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A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:25 pm
by voursung
Hello, I am just started playing BTW (and Minecraft) so I am pretty new...
after (so many death) and getting used to the difference between vanilla and the mod, I finally able to maintain a relatively stable food (by hunting animals), and just started less than humble chicken farm consist only 3 chickens, as well as three wolf(with hope of getting dung), sugarcane farm, pumpkin farm, all of those not yet automated.. I managed to shelter myself in a human-made cave and decided to settle there. I also managed to make quite a few iron ingots so I have iron hoe, sword, and pickaxe as well as some reserves for it. Well, I also have got some hemp seed (11 if im not mistaken). As well as 1 chest full of cobble, 1 chest full of combined planks all stack up.

that is my condition.

The problem is... I have ventured all over my current island (not world) and haven't found any single village (not even abandoned one), and a bit worried about the wheat farm that I am planning to build for my settlement are not going to come true. I am afraid if I continue the 'ages' I would not managed to see another day due to starvation...
I really need your advice on this, should I continue searching for village for wheat seeds then find a good place to settle,


just to hell with it and go make some hemp farm and starts building windmill, (I thought resource wise I am quite capable)?

Please share your thought, I am sorry if I offend in any way and my bad English, and thank you before.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:40 pm
by ryoloth
A would suggest that you work on expanding your pumpkin farm and chicken farm, that should be able to sustain your hunger. then just continue living on the island and playing as you would until you find enough diamonds (and creeper oysters) to make a diamond pick and build a nether portal, then use it to go out and look for a village. Villages only spawn in deserts and plains biomes so you will have to leave your island to find one, and another 4k (i think, can some one correct me on this?) blocks to find an active village where you can get the oh so precious wheat and carrots/potatoes

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:20 pm
by Slstoev
I think it was just 1k blocks or 2k if FC changed that recently.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:27 pm
by ryoloth
AH, then I am just and unlucky bastard ^.^

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:32 pm
by FlowerChild
Careful about feeding information to people that you don't actually know guys, especially when they are asking for help. There's an awful lot of guessing going on above.

To the OP, there is absolutely *no* requirement in the mod to find villages at present. The only thing they provide you with are better kinds of food, and you really don't need to go find those until you feel like it.

So, feel free to just continue happily expanding your base and moving up in the tech tree.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:56 pm
by jorgebonafe
In my experience a simple chicken farm is more then enough to get all the food you need. It's slow growing, but before you know it you'll have more eggs then you know what to do with. I personally prefer using pumpkins to hemp since you were already lucky to find it. A big pumpkin farm will get you loooots of seeds...

Edit. Remember to plant them in a checker pattern to maximize growth. I bet there are some optimal configurations to grow pumpkins, but a checker pattern works just fine for me.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:48 pm
by PatriotBob
I've in a very similar situation, plenty of pumpkins and chickens, could probably make the mushroom farm bigger though. And I'm generally ok on food. On occasion I will take a day an fish my lake to turn my zombie flesh into fish. Which definitely helps boost the food stores. And if you have enough food to survive, the only thing wheat/potatoes/carrots really get you is more efficient food.

Well that and the ability to get those damn animals to breed. (Which really just results in more food)

So if you're not once your not starving, progress your tech tree.

Tip: Start hunting creepers early. I've been stuck trying to get creeper oysters for a few minecraft weeks now. I've gotten two so far... Probably just me though.
(I blame LWJGWL, minecraft ships an older version and keys stick occasionally on linux :P)

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:06 pm
by supermeatnoob
It took me two real life hours to find a village I had to go over 5k blocks to find it, you will find one, just takes a long time. I did this before I did anything in the tech tree. I just killed lots of animals on the way to the village. I suggest you start your hemp farm and let it go while you search for the village.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:10 pm
by FlowerChild
supermeatnoob wrote:It took me two real life hours to find a village I had to go over 5k blocks to find it, you will find one, just takes a long time. I did this before I did anything in the tech tree. I just killed lots of animals on the way to the village. I suggest you start your hemp farm and let it go while you search for the village.
Or just don't be nuts about it and wait until you have access to the nether before even considering looking for a village. Any such desire is based on an obsessive compulsive need to have wheat due to lingering vanilla tendencies.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:53 pm
by Pfilson
FlowerChild wrote: Or just don't be nuts about it and wait until you have access to the nether before even considering looking for a village. Any such desire is based on an obsessive compulsive need to have wheat due to lingering vanilla tendencies.
I have to second this.. I did the nomad till I found a village and got easy diamonds in a nearby temple and reached anvil tech. Then I died.. I know I could probably find my way back to that village, and resume, but this time I'm finding diamonds from caving instead. I started with two chickens and one pumpkin and a few mushrooms.

I ran water to my underground pumpkin farm and for every pumpkin that grows I plant one seed and feed the rest to the chickens.. I had to do a few hunting trips initially but now I have 16+ chickens and the same amount of pumpkins. I have a surplus of mushroom omelets and pumpkins now...

Finding diamonds with caving and not just holing up in a village has been a lot more rewarding and enjoyable. The only real advantage of finding a village is renewable leather and more food.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:59 pm
by DreamsofFury
In my lan world I am at day 40ish or so, I have a large hemp farm that nets me around 3-5 stacks every few days, a decent scale mob trap that has a shocking spawn rate of male creepers, been to the nether and I have a few stacks of quartz and about 3 chests full of netherwrack, found a fortress and managed to get enough blaze rods for everything I will ever NEED (though i will want many many more in the future), so far to this day I have burned through 2 diamond picks with a 3rd to go and only 2 diamonds left, still havent begun to search for a village, the 5 cows I managed to pen up along with the currently 9 chickens I have cooped up I'm good to go.

You honestly don't ever have to look for a village at all ever if you really don't want to, until you have a desire to begin breeding your herds it means nothing.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:02 pm
by jorgebonafe
FlowerChild wrote:
supermeatnoob wrote:It took me two real life hours to find a village I had to go over 5k blocks to find it, you will find one, just takes a long time. I did this before I did anything in the tech tree. I just killed lots of animals on the way to the village. I suggest you start your hemp farm and let it go while you search for the village.
Or just don't be nuts about it and wait until you have access to the nether before even considering looking for a village. Any such desire is based on an obsessive compulsive need to have wheat due to lingering vanilla tendencies.
Yeah, I started again and did just that, waiting I mean. It was more fun actually to use other resources to survive.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:04 pm
by Fret
supermeatnoob wrote:It took me two real life hours to find a village I had to go over 5k blocks to find it, you will find one, just takes a long time. I did this before I did anything in the tech tree. I just killed lots of animals on the way to the village. I suggest you start your hemp farm and let it go while you search for the village.
I used to go this route, but just recently I went with chickens. And I'm having so much more fun with it. Building farm for hemp/pumpkins and building a chicken shelter is way more fun than nomad. I no longer care about the wheat. I'll just go ham and eggs.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:08 pm
by FlowerChild
Fret wrote:I'll just go ham and eggs.
Scrambled Eggs really are the shit since I boosted them a bit. You get a half pip less than Ham & Eggs, but you also don't have to go hunting pigs either.

It takes a bit of setup work to get your dairy farm going, but once you do, it's very nice.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:29 pm
by Fret
FlowerChild wrote:Scrambled Eggs really are the shit since I boosted them a bit. You get a half pip less than Ham & Eggs, but you also don't have to go hunting pigs either.

It takes a bit of setup work to get your dairy farm going, but once you do, it's very nice.
I use those right now. I'm just thinking about not even going after a village until I'm out of leather. Soon I'll be able to make kibble.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:43 pm
by HighMongrel
If you've got the set up, you don't even need chickens and can survive on just pumpkins or melons. I only set up my auto egg farm so that I'd have to carry less food on exploration ventures in the nether. After a while I stopped caring about finding village so much, so I haven't been using that too much either. Now I'm just finished automating individual steps in soul urn production in a nether base, surviving solely on a small melon farm I made there.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:50 pm
by FlowerChild
HighMongrel wrote:I only set up my auto egg farm so that I'd have to carry less food on exploration ventures in the nether.
Yup, really at a certain point that's the whole idea behind the more efficient food sources: they take less inventory space for the same amount of survival time (they're also less annoying in terms of the frequency with which you have to eat). It's also why I had to reduce the stack limit on food to make the whole system really work, as otherwise you could just carry around a stack of 64 pretty much anything and have plenty of food on you.

Really, that's the only reason other than setting up breeding automation to go after the villagers eventually. There will be more uses for villagers once I wrap up their HC feature set, but right now, there is really no *need* for them. They're just a nice little bonus for those that choose to put in the effort.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:56 pm
by voursung
Thank you all for the answers I think I know what am I going to do now, again thank you so much :D
FlowerChild wrote:Or just don't be nuts about it and wait until you have access to the nether before even considering looking for a village. Any such desire is based on an obsessive compulsive need to have wheat due to lingering vanilla tendencies.
Yeah while I played vanilla minecraft, all my friends told me to find wheat seed and start a farm, breed some cows and/or pigs, don't bother with chicken... Well I guess the rules are just different in here, huh!?

I think I should work on how to automated my chicken farm, since I always miss the eggs, or simply my chicken doesn't lay any xD

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:02 pm
by DreamsofFury
Heres a stupidly basic setup that takes minutes to start....the hard part is getting at least one chicken in there, after that just break eggs over the other compartments. Automation is easy after this point as well if you can spare the mats for dispensers.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:18 pm
by voursung
DreamsofFury wrote:Heres a stupidly basic setup that takes minutes to start....the hard part is getting at least one chicken in there, after that just break eggs over the other compartments. Automation is easy after this point as well if you can spare the mats for dispensers.
Wow never thought of that ><... I am a noob after all...
Thank you sir, I think I got the basic idea now xD

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:56 am
by voursung
a bit out of topic, since FC already locked the new release 4.88 thread I cannot asked there, so is it possible for me to update my BTW, while my previous BTW, have the hardcore spawn turned off? Will it still be compatible? I meant all these time after get the hang of it, I wanna turn back on the hardcore spawn, however afraid of the possibilities it will break my current game...

So if I remove the config file, and install update, will I still be able to play my old savegame?

Thank you ^^

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:26 am
by Rob
voursung wrote:a bit out of topic, since FC already locked the new release 4.88 thread I cannot asked there, so is it possible for me to update my BTW, while my previous BTW, have the hardcore spawn turned off? Will it still be compatible? I meant all these time after get the hang of it, I wanna turn back on the hardcore spawn, however afraid of the possibilities it will break my current game...

So if I remove the config file, and install update, will I still be able to play my old savegame?

Thank you ^^
I don't believe FC would release an update if it ruined saves. And I don't believe the Config file alters anything in your save folder. But as you should always do when updating, make a backup of your world before proceeding.

Re: A beginner's woe

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:55 pm
by milkmandan
PatriotBob wrote:(I blame LWJGWL, minecraft ships an older version and keys stick occasionally on linux :P)
Off topic, but I too was haunted by the sticking keys in linux until I updated the native files to be able to run 64 bit. ... date_LWJGL