how many times have you HC spawned?

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how many times have you HC spawned?

Post by odranoel »

putting this in off topic just in case. iv been playing a new world for about a month and a half now (had taken a break from MC/BTW) and have been haveing my first experiences with HC spawn. iv been finding it very difficult to adapt to this HC mode and am now working on my 5th HC respawn. maybe its just the way i play and limited time, but between managing food, shelter, and resources it normally takes me a few real life days to recover from a HC spawn. many times iv been tempted to just cheat my way back home in creative mode. and iv been finding my self not wanting to play at all sometimes due to not wanting to obtain another compass. but i hate the idea of cheating very much.

so i wanted to ask all of you, how many HC spawns have you gone through? at what point do you really begin to cover the majority of the HC spawn perimiter? how long does it take you to recover from a fresh HC spawn? have you ever been tempted to cheat?

i just want to know how all of you have been managing HC spawn and to get an idea as to how many times i should expect to have to obtain a compass.

also lets not turn this into a hc spawn hate thread, as that is not the intention. just discus your experiences (not opinions) with hc spawn. positive, negative, and any tips or info youv discovered along the way.
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Re: how many times have you HC spawned?

Post by FlowerChild »

I've probably HC spawned over twenty times in my current world, from scratch to compass maybe 8-10. Usually takes me 3-4 hours of play from scratch.

The 8-10 probably gives a good indication of how many from scratch spawns are required to cover your spawn area. Granted, I've now built roads out in two directions which helps a *lot*. I also have a system of landmarks I use constantly to make finding things easier.

I suspect you're likely new to HC Spawn and only started using it once the option was removed. A lot of players get turned off by it at first and learn to appreciate how much good it does for the game down the road.

And yes, please do keep this thread civil. It's a borderline bitch thread to begin with.
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Re: how many times have you HC spawned?

Post by heypaint »

odranoel wrote:so i wanted to ask all of you, how many HC spawns have you gone through? at what point do you really begin to cover the majority of the HC spawn perimiter? how long does it take you to recover from a fresh HC spawn? have you ever been tempted to cheat?

i just want to know how all of you have been managing HC spawn and to get an idea as to how many times i should expect to have to obtain a compass.
Don't be discouraged, most people starting from scratch are going to die a lot; HC Spawn is an element to this game, try not to think of it as a punishment, to use your own words it needs to be "managed."

Once you have begun to build a comfortable base, begin exploring your perimeter; this is how you manage HC spawn. Like FC recommended place landmarks. I make mine 'L' shaped pointing roughly toward spawn. Go about 3/4 of a game day in one direction; north, south, east, and west. If you are in a forest, cut one "block" out of every tree you pass on the way back to your base, or place a block on the side pointing to your base. If you just HC-spawned and don't know where the base is mine dirt or gravel and make "I" shaped markers and explore N, S, E, and W and see if you recognize anything or see one of your markers. Then go back and make your "I's" into "L's". Very soon, you will be able to recover from a HC-Spawn just by exploring, or will almost always spawn near a marker and recover within a few minutes or a single game night. Take your time about placing markers, be thorough and enjoy the process, it is part of the game. I'm guessing that if you have several spots where you already spawned, you are more than halfway finished marking your territory. Go back to those bases and mark the way. Don't forget your compass ;)

To answer your questions: I restarted in 4.666 or whatever and died 30+ times; yeah seriously! But I have never made a single compass. I just died last night (to a witch) in full diamond gear (me in diamond, not the witch). But I found my way back and recovered everything and even got her brewing stand, I never did kill her though; lousy, stinking b...witch.

Sorry for long post, hang in there, your experience isn't unusual and once you've managed HC-spawn; there is nothing like the feeling of climbing a jungle tree or a mountain and seeing a marker in the distance.
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Re: how many times have you HC spawned?

Post by Taleric »

For a new world I get 3-4 HCS before having a spawn base established.

The best part of HCS are the little startup bases you forget and rediscover. Takes about 3 hours to get the compass again.

I feel like a cheater playing in a world after an update comes out to make anything harder, so no.

You must invest time to map and mark terrain that is large/uniform. I remember what biomes are wear from that point on and quickly find markers.

I know I will at the very least die in the nether and end once before SFS.
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Re: how many times have you HC spawned?

Post by VegasGoat »

I just started playing this mod for the first time a few months ago, and I've HC spawned so many times I don't even know the number. Legit compass recovery I've only done 3 times. All the other times I either got lucky spawning in a place I recognized, or ended up in a death cycle of dying trying to find redstone until I eventually spawned in a place I recognized. Because of my poor preparation, HC spawn usually means a few real life days to recover (6 - 9 hours in game).

Obviously, I need to prepare better, so I'm finally starting to do that, making markers at each respawn base and starting to build roads out from my main base. Last HC spawn I was lucky enough to end up right near one of those roads, and just ran back to base in a few minutes. That felt good.

I've felt the urge to cheat as well, but when that happens I just stop playing and after a while realize that the death was totally my fault, which energizes me to go back and work on recovery. I've put too much effort into this world to ruin it by cheating.
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Re: how many times have you HC spawned?

Post by emptychild »

More than I care to admit less than 200. Before hc stratification, HC hunger, and HC tools or wood or whatever it's called I had gotten to the point that I could usually get a compass from death in under 4 min. It was funny because I'd be on the official server with Tom and I'd we could be out caving, exploring, etc and I'd die and I could still beat him home if I had a decent spawn.

Also, in a world where even a picture of a compass points home you'd think Steve would just get a freaking tattoo. ... 5676872704

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Re: how many times have you HC spawned?

Post by ExpHP »

I made this world a month ago (shortly after the steel changes). Already, I can remember 8 bases right off the top of my head, though I'm sure there's at least half of that more. And I don't have the slightest clue where any of my bases are in relation to each other!

There is no single one of them that I would call my main base yet. I've reached iron in all my bases, and diamond in a few, but I've yet to bother with making a compass because I'm always too busy trying to improve the situation at my current location.

As for cheating...

I have been tempted to cheat. Some of my deaths have been right after I sketched up plans for some cool project or another, which - I'm not going to lie - is quite the buzz killer. But I've sworn never to cheat in this world, because as soon as I do it, everything feels dirty. Even right now, I'm tempted to look up my world in Minutor so I can count my bases, but I know there's no way I can do so without discovering something else that I'll feel guilty about. The only good policy is one of zero tolerance.

So at those times when you suddenly die right as things are getting good, I've learned a very effective technique: Leave the game until you are in the right mindset to appreciate the new opportunity that HCS has offered you. I believe this technique is known as "ragequitting."
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Re: how many times have you HC spawned?

Post by EpicAaron »

I tend to experience long periods of life, followed by death that causes more death as I try to find a HC spawn with animals. I would say most of my deaths are suicides.

EDIT: So far, I have had about 5 main deaths. Each time I die, my world gets more developed. Soon it won't be a problem.
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Re: how many times have you HC spawned?

Post by jstu9 »

I have been playing BTW probably for the past 2-3 weeks. I've probably died 40-50 times. I died 8 or 9 times just trying to get set in the nether a couple days ago.

I have yet to make a compass. In truth, the thought hadn't even occurred to me until I was watching Vioki's Let's Play.

After death, I curse, bitch and moan for a few seconds, hit respawn and wander for the rest of the day. I have countless little bases all over the place. Usually I don't even try to get food or supplies until I believe I might know where I am. If I don't see something I recognize by the time I'm famished (or a MC day or two), I commit suicide usually by drowning or squid.

I have explored in all 4 directions, probably about 1000 blocks in every direction. Markers everywhere. I use L shaped dirt blocks pointing to my base and also have a few paths made from packed earth. A few cobblestone blocks scattered about. And other things like planting saplings or putting down torches etc... With that, I have sometimes recognized where I am just solely on the biomes around me. (Of course I have been completely wrong on that too)

And sometimes I've just gotten lucky going in a direction and being right. There is an huge ice plains biome I had spawned in 4-5 times probably. Had no idea where it was. I guessed SE one time and I was right.

I actually plan this weekend to wander around even further making more markers ad bases as there have been many times I die and wander around and I FEEL like I should know where I am... but I don't. I plan eventually to have full roads at least out to 1000 blocks, probably further.
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Re: how many times have you HC spawned?

Post by odranoel »

wow, well thanks everyone for commenting :) cool to see others stories and see how everyone has been playing with this mechanic. i must admit, spawning in front of an old base is quite fucking awsome :p you guys have motivated me to continue playing from my last rage quit :p

as for my self iv been laying down wooden pillars at the edges of diffrent biomes with a torch if i have any. i also like what someone above mentioned about not haveing a specific main base yet but a bunch of mini bases with more or less the same tech.
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Re: how many times have you HC spawned?

Post by dawnraider »

Honestly, I almost never die (I think once in my main world, which I have kiln tech), mainly because I play extremely cautiously. I never go outside at night, and I always avoid a fight if possible. The one time I died was to me fighting a blaze and getting jumped by a wither skeleton. I think the main way to avoid death is never take unnecessary risks. They will almost always get you killed. However, as a result of such a low death count, beyond about 500m in every direction from my base, not much is explored.
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