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Does hardcore spawn change the way you play?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:09 am
by brab
I've noticed that I've slowly changed how I play because of hardcore spawn. Before, when I died, my first goal was to rush back to where I had died to try to get back what I was carrying at that time. But with hardcore spawn, this is no longer possible. Instead, building a chest is very high on my list, and I always try to carry as little as possible with me. As I die a lot (I'm a noob, I only managed to craft a hoe once since hardcore mining was implemented), this means I'm slowly colonizing the whole radius around original spawn, and I'm having a lot of fun doing it (especially when I stumble back on some old tiny base I built).

What I love about hardcore spawn is that, even though it makes dying much more consequential, every small progress that has been made (planting mushrooms, building a furnace, ...) is actual progress in the large scheme of things. And it's much more fun than starting from scratch.

Re: Does hardcore spawn change the way you play?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:51 am
by Taleric
Completely agree, HC spawn is great fun especially rediscovering forgotten builds. The elation felt when returning home from a long death/trip is a very unique experiance to BTW. (In my gaming experiance at least.)

On carrying the minimum amount of gear this is something I remind myself to do constantly. Even after you can judged risk properly and reach late game there can be an oops where all your items are forfeit.

Re: Does hardcore spawn change the way you play?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:36 am
by heypaint
"Does HC spawn change the way I play?"

I lol'd when I read the heading. And my answer is F*&$@K YEAH! Oh my god I hate to die! Get a farm and some iron armor and a creeper walks up behind you while your fighting a spider! Suddenly I'm punching trees again! I restarted (new world) with 667 update and I am now the most timid, cautious, and frightened player you have ever encountered. I don't go out in the dark, I don't go out in the rain, I don't go too deep into caves, jungles or swamps. I just build a 4x4 house out of dirt and soil myself everytime a wolf howls. I have died so much that the very thought of having to start punching trees again makes bile rise up in my throat.

So I guess that's a 'yes.'

Re: Does hardcore spawn change the way you play?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:29 am
by JakeZKAM
Very much so. At the start of a new world I'm fairly cautious, grab some wood, hunt a little, and spend the night mining cobble. Rinse and repeat. The I get food production up after gathering a bit of iron, and once I have my first pick well... Then it's complete and utter madness. I see everything as a threat and get jumpy from caving. It's not even that I'm afraid of dying and starting over, since by that point I have quite a few measures put in to help me find my way home. It's more possibly losing the Pick I have, any Iron I was carrying, and then having to start iron all over. Possibly draining the area until I have to move to start over. In my current world I'm all the way up to crucible/kiln level so with a plethora of materials built up, I'm much less worried about actually dying. It can be unfortunate but I can live with it.

Re: Does hardcore spawn change the way you play?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:34 am
by Katalliaan
Absolutely. If I don't know where I'll spawn, I make an effort to ensure that I don't die. After all, I don't want to spend a long time working my way up to a compass to return to spawn if I die.

However, if I know that I can easily navigate my way back, I care a bit less about deaths - I just take a quick stop to get whatever food, weapons, and armor I feel I need to recover my things and then head to where I died to recover my things; that's assuming, of course, that I don't just only carry the things I feel I can stand losing.