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Help Fixing World Corruption?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:23 pm
by Splee999
So I was on the conclusion of a legendary journey finding my way back to my home base, when the power died on my computer. When I reloaded the world, the "downloading chunks" section took MUCH longer than usual, and then when it finally loaded, I became trapped inside a block (which was odd since I loaded with my character swimming) and I started taking damage. When I finally popped out of the invisible block, my FPS dropped too low to play the game. Upon reloading the world one more time, chunk errors have now consumed all but about 10 chunks that I was standing on or near. Anyone got any ideas how this might be fixed? Or has my world bit the dust?

Edit: Oh, just to be clear, I was using BTW 4.58, and it was working fine before this, if that helps at all.

Re: Help Fixing World Corruption?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:34 pm
by ExpHP
The best way to fix world corruption is to be prepared before it happens. Even just a daily backup before playing means you'll never lose more than a day's work.

From what you're saying ("consumed by chunk errors"), it sounds like there is a big permanent hold in your world where those chunks are? The first thing I would suggest is getting MCEdit and seeing if it can open the world. I don't know if recovering these chunks is possible, but at the very least, you may be able to delete/regenerate them.

EDIT: I misread your post. I thought 10 chunks were missing, but now I see only 10 chunks are /present/. If you travel far away (~512 blocks), do the chunks out there load fine?

Re: Help Fixing World Corruption?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:49 pm
by Splee999
Hmm I guess I'll try using mcedit to see if any of my world is still there at all. Unfortunately, I'm unable to use the "walk away" trick because I'm stranded on about a 10 chunk island with nothing but empty sky surrounding it.