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How long have you survived?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 4:42 pm
by Panda
In better than wolves is there a reliable way to know how many days you have survived? i get a real sense of accomplishment from knowing how may days i survived since my last death, and also how many days have passed in my world? So is there a way?

Re: How long have you survived?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 5:52 pm
by primetoxinz

Re: How long have you survived?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:11 pm
by matty79321
If you only play in a single world: record how many hours played as logged by the game, then when you want to know, record the logged play time at the "final" point, subtract the original time, and multiply by 3 (?) (60 minutes in an hour, 20 (?) minutes in a game day; therefore x60/20, or x3). Besides math, IDK. Also, doesn't help if you play multiple worlds, like one for texture testing (more for Panda and TP makers) or just multiple playthroughs. If it were in VMC there'd be a way with daylight sensors and either a redstone adder or a command block-based scoreboard, but its BTW. And who needs that fancy and incredibly unbalanced shtuff anyways.

EDIT: On second thought, it could be possible to make a mob trap based timer, using a block detector to trigger a redstone adder (could be as simple as falling sand held up by a piston at high elevation). The mob spawner would have an open roof, so daylight would kill the mob inside, and it could be at a high elevation to have an hourglass effect with the counter (if using falling sand/gravel). I'm gonna try this to see if it would actually work, or if its just a broken theory.

EDIT 2: For the earlier mob spawning idea, you could have it feed from an existing mob trap, just then it seals itself after a mob is in the system. I've tested it out on a small scale and it seems to work fine, but improvements can still be made.

Re: How long have you survived?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:52 pm
by MrLemon
matty79321 wrote:EDIT: On second thought, it could be possible to make a mob trap based timer, using a block detector to trigger a redstone adder (could be as simple as falling sand held up by a piston at high elevation). The mob spawner would have an open roof, so daylight would kill the mob inside, and it could be at a high elevation to have an hourglass effect with the counter (if using falling sand/gravel). I'm gonna try this to see if it would actually work, or if its just a broken theory.
Or you could use a lens to detect day and night, which would be a lot simpler, and much more reliable.

(I do see the merit of making it more complex for fun, but just saying a lens would be a lot easier)

Re: How long have you survived?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:55 pm
by Dorugami
I don't count the days, but the longest I've survived was up to the blaze collection bottleneck in the tech tree.

Re: How long have you survived?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 3:25 pm
by PatriotBob
Dorugami wrote:I don't count the days, but the longest I've survived was up to the blaze collection bottleneck in the tech tree.
Blazes are usually my first death. I'll survive up until that point without much issue, then meet my demise trying to get my hibachis up and going. I usually don't die after that for a long while but I haven't gotten to SFS since it was pushed out to the end. I'm stalling a bit to do a play through until the final release drops, I am hoping to make it to SFS without death.

I'll likely fail. :)

Re: How long have you survived?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 4:20 pm
by erikdk321
I dont know how long i have survived in actual time, but I think I survived up to crucible level on a world I played on not too long ago.

Re: How long have you survived?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 4:46 pm
by hawk
Speaking from a position of total ignorance: Is the vanilla statistics screen driven from a local/client file?

Re: How long have you survived?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:03 pm
by matty79321
hawk wrote:Speaking from a position of total ignorance: Is the vanilla statistics screen driven from a local/client file?
As of 1.5 I think so; It's based on the minecraft.jar if I remember correctly.