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Re-Discovering BTW after about a year away

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:03 pm
by finite8
Hello again Fellow BTW'ers. Its been about a year now, been playing other games and other Mods (FTB namely) and i have decided it is time to challenge myself and the others on my server and roll it with BTW. The last i played BTW was before the Hardcore tools was implemented (but was still reading posts so was aware of the new mechanic), so this was a real discovery experience.

Log 1
After wasting a few precious seconds punching a tree and realizing i was in the spawn protection zone, i ventured out a bit further and punched away. Managed to scrape enough supplies to make workbench and made some pickaxes. Found a shallow ravine and jumped in and picked enough stone for a pickaxe. Made my pickaxe and ventured a little lower when a Spider came at me. Surprizingly, it died with little effort, but this came at the cost of my only stone pickaxe and without any stone and enough wood to make another, i hard to start punching again. I realized at this point that the sun had fallen. I tried to collect my workbench only to discover it broke instead of being picked up :(. I looked for shelter but with my severely hampered digging ability, i decided the treetops would be best. I scampered to the top and carefully started punching the tops of the trees to get some wood. The wolves started howling and i nearly wet myself! I managed to rebuild my workbench when i noticed the mobs starting to wander closer. With no weapons and no means of defending myself, i equiped a stick in the hopes that it would improve my survival chances. A spider spotted me and charged. It stuck me to the spot (which i was prepared for) and i started swinging but sadly, i saw my hunger bar at "Famished" and my swings had no effect.

Dead. Survived <1 Day
Log 2
I respawned near a jungle. To my joyous surprise, here was a temple. "Hooray" i thought "The gods have smiled upon me and have decided to give me a chance at surviving!". I ran to the temple but before i could get close a poisonous spider decided i looked like a tasty meal. One web is all it took to seal my fate.

Dead. Survived 1 minute.
Forgot to mention that i spawned at night. Game over.
Log 3
Day 1
Frustrated. I started near some water and NO JUNGLES! There was a deep cave nearby alongside a shallow ravine that had iron and coal so this looked like the best chance to survive. I learned from my previous mistakes and built my workbench, got my wooden pickaxes, made an Axe, harvested like crazy and as night began to near, had a small stockpile of stone pickaxes. I realized that food would be a good idea so i quickly ran around and punched the life out of several animals. Noticed that nearby there was a 2 block high pit that seems to have captured several animals. Jumped in, killed a bunch of animals and acquired a small pile of food. Night was now upon me and i realized i hadn't found shelter. I quickly managed to find a dirt wall 3 blocks high so i punched my way in, and walled myself in with the minimal piles of dirt i had. I spent the night digging, making a furnace, a new workbench and prepared for the next day.

Day 2
Day broke and i punched a hole to see a creeper and a skeleton awaiting. I managed to punch them both to death when i realized "Hey, this consumes a lot of hunger". After devouring a significant portion of my limited food stock, decided it would be best to use an axe next time. I returned to the surface to find something to eat when i sadly could not find anything. The whole area was void of all animal life after 1 day. Disheartened, i decided to try and fortify myself a bit. I collected some dirt and created a roof layer in the small ravine to protect myself. I was near a dessert so i collected some sand and cactus with the plan to make a cactus barrier around the entrance to my little hovel. Maybe some mobs will wander in and i can get some zombie flesh or bones. I created a door, a little cactus barrier and when night fell, retreated to my small hovel and continued mining the scant amounts of iron and coal to make more torches.

Day 3
Hunger had really set in. A few mobs did wander by the cacti, but didn't die or drop anything. I desperately looked at the surface and again, no animals. The trees i chopped down didn't yield any fruit either. I heard some zombie moaning from within the cave. Decided it was my best chance and went down. I got to the bottom of the pit and discovered a plentiful supply of iron. What joy, except that i was now famished, out of torches and no dirt to get back up. A small river ran by that led into the darkness. With no hope of survival and no zombies to eat, i jumped down the hole and drowned.

Dead. Survived 3 days.
Log 4
Day 1

I Spawned near a village. I knew there would be nothing of value, but the shelter was nothing to spit at. Unfortunately, this village was a 40sec walk between a mountain and forest. I worked away collecting wood, then making 5 wood pickaxes for A stone Pick and Axe. I then harvested trees, made some fresh kills, and collected enough stone for 2 pickaxes. I noticed that it was getting close to nightfall. I depserately walked back to the village, made some pickaxes, back to the mountain, collected more stone and coal and made it back just in time. I moved into the Smithy as the furnaces are invaluable. I walled the door in with dirt, punched a hole so i could reach the furnace and cooked what meat i had collected. The skeletons clattered desperately outside. Thankfully, the smithy was a block higher than normal so from the ground level they couldn't see in though the window.

Day 2
I broke out and ran. Looked behind me to see two creepers in hot pursuit. Once i lsot them, i looked around for food. Yet again, nothing. I went for an explore and still... nothing. Maybe i can have some luck mining for iron. If i can just find 18 iron ore blocks, i can get a hoe and survive! I continue my work mining for stone and coal so at least i can light up my area and stop hostiles from spawning. Dusk approaches and i return to the village to find that some skeletons have spawned (or remained) in some of the other abandoned houses, even the one with the free Workbench. I ditch it and return to the smithy. With a fresh supply of stone, coal and wood i build a new workbench and prepare for the next day.

Day 3
I zip outside. Luckily, no monsters today but again, no wildlife to be seen. Food supplies are scarce.

To Be Continued...

Re: Re-Discovering BTW after about a year away

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:08 pm
by FlowerChild
Haha...noob :)

Welcome back man, a lot has certainly changed.

Re: Re-Discovering BTW after about a year away

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:02 pm
by Mr_Hosed
The fruit is a lie!

I suggest the next life you only use your hovel to collect stacks of stone through the night and then move on to a new location (harvesting wood) during the day until you find more animals to slaughter ;)

Re: Re-Discovering BTW after about a year away

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:38 am
by erikdk321
Goodluck and welcome back :)

Re: Re-Discovering BTW after about a year away

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 2:19 am
by Gunnerman21
I'm happy to see there are others out there that still can't survive more than a few days. I can't survive more than a day at best. And yes I don't sprint and I only jump when I need to and I punch wood in the beginning and stuff but yeah.. I don't still don't understand how to survive.

Re: Re-Discovering BTW after about a year away

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:44 am
by Taleric
On a good note you world will be littered with starter huts to discover :D

It is all about a goal at a time minimizing risk.

When I take a break and come back it is not uncommon to get a HC spawn cause I have forgotten what Steve can and can't handle :P

Re: Re-Discovering BTW after about a year away

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 6:35 am
by FlowerChild
Gunnerman21 wrote:I'm happy to see there are others out there that still can't survive more than a few days. I can't survive more than a day at best.
No, he just started again after a long time of not playing, so he's relearning the ropes. You just suck :)

Re: Re-Discovering BTW after about a year away

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:30 pm
by LupusExMachina
I'm disappointed. I was really hoping for a "haha noob", it makes me chuckle silently in my lone cellar every time.

But anyway, what server are you playing on? I'm thinking about torturing me with a little competition and the server you mentioned seems fresh.

Re: Re-Discovering BTW after about a year away

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:14 pm
by finite8
LupusExMachina wrote:I'm disappointed. I was really hoping for a "haha noob", it makes me chuckle silently in my lone cellar every time.

But anyway, what server are you playing on? I'm thinking about torturing me with a little competition and the server you mentioned seems fresh.
*Sigh*. The other members of the server decided that the curve was too hard and they weren't going to play it for the time they invest in it. Had to roll it to something else.

Oh well, back to Single Player BTW then (After i get sick of Starbound).