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4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:22 pm
by jackatthekilns
Hey FC, I am loving the new farming changes, I always felt more maintenance should be required. I am, however, having a difficult time seeing the weed in wheat crops, especially when they are planted close together. Is this by design?

Re: Hardcore Weed Question [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:12 pm
by FlowerChild
If you don't mind jack, I'll change the name on this to be a general spoiler thread for the Vegehenna, since we kinda need one of those and this is a good way to kick it off :)
jackatthekilns wrote:Hey FC, I am loving the new farming changes, I always felt more maintenance should be required. I am, however, having a difficult time seeing the weed in wheat crops, especially when they are planted close together. Is this by design?
Yup, very much so. The intent there is to incentivize planting in rows.

Re: Hardcore Weed Question [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:40 pm
by jackatthekilns
FlowerChild wrote:Yup, very much so. The intent there is to incentivize planting in rows.
Awesome.loving this mechanic. And I don't mind the topic change at all

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:31 pm
by emptychild
FlowerChild, if you don't mind me asking, what ended up being the issue with sporadic hunger consumption on ladders? I'm always fascinated by the details behind bugs and you usually post what the issue was but this time you simply marked it as fixed.

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:43 pm
by Kazuya Mishima
How will this version affect the ability to automate plant production? Do potted plants avoid weed growth. Will weed growth throw off our BUD blocks for measuring growth?

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:53 pm
by FlowerChild
emptychild wrote:FlowerChild, if you don't mind me asking, what ended up being the issue with sporadic hunger consumption on ladders? I'm always fascinated by the details behind bugs and you usually post what the issue was but this time you simply marked it as fixed.
I think it was actually an old vanilla bug, but largely insignificant given that vanilla hunger consumption is so low. If I remember right it was something about the server sometimes getting notification from the player that they were moving, seeing that the player was mid-air, and assuming that they were jumping without checking if they were on a ladder.

It was so obvious and straightforward once I was able to reproduce it and hit it with a debugger, that I didn't really even fully register the cause of it beyond going "pfffft..." and fixing it :)

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:55 pm
by FlowerChild
Kazuya Mishima wrote:How will this version affect the ability to automate plant production? Do potted plants avoid weed growth. Will weed growth throw off our BUD blocks for measuring growth?
I won't answer specifics this short after release, but I took all this into account. I'd be genuinely surprised if existing automation builds broke.

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:21 am
by jackatthekilns
When I harvest my existing wheat crop, I get old wheat seeds instead of the new seeds, is this intentional?

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:31 am
by SterlingRed
I can confirm I also get old seeds from harvesting. Could have something to do with using the "old planters". In case you didn't notice yet, seeds are now "old seeds" and have a conversion recipe to "wheat seeds".

Planters are different.
It's now called "planter with soil" (there's a conversion recipe for old planters), and is not automagically watered. Planters now need to have proximity to water. I do not know if 'dry' planters with soil will grow crops or not. I'm currently testing the following:
Wheat in planters with soil near water
Wheat in planters with soil no water
Nothing in planters with soil near water (seeing if weeds grow)
Nothing in planters with soil no water (seeing if weeds grow)

I also feel like melon & pumpkin growth rates are faster. I've not done any rate testing, this is just a subjective observation and could be wrong.

Edit: Dry Planters get watered from rain.

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 2:12 pm
by FlowerChild
jackatthekilns wrote:I get old wheat seeds instead of the new seeds, is this intentional?
Yup. Existing automation builds involving wheat would be completely broken without that.

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:59 pm
by Ozziie
Can't believe no-one has mentioned the nerf we should all be discussing: Sugar Cane can no longer be planted with water diagonally next to it :'(

We're just about getting a hemp farm up and running at base so will report more findings as and when we find them :)

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:05 pm
by SterlingRed
I'm pretty sure this is new. I relocated my chickens as I was making space for wheat farms now requiring adjacent water channels and one escaped. No big deal I thought. Until the escapee began eating all my growing wheat seeds. So that's a thing now.

Pigs also eat pumpkin blocks.

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:16 pm
by FlowerChild
SterlingRed wrote:I'm pretty sure this is new. I relocated my chickens as I was making space for wheat farms now requiring adjacent water channels and one escaped. No big deal I thought. Until the escapee began eating all my growing wheat seeds. So that's a thing now.
That was actually in Animageddon, but I believe you're the first to have spotted it :)
Ozziie wrote:Can't believe no-one has mentioned the nerf we should all be discussing: Sugar Cane can no longer be planted with water diagonally next to it :'(
That's not intentional if it's the case. Will check.

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:31 pm
by SterlingRed
FlowerChild wrote: That was actually in Animageddon, but I believe you're the first to have spotted it :)
Ah cool! I thought it was a nice touch! So far the time I've been able to spend with the last two releases makes the animals feel more like entities that are also struggling in the world to survive, rather than entities that purely exist as an exploitable resource for me. That of course, doesn't stop me from eating them, turning them into candles, or slapping harnesses on them, but it's still pretty cool nonetheless. It's hard to describe, animals / farming doesn't feel more 'real' (realism for the sake of realism is stupid) but it does feel like the world is more dynamic with the changes and it's a good thing.

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:06 pm
by angra_mania
Has anyone figured out how to get wheat seeds? I've been using surplus old seeds, converting them to wheat seeds, to start a new wheat farm, but I haven't gotten a single seed from it. I've harvested over a dozen so far with no luck. Also, does the wheat plant stop growing when you harvest its top? I don't think I've seen anything grow from them after harvesting. I assumed they would be like hemp.

In addition, my sheep don't breed with pumpkin pie. They are still breeding with cookies

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:27 pm
by SterlingRed
angra_mania wrote:Has anyone figured out how to get wheat seeds? I've been using surplus old seeds, converting them to wheat seeds, to start a new wheat farm, but I haven't gotten a single seed from it. I've harvested over a dozen so far with no luck. Also, does the wheat plant stop growing when you harvest its top? I don't think I've seen anything grow from them after harvesting. I assumed they would be like hemp.
Put the 'new' wheat in a crafting grid. It'll make seeds. Does not work with the "old wheat" item.
I just figured out you could just harvest the top...I've been destroying the whole plant for days and starting over. *facepalm* So i don't know what it takes for the top to regrow yet.

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:34 pm
by ColdAsAtoms
angra_mania wrote:Has anyone figured out how to get wheat seeds? I've been using surplus old seeds, converting them to wheat seeds, to start a new wheat farm, but I haven't gotten a single seed from it. I've harvested over a dozen so far with no luck. Also, does the wheat plant stop growing when you harvest its top? I don't think I've seen anything grow from them after harvesting. I assumed they would be like hemp.
I was doing the same thing, using the surplus of old seeds that I had. It took me a long time to figure this out and up until last weekend I was hoping someone else would post the answer here. I thought I had tried everything and was even contemplated lighting my entire crop on fire to see if there was a hint in the version name. LOL.
wheat can be turned into wheat seeds in the crafting grid. Needless to say, but I felt really silly after spending multiple hours trying to figure this out and discovering that the answer was so simple.
I still don't fully understand wheat growth and harvesting though.

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 8:43 pm
by Moldiworp2
I'm not there yet (started a new world with vegehenna) but I would be curious to see if the bellows affected the top part of wheat, like a sort of winnowing.

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:13 pm
by SterlingRed
I think I figured wheat out and the purpose behind it's change.

Wheat doesn't regrow from the 'stalks' even with bonemeal. The 'stalks' can be eaten by cows (maybe others, haven't tried). This gives us the ability to rotate animals between fields as we harvest the wheat part of our crops, then cycle in animals to feed off the stubble. Cycle them out to a different field / pasture and then replant.

You could also have the animals in the farm fields as they grow, but I'd imagine they'd consume the wheat tops as well as the stalks (don't have any so can't verify right now).

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:31 pm
by ColdAsAtoms
I did a quick test and as far as I can tell the bellows doesn't do anything to the top of the wheat plant or to the item itself. I wonder if perhaps a threshing step is required?

I did however discover that the top of the plant can be harvested with a piston similar to hemp. Still not sure if it will grow back though.

Re: 4.B00 - Vegehenna Spoiler thread

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:16 am
by ko_teknik
I believe we have to stay the day and the night too... near chicken, wheat, to get an egg or wheat to grow... because if we disconnect from the server during the night we never got any egg or any grow progress on wheat !

Chicken will make egg only with chicken feed but they eat seeds too.