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Disabling Hardcore

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:29 am
by cowboycomando54
So I will probably be call a noob or a pansy for this but, how do I change some of the hardcore settings? I don't mind the buckets, but the ores only producing nuggets and the hardcore re spawn are annoying and really limit the game play for me. I just want to know if there is like a text file or something that I can go into and disable some of the hardcore options. Again I real like the mod, I just don't like the hardcore.

Re: Disabling Hardcore

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:36 am
by FlowerChild
There is not. Play something else if this isn't to your taste.

Re: Disabling Hardcore

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:26 am
by agentwiggles
You've already gotten the correct answer from the man himself, so I'm not certain that it's worthwhile to add anything, but here's something to consider. Every feature in the mod is tied together inextricably. The sum total of all the features is what makes the BTW experience, and the balance is delicate and logical - changing one aspect would throw off lots of other parts of the game.

Some of the major themes of BTW (and old school vMC) are survival, discouragement of death (which, 9/10 times comes from carelessness or a lack of knowledge of the rules), and, possibly most importantly, encouraging the player to use their ability to modify the world around them to put themselves at an advantage. Try to keep those things in mind as you play and try to understand how the features you're complaining about forward those themes and how they improve the gameplay and satisfaction of progression.

And, should you find that you don't appreciate those goals, or don't agree with the creator's implementation of them, then, as FC himself has said to you and countless others: perhaps this isn't the mod for you. And I don't say that with any malice - it's just worth saying that there are tons of games out there, and if you don't like the gameplay in this one, you should find something you do like playing rather than wasting your time wishing this one was different.

Lastly, if you're having trouble surviving or progressing, there is a huge amount of information here and a lot of tips and tricks that will help you out. The community is friendly towards people who want to learn to play provided they express the desire without whining about established mod features that exist for good reasons and have zero chance of changing, so hop into the discussion, learn what you can, and see if you can apply that to your play. Mastering BTW is very difficult but hugely satisfying.

Re: Disabling Hardcore

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:02 pm
by cowboycomando54
Well at least the cheat commands still work, so I can fast forward past some of more tedious parts of the ages.

Re: Disabling Hardcore

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:15 pm
by FlowerChild
cowboycomando54 wrote:Well at least the cheat commands still work, so I can fast forward past some of more tedious parts of the ages.
The nice thing about my own personal cheat commands is that I can fast forward over some of the more tedious interactions with people on the forums.