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World Coruption and PC-shutdown

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:58 pm
by AddyBaha

Today while I was playing btw suddenly all but one chunk got unloaded/corupted/black.
I started falling into the void, but didn't took any damage. Instead I got the bubbles you see when you drown
blinking rapadly on off. Before I could take a Screenshot my PC shut down without any error massage.
After restart I checked for viruses but didn't find one. When trying to load my old world Minecraft freezes.
I was able to start a new world and it seems I can play it without any Problem.

Does any of you have an idea what happend?

I post here because I suspect something is wrong with my PC.

Some stats off myPC(Laptop)

Intel Core i5 CPU M480 2.67 GHz
RAM 4 GB (3.86 usable)
Windows 7
Java version 7 Update 51

Re: World Coruption and PC-shutdown

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 2:42 pm
by Nabetsu122
You may want to try to check out the chunks in mcedit, though this will only give you a visual view of the problem. I would recommend the Region Fixer tool to get an idea as to what is/isn't corrupted. Also, do you have any backups of the world?

As for your computer, I do believe it may have been a random happenstance, but to be safe, you may want to run "sfc /scannow" in the command prompt (as an Administrator), which will scan for any problems for all files on your laptop (More info here). You might also want to update your java, since they are up to Update 67 now.

EDIT: Is your Java 32 or 64 bit? I doubt that it is the problem, but unless you are running a 64-bit browser (IE, Chrome/ium beta, Opera, etc.) Java will automatically give you the 32-bit version.

Re: World Coruption and PC-shutdown

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:16 pm
by topguy
How old is the world itself? It is unlikely to be the Java version, it happened to me before, but it was an old world. Weird that your computer would shut down though WITHOUT an error message. Was there unusual lag on the world? It seemed to cause lag for me when I played with a corrupted chunk.

Also, if you got a 32-bit java on a 64-bit computer, it does cause lag issues. And it CAN also cause crashes, and probably also cause world corruption if you crash. Did you crash before when you were playing on that world? That could of caused the corrupted chunk. But it still doesn't explain the sudden shut down. Maybe your computer "overloaded" since it kept trying to load the unloaded chunk, and hurt the system. But unlikely because that would show a blue screen/error.

Before finding what happened to your computer, I would try to discover what caused the chunk error. Which may have been caused by your computer. Good luck!

Re: World Coruption and PC-shutdown

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:49 am
by Racooknight
My money is on this :

Your laptop overheated, thus causing both problems. They're obviously related, what are the chances that your computer would shutdown right when minecraft starts failing for a totally non-related reason ?

Explication : I've had many computers overheat right in front of me (because I'm lazy and I don't clean them), and that's taught me a few things :

- I've always had a auto-shutdown function activate when my computers overheated. That's a function that comes either with windows or with the internal bios, but i've seen it on every computer I've used, so I guess you'd have that too. It happens exactly as you described : no error message, just shutdown in front of you. The cause is, your computer's components are overheating and there's a hardware protection system that protects your electronical components by shutting down the power. Simple, efficient, and pure hardware (I think) so that explains there's no error message.

- Overheating's happened to me most of the times on laptops, because those have all the stuff cramped together in such little space that the basic cooling system are really not enough. It doesn't help if you play on, say, a table, and you never move the laptop. Try it : play for 20 min, and touch the surface under it : it's hot... means your computer is heating up, means it'll overheat sometime.

- Overheating causes failures in the hardware : I've had games lag right before the laptop would shut down; imagine Java had some problem related to memory not working properly, anything could happen like your world not loading/Refreshing correctly and you falling in the void.

My advice : try and let some space under your laptop. Put it on littles boxes or something that allows for air to travel under the computer so that heat is at least a bit evacuated.

I'm surprised that never happened to you before; is that a new laptop ? Do you play many games on it ? Minecraft is well-known for its gigantic power consumption (well, java really) cause of stupid memory usage and stuff, so it doesn't surprise me it's Minecraft that made your computer overheat.

Now, that's my interpretation and I might have guessed wrong what you problem is, but based on both experience and elements of technical knowledge, that's my diagnosis.

Oh, and you can't start your buggy minecraft world again because during the overheat there were refreshing and saves that saved a corrupted version of your world, I guess.

Re: World Coruption and PC-shutdown

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:26 am
by EtherealWrath
How long were you running MC before it crashed?

I've had mine overheat a few times.
The game freezes for half a second before the whole laptop just turns off. (literally like pulling the plug/battery out)
-It ran fine for about 2 years before it first happened.
during those years I've ran MC with shaders and 512 textures, overdone it with massive poorly optimized modpacks ect
Its always ran very hot- but never dropped out until recently. Could be aging components/lack of maintenance.

Its certainly worthwhile paying attention to what your laptop is doing;
- Is the cooling fan running continuously/struggling? How hot is the air coming out?
(If it starts running too hot- shut MC down for a while)

Jacking it up (if you're feeling brave remove a few covers for more cooling), and turning down the graphics/setting/render distance could help.

Re: World Coruption and PC-shutdown

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 7:45 am
by AddyBaha
Overheating sounds like the best explanation.
My Laptop is relatively old (about 4 years) and I allready had problems with
overheating on other instances, but shut it down manually everytime and let
it cool down.
Probaly I just didn't pay enough attantion this time.

thanks for the quick replies

Re: World Coruption and PC-shutdown

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:33 am
by topguy
AddyBaha wrote:Overheating sounds like the best explanation.
My Laptop is relatively old (about 4 years) and I allready had problems with
overheating on other instances, but shut it down manually everytime and let
it cool down.
Probaly I just didn't pay enough attantion this time.

thanks for the quick replies
If you are having overheating problems, I have some tips.
IF AND ONLY IF you are pretty advanced at working PCs I recommend trying to fix the laptop. That would mean opening it up. Considering that it is 4 years old, it probably doesn't have a warranty. When you open it up, try cleaning dust that you find. And if you really want to help cool it, replace the Thermal Compound on your processor. (Before taking it apart look up tutorials on how to take that specific laptop/very similar laptops by the same company apart. You could severely damage components by taking a laptop apart, rendering that laptop completely broken, or damaged. I'm not here to be blamed if any of your parts are damaged!)

If that seems too hard/ you are afraid to do it (I understand, laptops are hard to fix) you can also blow compressed air into the fan vent. That gets the dust out, which increases airflow through the computer. Dust is a very common problem in PCs and it gets them very slow, and can even damage them.

If that doesn't work, then you can buy a new computer. Or make one ;). Good luck!

Re: World Coruption and PC-shutdown

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:55 pm
by Rawny
Google "cooling laptop stand". Some can be found real cheap, especially the unpowered ones that are just a mesh. Really low ones, an inch or so, should be good enough to increase heat dissipation. Who knows, might find something that betters your posture. :)

Can of air are awesome. Once your computer is 'aired' you'll run around the house dusting everything, they're fun!

Re: World Coruption and PC-shutdown

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:19 pm
by SterlingRed
Rawny wrote: Can of air are awesome. Once your computer is 'aired' you'll run around the house dusting everything, they're fun!
Plus the added bonus of freezing shit when you spray it upside down!

Yeah sounds like overheating. I have a craptop with that problem. Mines gotten so hot the stickers melted on the bottom and the keyboard has even gotten very hot to touch. Free solutions include running it off battery while using it, turning it on the side to cool between uses, propping it up so air flow gets under it. Never use it on your lap or other soft fabric surface. Fabric will entiely block the air flow.

Re: World Coruption and PC-shutdown

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:49 pm
by EtherealWrath
Rawny wrote:Google "cooling laptop stand". Some can be found real cheap, especially the unpowered ones that are just a mesh. Really low ones, an inch or so, should be good enough to increase heat dissipation. Who knows, might find something that betters your posture. :)

Can of air are awesome. Once your computer is 'aired' you'll run around the house dusting everything, they're fun!
Just go to your local supermarket and get one of those wire racks for cooling cakes/cooking stuff under the grill
(Chances are you've already one in the house)