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Oddly silent (missing sounds)

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:17 am
by xMr0Presidentx
TL;DR: My game seems to be lacking ambient noises. Creepers, Pigs, and spiders make no noise; but cows, chickens, and skeletons do. Breaking blocks of any type make no noise, but placing them does. Is this a feature or is my install bugged?

Hello! Great mod, love everything about it. I've been playing the mod/lurking the forums and the MCF thread for about three months now, and since day one my world seems oddly silent. I.E. Pigs, Creepers, and spiders make no noises; while cows never shut up... ever. At first I thought perhaps it was a part of the mod, as I had read that rain had been silenced except for when storms arise, so I didn't put much thought into it. But today the unthinkable happened, while exploring a cave I was blown up from behind by a creeper that I never hear or saw coming. I've been playing the same world for the three months, and including this death have died 3 times. The first two were very early and brought on by not understanding cows are to be the most fear creature in the game pre-bow and arrow. This death is devastating, I've arrived in large winter biome island in the middle of an ocean, and in all my exploration of my world I have yet to find an ocean, no less a winter biome. I can't help but think that if I had heard the hiss of the creeper I could have escaped with even one heart and not suffered such an untimely end to my endevours. I'm just curious if my install might be bugged, or are certain sounds removed purposefully?

Thanks for your time,

P.s. I wasn't sure if this belonged in tech support, as I'm not 100% this is a bug.

Re: Oddly silent (missing sounds)

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:39 am
by mc_dunedin
It sure seems to be a faulty install/bug. Definitely not intended, those sounds belong in the game. So, it does fit tech support pretty well :)

I dont know too much about sound issues but unless you get better advice i'd go with:

One at a time reinstall BTW, minecraft, java, update your sound card drivers. See if any of those help.

Good luck

Re: Oddly silent (missing sounds)

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:03 pm
by xMr0Presidentx
Thank you for the reply, that's a relief and burden all in its own. I'm usually not one to go asking for help with these types of things, but I recently moved to the middle of nowhere and the only internet I have is through my phone. So I didn't want to spend a bunch of data to re-download the files just to find out it's a part of the game... But at least there's hope.

thanks for your time,


Re: Oddly silent (missing sounds)

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:35 pm
by xMr0Presidentx
Just an update: I did what you said in order, while stealing wifi from the local burger king. It was resolved when I updated java... :/ So i brought it all home and used a thumb drive to transfer all everything from my laptop to my desktop which lacks internet due to previous stated reasons. All in all with the drive times it took me about 4 hours to get it done. BUT no i can hear creepers sneaking up on me. Thanks again.


Re: Oddly silent (missing sounds)

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:02 am
by Niyu
If you were playing unconnected to the internet that could be the cause for the lack of sound, I think. Didn't minecraft downloaded the sounds when you started the game? I think that was also the reason you couldn't change the sounds, when you started the game it re-downloaded any sound it wasn't the correct one. If you started the game in your laptop with an internet conection then i could have downloaded the sounds then. When I had a worse intenet conection, every time i made a fresh install it took a few minutes to start hearing the sounds.