Welcome New Members!

A place to talk to other users about the mod.
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Welcome New Members!

Post by Sarudak »

Forum registration has been closed for a while but it's open now. I thought this would be a good place for new forum members to say hi. Don't forget to read the rules! viewtopic.php?f=2&t=20

Say whatever you want but I encourage you to include how long you've been playing and why you care enough about a mod to join a forum. :)
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by GreenKnight »

As per the rules I'm writing here to meet the quota of having to post once after registering.

I've been playing the mod on and off for many years (can't pinpoint exactly when, but around the early versions of 4.number) and it's been long overdue for me to finally register. I've missed at least 2 or 3 other rounds for being distracted and, at the time, not actively looking after the mod. However I've always enjoyed the community and I always find myself coming back to the game every few months or at the very least a few days every major update. A few of you may know me from the Discord server using the same handle, I joined sometime around when the last registrations closed. You guys are amazing, by the way.

I love projects of passion like this, I feel like it's taught me a lot of good values in life and kept me entertained for much more than other games ever had. I think BTW deserves to be enjoyed more.

I can't see myself posting frequently at all, but I can't find a better reason to want to join the forums.

Pleased to make your acquaintance, all.
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by IssaMe »

Hey registration is finally open! I've been following this mod for a couple of years now (I *think* since Version 4.A Dingo?) and I love the progression and design of it. Admittedly I have not been able to progress very far up the tech tree, but perhaps one day I'll get there ;)
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by bengarrr »

Hello. I have been lurking the BTW discord for a couple months. I used to play BTW back in like 2012? or something and just started getting back into it and damn has it changed. Me and my brother through up a server a couple weeks back and we having a blast, died a bunch of times, we call it the dark souls of minecraft. That's about it ok don't delete me.
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by xXParagoNXx »

Been playing this absolutely wonderful mod since around 2012 or so (quite a coincidence with bengarrr), with pretty regular use of this wiki over the years.
Never got around to creating an account even when it was available since I've seen plenty of people get banned for pretty harmless stuff, but I'd like to help on some incomplete pages in the future if possible.

All in all, I've always wanted to say thank you FC for creating my favorite mod! (and the hundreds of hours of extreme pain and joy that it gave me).
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by FlowerChild »

xXParagoNXx wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:06 pm Never got around to creating an account even when it was available since I've seen plenty of people get banned for pretty harmless stuff
Passive aggressively complaining about the forums by way of joining the forums is not exactly getting things off to a good start. Please keep in mind the forum rules are still in place and this is intended as a polite venue for people to discuss the mod. If you do not understand the forum rules or why people were banned in the past it is perhaps best to refrain from posting here.
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by EpicAaron »

GreenKnight wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:46 pm Pleased to make your acquaintance, all.
Great to see you on the forum GreenKnight :D

Playing with you on that server was one of the things that got me hooked on AAAHHH. I can't even remember the name of that server... Everyone died though besides us at spawn.
BTW Community Server Discord: https://discord.gg/arZpuYW
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by magikeh »

xXParagoNXx wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:06 pm -snippy-
but I'd like to help on some incomplete pages in the future if possible.
Feel free to join our Discord where we chat about the wiki, changes and how we'd like to move it forward :) https://discord.gg/4HSbtZcn
More eyes on pages is always a welcome addition! ^-^
Magical Shit
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MagikEh: ...
MagikEh: >.>
MagikEh: <.<
»» MagikEh walks to the bathroom
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MagikEh: xD
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by yany »

Hi all!

Long time player coming in to the forums over here. If any of you have memories of the username Zseton, that was also me. I've been lurking here and over on the Discord for quite a few years now. Not lurking enough apparently, I completely missed all the opening up in the past month, and only noticed it thanks to the ping on Discord.

I guess this thread is the best excuse I'll ever have to share some old BTW memories.

My oldest BTW save file I could find now is from early 2012, I first played around that time. Can't believe it was 9 years ago already. I still remember the first time I saw a screenchot of a water wheel. I remember thinking how this must be just another gimmicky mod adding round things to Minecraft to look unique. That's probably the least accurate first impression I've ever had. I tried the mod anyway though. I don't think I would've had nearly enough patience for the current mod back then. I got frustrated and quit because I couldn't figure out setting up bellows, I think.
I even managed to load that world up to take a screenshot. Key points are the manually operated bellows, the portal I made using lava buckets, and the gear box directly blocking the door to my house, because why not.
I checked back every now and then, just to find the mod ever less welcoming to my noob self. The first time I hardcore spawned (after dying on day 1 of course) I thought I'd never play again. But the challenge of the mod eventually got to me, and I came back. On version 4.A1 I managed to set up a hemp farm with some chickens. Since then, I've never really stopped playing for more than a few months at a time. On 4.A2, I managed to get all the way to the end, and even made some soulforged steel. I'm still trying to figure out the game post AAAHHHH, but I'm slowly getting there. I did get a crucible and some wheat before the animageddon update, but that was multiplayer, and a really lucky seed with a surface level zombie spawner for bait.

Anyway, I'm happy to see the rules loosen up a bit around here. I've had a couple ideas over the years about what I would change about BTW if I could. I kept them to myself for obvious reasons, but maybe I'll get around to implementing some of them with the new license.

Also, thank you FlowerChild for creating this game. It definitely did help me get through some bad times.
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by Paradoxical »

Hello, I’m Paradoxical.

I’ve know the mod for about 2 or so years and my first version was Version 4.B0000001.

I was looking for a more difficult experience with the game, so I eventually stumbled upon BWM. I think I made it to about post crucible before I got curious about this Better with Wolves mod it was based off and found I preferred this version as it was far more polished. It was far tougher with the AAAAAAAAAAHHHH additions but it was much better balanced and felt more rewarding to play.

So far I’ve played around with the mod for around 720h and made it right up to the point where I’m ready to travel and find villages to conquer and temples to raid. Sometimes I get overly frustrated with the difficulty of the mod, yet I always find myself coming back to try it "one more time" in a month or two. It has taught me valuable lessons like being patient, balancing my risk taking and how to find better ways to approach problems. It has also challenged me with a plethora of engineering problems which no “right” answer and tangible results to my game world. Building automated machines for things was one of my favorite experiences in VMC and BTW provided just that. Overall, it seems like a better version of vanilla, it does not feel as out of place or contradictory to the game design as most mods I've played and feels like its genuinely part of the game.

So much so that at this point I’m having a lot of trouble playing vanilla as the hunger system with its saturation thing and how regeneration is set up kills me internally, shields feel like they break the game by making nearly all damage avoidable, its frustrating that I can’t automate a lot of things and those things that can be automated are done in a weird way. Killing the dragon feels meritless and unfulfilling. Sure, 1.13 to 1.17 added a plethora of colorful additions that made the game more interesting some of which I really like, but the game feels like its leaning more into triple A territory having lost that original indie voxel game feel and I can’t run it well on my laptop anymore.

Thank you FlowerChild for all the years of content and your unwavering dedication to this project! In the short time I have know it, it has not only provided a wonderful experience but made a difference in how I see video games as a medium. I hope that taking a break will help you recover from the strain of creating and maintain such a ambitious and wonderful mod. Thanks for your dedication!
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by Benaaaasaaas »

Hello, I'm Benaaasaaas been playing since the hardcore buckets.

I've found this mod through CilantroGamer when he was playing it on stream and since I'm pretty into survival games I immediately got in.

Furthest I've progressed is 4th level priest and generally I play this game for a couple of months every year before burning out.
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by mortaljoe »

Hi, I'm mortaljoe. I've also been playing since about buckets. My wife and I have loved playing this together these past years, and we've never reached the End, always restarting. No question, my favorite game.

There have been a lot of scary changes, but I think the temporary torches was the most terrifying. That was such an interesting thing to figure out, how to adapt and rethink all living space. There was a point where I had gotten into the nether and made maybe 20 torches before nothing to worry about surprised me & I lost portal and pick. Rationing that permanent light is one of my fondest game memories.

Thanks, FlowerChild, for your careful & clever design!
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Hello people o/

Post by Sacra »

Just posting here to say hi and say BIG thnks for FC for frickin amazing thing that is BTW. Been playing on and off for some time now and lurking forums for tips.Cool mod and really enjoying the suffering and pain :) Hello again everyone i hope you will have a nice day o/
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by skyewarper »

Hey, long time fan, been a part of the discord community for a few months, glad to finally again get the ability to be a part of the forum. Probably false memories, but I feel like I joined it beyond long time ago. Played since somewhere near the beginning, been more focused when Block Detectors and everything were added, when you could still choose preferences like HC spawn and stuff, but actually glad it's been made less of a choice. Made me really appreciate the difficulty.
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by Enanus »

Hello, I've been playing the mod for like a year and loving it.
This mod got me hooked mainly because it feels like it really uses the potential that the idea of minecraft had to the fullest, to the point where I haven't touched my poor vanilla world since I started playing.
I just would like to say thank you to everyone that has helped on the creation of this mod, it's like a dream come true (although a very masochistic dream indeed).
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Re: Welcome New Members!

Post by SpiderString_ »

Sorry to bump a post from back in February, but I've been pretty busy and haven't been doing much with MC.
I've been playing BTW I'm fairly certain shortly after it was updated to 1.2.5, so back in 2012 sometime. I have been playing off and on ever since. Honestly, BTW is how I think of Minecraft and how it should be, and the way BTW has been developed has lead to it being pretty much the only thing that provides a truly engaging experience in MC so that I keep coming back to it no matter how long it's been since I've played.
I can't think of much, if anything, I don't like about BTW, but what I particularly enjoy is designing machinery later in the game to automate tasks. That, and the early game when you have to actually use strategy when building your base and in how you go about surviving.
One thing I've always wanted to try is playing BTW with a group of friends ever since the MP update. Unfortunately it's been difficult to find people willing to stick with the mod through the grueling early game. I think it's pretty fun, but most of the new players I try to introduce don't listen very well and end up in a death spiral.
It's crazy to think it, but this mod has been in my life since I was 13 back in 2012. Thanks for all the fish, FC.
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