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OMG I died

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:26 pm
by Fret
So… I died.

I was building at my base and ran out of jungle wood. I had nothing growing, so I decided to go over to a jungle biome nearby. The spiders shouldn’t be a problem…, unless they kick you of the top of a tree I guess. I fell all the way down (and I don’t have feather falling yet).
So I died, really didn’t see that coming. My base is so safe, I kind of forgot this is also a survival game. And then, the gravity of the situation hit me.
I’m gonna be out there. Out there. The fucking wild. With wolves, and slimes, and (more) spiders and all kinds of hell. And it’s going to be dark. And there’s not going to be (readymade) food, or shelter.
And I won’t have my enchanted diamond armor, my tools, my sword, my composite bow. Oh god, I won’t have bow and arrows! No more potions. And no more big fat walls, that separate order and chaos.
So yeah the gravity of situation hit me.

I have been playing this world on and off over the past three years. Haven’t made it to SFS yet. Didn’t even start villager trading yet. However, my world is quite developed I think, with a few connected (but self-sufficient) bases.
But I hadn’t respawned yet under the “new system”. I was just about to start renovating my main base, when the new updates started rolling out. I didn’t want to suicide, so I just made a new world and played around with that for a few weeks, but in the end I did turn back to my original world.
Sometimes I would watch lets plays and see people sitting in a hole in the ground, starving, with a skelly shooting at them and their campfire would go out. And I would just think to myself: my walls are three blocks thick. I ain’t going out there. That shit looks scary. And now it’s my turn. HAHA

It’s really amazing how this game keeps on giving. I don’t know when I can go back to actually renovating my main base. It will be a while. But that’s okay. I’m really looking forward to the struggle that is ahead. I’m really happy that, although I have to start all over again, I can just keep playing in the same world.
I just needed to share that, just wanted to praise BTW’s combination of survival game, building game and unique respawn mechanic.

Edit: Typo in title

Re: OMD I died

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:41 pm
by FlowerChild
Hehehe... good luck out there man. I've been living outside the walls for several months now, and it ain't easy :)

Please keep us updated on your progress. I always enjoy hearing about this kind of stuff, and it's often helpful to further development.

Re: OMD I died

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:34 pm
by Fret
FlowerChild wrote: Please keep us updated on your progress.
Might be a few days before I get to play agian, but will do.

Re: OMG I died

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:27 am
by Fret
So yeah, I promised a follow up story. And I played quite a bit the last week. But honestly, the latest update completely nerfed wheat, and therefor nerfed my story.
Because, since I died in an already developed world. I have been spawning pretty far out and found villages twice. Having wheat and seeds was such a boon, it was like I had access to doping. I thought it was kind of nice to speed up my development, but yeah, the most recent nerf to breeding makes a lot of sense.
Now that my narrative is gone, I’ll just list a few things that I noticed:

Finding a blacksmith with lava (or I guess any lava source) is just awesome. The auto-ignition of the furnaces is really nice to have (also for later builds), so I just put all my furnaces in the blacksmith right next to the lava.

The zombie villagers never constituted much of a problem for me. They just wandered away, while I settled in their former town. But I saw they too have been changed in the latest update.

I love the addition of bone clubs.

I love the mini storage sugarcane provides.

I’m gonna start paying a lot of attention to the moon cycle.

Swamps are scary! I don’t know how to deal with them yet. The slimes are so dangerous. My first spawn I died on the third day at the crack of dawn, when little slimes entered my hidey-hole. My third spawn, I again spawned in a swamp. This time I decided to spend the night in a tree, as to have the height advantage over the slimes. But living in a tree means you can’t have a campfire and consequently I died from food poisoning. Hehe.

I don’t know how I feel about slabs preventing mob spawns. When I settled down, I quickly realized that one of the best things I could do, is to just exchange every block nearby my base with a slab. This makes my base a whole lot less dangerous, allows for being outside during certain moon phases and allows me to build animal pens. But it’s kinda gamey.

Overall, I do really like the new early game. There is much more pressure and there is much more choice. For my first iron tool I’ll probably always will go for the axe, since it allows for better storage options. But still, you don’t need it per se. The first few iron tools force you to make some real hard choices. Also, the need for a lot of sugarcane, multiple furnaces and the restrictiveness of crafting tables makes base building in the early game a lot more interesting.
With the world so dangerous and especially mining being super dangerous, I feel like leaving as much tangible assets behind as possible. First I want a bunch of furnaces, some storage and safety! Then a bit of iron. I’ll probably try getting a windmill before deep mining for diamonds. Seems that the windmill now is essential for sustainable food.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun, looking forward to continuing.

Re: OMG I died

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:26 pm
by FlowerChild
Fret wrote: I don’t know how I feel about slabs preventing mob spawns. When I settled down, I quickly realized that one of the best things I could do, is to just exchange every block nearby my base with a slab. This makes my base a whole lot less dangerous, allows for being outside during certain moon phases and allows me to build animal pens. But it’s kinda gamey.
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I already have it on my todo to fix this, but I think it's time to give it priority. It really does break the early game if someone decides to make use of it.

Just so no one panics: I'll likely make this one of my incredibly rare config-file options, as I am aware this can break a lot of builds.

Re: OMG I died

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:25 pm
by hawk
Thank you for that. I don't *think* I have ever abused this. Especially since it used to be a double-edged sword not long ago when mobs didn't burn on half blocks.

I just can't, for the life of me, build a decent looking base mid-to-late game without taking advantage of this here and there in my town.

It's only a minor concern. But if you make it an optional, I will definitely keep it at the old behavior in my game. Maybe only once I am nether-torch rich, though, as I get where you all are coming from.