when Morpheus is telling him to let it all go. Free your mind!

It'll be hard imagine, but I can't wait to have that Christmas morning feeling again and log into a world where everything is new and fresh.

Beer money incoming this weekend FC, keep up the good work!

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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Bazgracz »

Hm, I'm new to BTW. Of course first thing is to look for tutorials. But I didn't read too much spoilers. Only first hings like hemps and so. I don't really know what to do and look out for. There are quadrillions combinations what to do next. It's really so bad to look into tutorials? It's like trying to play chess in complete dark and without being told what another person is doing. Finding new uses for old things is another story, but finding absolutely new recipes is impossible. For now I will try to play without tutorials but I didn't installed BTW to play vMC because I can't find anything new.

Also is "Home" going to be like a free mod or stand-alone game? If it was stand-alone game I assume it's going to be free also hum. Maybe it's idiotic to ask this but I will ask anyway. If you can mod so much game and even modify nearly everything so it will be like you want why don't you make your own game? There are a lot of minecraft a like games. But Minecraft isn't original also. I'm just curious.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Mason11987 »

Bazgracz wrote:Hm, I'm new to BTW. Of course first thing is to look for tutorials. But I didn't read too much spoilers. Only first hings like hemps and so. I don't really know what to do and look out for. There are quadrillions combinations what to do next. It's really so bad to look into tutorials? It's like trying to play chess in complete dark and without being told what another person is doing. Finding new uses for old things is another story, but finding absolutely new recipes is impossible. For now I will try to play without tutorials but I didn't installed BTW to play vMC because I can't find anything new.

Also is "Home" going to be like a free mod or stand-alone game? If it was stand-alone game I assume it's going to be free also hum. Maybe it's idiotic to ask this but I will ask anyway. If you can mod so much game and even modify nearly everything so it will be like you want why don't you make your own game? There are a lot of minecraft a like games. But Minecraft isn't original also. I'm just curious.
From other posts by FC Home will likely be a standalone Total Conversion mod for minecraft, free of course.

The idea of him making his own game was discussed elsewhere as well and generally it comes down to not wanting to get bogged down in the boring parts of making a game. Minecraft provides a base where he can create the fun things, and mojang handles the less fun parts. I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually see a game by FC himself though :).

Edit - And tutorials are fine, so are wikis and all. They'll definitely exist when this version comes out. People were just saying that they enjoy the experience of learning by doing and failing, not that others shouldn't be able to ever read a wiki or anything like that.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by odranoel »

honestly im more curious as to how home will be terrain wise. FC has proven again and again that he knows exactly how a tech tree SHOULD be done, so i know the tech tree will be simply awesome (even more so then it is now) but im wondering if home will have diffrent biomes or will it all be the same biome like in the nether, will we also have access to other dimensions from home (like the nether , end, or even some others Fc creates)

since i am very VERY picky with where i choose to build my base in regards to the surround aesthetics of the landscape, this is what most peaks my curiosity. will home be a beautiful but dangerous place? will it have a variety of beautiful and hellish terrain (pretty and hellish biomes) or will it all be as hellish as it is dangerous?

in the over world id always go the extra mile to make sure everything was nice to look at when i go to and leave my base. but in the nether, since everything was always so desolate and "hellish", things were always purely functional and i never spent any amount of time on aesthetics in the nether.

i guess what im saying is that i hope the "home" landscape will be as beautiful as it is dangerous and frightening to wander and explore. and the more beautiful and attractive an area is, the more dangerous and hostile it will be
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by FlowerChild »

Yeah...I made full commercial games for a living for 15 years. It doesn't particularly interest me as I've realized with time it's the *game* that compels me, not the underlying architecture.

I'm perfectly capable of doing it, and have done so time and time again. That doesn't mean I like that aspect of it.
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by jorgebonafe »

All this talk of making BTW a TC in this and in the other thread makes me really looking forward too see what is gonna happen with the mod... This is gonna be good....
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by FlowerChild »

jorgebonafe wrote:All this talk of making BTW a TC in this and in the other thread makes me really looking forward too see what is gonna happen with the mod... This is gonna be good....
Well, I hope so anyways :)

This is obviously also a rather nerve wracking experience for me (in an exciting way mind you). MC is obviously an amazing game and I'm taking the very bold move of redesigning it from the ground up with a belief that I can make it "better".

While I am an extremely confident individual, there's definitely the lingering doubt in the back of my mind that I may fall flat on my face in the attempt :)
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Sarudak »

I believe you can do it. We're always here if you need to bounce some ideas off of someone. :)
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Re: Home - the starting experience.

Post by Bazgracz »

After thinking, what I would like most in mod that makes total-conversion is a scary side. I remember first time when I jumped and shouted when I heard a zombie. Seriously it was freaky. Even now I can be scared when they pop out from nowhere. I would like to see something like enderman but more like herobrine. He doesn't attack you but just look at you, gives creepy sound and when you think he gone, he attacks you. Of course it's concept of monster. Recently I had dream with endermans. When day was it was all good. You can say it's normal and so, but when sun was going down and night was nigh everyone ran to their homes. Why? Because frightening endermans who was teleporting around and stealing blocks. At start enderman was a really nice monster, but then they had to limit their picking up blocks. Why? Continuing, day should be safe and peaceful but night should be nightmare. One should fear night and if you are not prepared enough you shouldn't go outside your little safe house. Even with time when one will have a castle, monsters should be scary and feared. Maybe something to scale power of monsters with level of progress/age of technology of player? So even when player will reach everything it can, game will keep up hard level? At start of MC everything is hard but when you get diamonds, everything is easy even on hard.
Of course I don't mean night to be so difficulty to be so hard that you can't do anything. I'm not masochist but I like hard level and things that are not easy to get. They get then a value. Like a first diamond or a first diamond armour.
That text is my humble opinion. It's not proposition or suggestion. It's just opinion what in my eyes would be nice and how I would create modification if I could. Well I tried to learn Java but oh well :p I don't think I'm created for this. Of course concept of game was great but making it is another story. Heh.
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