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Superflat Challenges.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:19 pm
by jakerman999
I was reminded a while ago of the superflat custom generation, and how interesting it can make some of the worlds. This youtube video shows off a couple fun game modes for vanilla. I thought about trying the glass world with mineshafts, and had made the world just to see if it was possible. I scrapped it when I realized I needed to add village generation, and now I'm wondering if there are any other vitals that I'm missing.

Food would be the big thing I'm guessing, no animals to prey upon. Will animals get more chances to respawn?

Then there's biome specific stuff. As far as I can tell the generated world is limited to a single biome. Is there a certain one needed to fully flush out the tech tree? If not, what would be the optimal biome to make the world? Gil pointed out in IRC that I'd need somewhere wolves can spawn.

Here's the code with biome features and villages turned on, as well as less glass than compared to the video

Any other ideas for taking advantage of the superflat custom generated worlds?

Re: Superflat Challenges.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:18 pm
by dawnraider
To get everything in BTW you need swamp, jungle, either forest or taiga, plains, and desert. You need villages, witch huts, and desert and jungle temples, but you can only get one (So this isn't possible because you HAVE to have wolves and villages and no biome has both). Even if you could get both of those, you'd never get brewing, enchanting, or xp storage. And no, animals will never respawn. The only animals that will ever exist are those spawned on world creation.

Re: Superflat Challenges.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:38 am
by DiamondArms
there's an overworld superflat preset that should allow the creation of multiple biomes in superflat. if you can figure out which parts of the preset code does that, you can copy it over to your custom preset code and allow multiple biomes in your custom superflat.

Re: Superflat Challenges.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:13 am
by dawnraider
The overworld preset is still just plains. Link to MC wiki:

Re: Superflat Challenges.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:42 pm
by jakerman999
So it is well and truly impossible with BTW as it stands to do a complete playthrough like that. All the better I suppose, I still can't figure out a solution to the starving dilemma. Thanks dawnraider!