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A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:24 pm
by TiLT
Well, I'll cut to it, A couple months ago minecraft just stopped being fun, it just did, I tried everything: Mods, Texture Packs, Custom Maps, Snapshots, Creative World, Ultimate Hardcore, you name it. But then I found this neat little mod called Better than Wolves. I tried it but just couldn't get into it, however I just absolutely loved the community and creations in it. It felt like a whole new layer of untapped potential. So I stalked the forums, made a comment here and there but after a couple months I tried playing BTW with a short-term/long-term goal mindset. That's what kicked the fun in gear, I started just making little huts and dying, making huts and dying, and was having a blast doing so. Now that I've just found one of these old huts I made with resources to go onto the next tech tree and I had this feeling I should thank you (FC) for making something old new again. :) Best wishes with RTH!

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:17 pm
by Nabetsu122
I concur completely, though for me, it has been a tad longer than a few months (try beta MC). Honestly, the more recent Hardcore changes have finally taken me out of the lurking phase, and bring me out into the community. One thing I will say, I have probably clocked more hours into BTW than any other mod for Minecraft, and every change brings out more excitement for what is to come.

If I am accepted for the current job I applied for, than a good sum of the first paycheck will be heading for you, for the years of dealing with everyone, here and outside this community.

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:47 pm
by TiLT
Nabetsu122 wrote:I concur completely, though for me, it has been a tad longer than a few months (try beta MC). Honestly, the more recent Hardcore changes have finally taken me out of the lurking phase, and bring me out into the community. One thing I will say, I have probably clocked more hours into BTW than any other mod for Minecraft, and every change brings out more excitement for what is to come.

If I am accepted for the current job I applied for, than a good sum of the first paycheck will be heading for you, for the years of dealing with everyone, here and outside this community.

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:42 am
by Shadowhawk36
I'd like to give my thanks too. I rediscovered Better Than Wolves back in June after I had played it for the duration of vMC version 1.2.5. When 1.3 came out I couldn't be patient enough so I uninstalled it (wrecking my world in the process). Better Than Wolves has become one of the only games I've ever played in a while, proved by the fact that the last commercial game I purchased was Bioshock Infinite.

I know it doesn't affect you a whole lot Flowerchild, but I'm really grateful for what you've done for us all. Like many people said, wrapping up BTW is just a new beginning with your development on RTH. We'll all be cheering for you as you start your new project :)

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:56 pm
by TiLT
Have I started an epidemic of good will? This is kind of neat :P

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:23 pm
by FlowerChild
Shadowhawk36 wrote:I know it doesn't affect you a whole lot Flowerchild, but I'm really grateful for what you've done for us all.
Oh, it affects me man. It affects me a great deal.

I just don't know how to respond to the outpouring of support I've been getting here and in the dev diary thread the past few days :)

So once again guys, thank you to all of this. When someone posts something nasty, I tend to have an immediate retort, but when they post something nice, especially when it comes in volume, I think I tend to have more of a blush response and don't know what to say ;)

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:53 pm
by Ceunon
FlowerChild wrote:So once again guys, thank you to all of this. When someone posts something nasty, I tend to have an immediate retort, but when they post something nice, especially when it comes in volume, I think I tend to have more of a blush response and don't know what to say ;)
I'm having a hard time picturing a divine, multi-tentacled entity feeling embarrassed.

Jokes aside, we love you, bro. I've expressed more than once how BTW has impacted me as a gamer (and perhaps even as a human being), but too much praise can't hurt, right?

BTW is awesome, and I'm certain RTH will be awesome-r.

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:28 pm
by Nabetsu122
FlowerChild wrote:... I think I tend to have more of a blush response and don't know what to say ;)
If you weren't feeling that, I would think you are an android, hell bent on destroying us all.

To be frank, I would be shocked if anyone playing a game (or mod) that they love does not give praise to the creator, either directly (like now), or indirectly (recommending to friend/relatives). Just the small dopamine rush is enough to cause any hatred-forged person to crack a smile.

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:59 am
by Kalbuck

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:47 am
by TallTyrionLannister
I haven't been shy in expressing my admiration for FC and his game in the recent weeks, but part of the reason I feel compelled to keep coming back and hitting reply is that BTW is just such a damn rich experience, whichcontinues to supply me with new and different things to get excited about. It feels so fundamentally balanced that as soon as one need hierarchy is met, another opens up and I always feel that itch propelling me on toward my next goals. I've never reached the late-game content for BTW, so I hope my experience will hold and I'll continue to feel rewarded for my progress and find new things to do.

I also appreciate that FC can realize when his work on a project is complete and doesn't submit to the fans clamoring, much against their own best interest, for more "stuff" (ie as in vMC). BTW=Minecraft for me now.

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:15 pm
by sic8
Going to add my support too.

vMC is dead boring. BTW is a lot of fun and breathes life into the game for me. Every step I've taken up the tech tree has been great. Almost everything in the game feels like it has a purpose now rather than being filler. Thanks for making Minecraft fun.

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:17 pm
by jakerman999
There is a reason we're all here.

Every member of these forums is a testament to your skill as a designer. Perhaps the trolls and the pests pop in to stir the wolf droppings know and then, but aside from that we are all here because of you. It doesn't matter if you know what to say or not, we know public relations aren't your thing. Who knows if you could keep the same level of quality if you had to be friendly to everyone? Just keep doing what you're doing. Because you're good at it.

And we thank you.

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:30 pm
by ExpHP
I've actually been wanting to write one of these kinds of things for a while but... like with everything else, it seems I have a tendency to either write too much, or nothing at all.

So I'll just leave it at this: BTW has irrevocably changed the way I perceive most games, and the way I feel while playing them. And for that, I very much look forward to whatever you have in store for us next!

Re: A Quick Thanks...

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:46 pm
by Shadowhawk36
FlowerChild wrote:
Shadowhawk36 wrote:I know it doesn't affect you a whole lot Flowerchild, but I'm really grateful for what you've done for us all.
Oh, it affects me man. It affects me a great deal.

I just don't know how to respond to the outpouring of support I've been getting here and in the dev diary thread the past few days :)

So once again guys, thank you to all of this. When someone posts something nasty, I tend to have an immediate retort, but when they post something nice, especially when it comes in volume, I think I tend to have more of a blush response and don't know what to say ;)
I'm glad that you're able to feel the joy of the praise rather than the pain of the hatred, but that's mainly because you tell everyone who hates you off. You've definitely earned all our thanks, and I want to say that so much considering you closed registrations for a while. I literally got re-interested in BTW and the forums when you closed registrations, so this has been a real long waiting bit of praise from me :)