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Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:35 pm
by Panda
Im just asking cause even with brightness on moody i can very plainly see everything for miles ahead in "pitch black night". It really kills me because im not afraid of the dark im afraid of the circumstance that monsters can spawn in these lighting conditions. Which takes something away from night...
Any obvious solutions im missing? (dont say dim monitor)

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:54 pm
by FlowerChild
Not visual, but I spent the day yesterday working on gameplay impact to wandering around in total darkness, so it may help a bit with the "afraid of the dark" thing you mentioned.

At the very least, I suspect it will make people more cautious about plunging into total darkness.

Also, someone mentioned a mod in the BTW MCF thread the other day that provides greater contrast to dark areas, so you might want to look that up.

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:56 pm
by BinoAl
FlowerChild wrote:Not visual, but I spent the day yesterday working on gameplay impact to wandering around in total darkness, so it may help a bit with the "afraid of the dark" thing you mentioned.

At the very least, I suspect it will make people more cautious about plunging into total darkness.
Thank god; Aside from monster spawns, I have literally no reason to use torches. Since monsters don't spawn within a certain distance of you anyway... :p

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:00 pm
by Panda
Yeah i just wish there was a mod that gave you the "void fog" effect when your not around torches at night, kinda like how it is in dont starve.

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:05 pm
by FlowerChild
Panda wrote:Yeah i just wish there was a mod that gave you the "void fog" effect when your not around torches at night, kinda like how it is in dont starve.
I considered something like that (using the blindness effect), but it really doesn't work right as it would also affect lighted areas outside of the darkened one you're in, as opposed to making them stand out like a beacon in the dark, as you would expect.

Not being able to see in the dark is one thing, but not being able to see the light that's leading you out of the dark is another :)

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:07 pm
by Panda
Mehhhheee yeah after playing dont starve all of yesterday i came to the conclusion that not being able to see shit makes The idea of even a diggy hole shelter alot more meaningful and accomplished.

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:12 pm
by FlowerChild
Panda wrote:Mehhhheee yeah after playing dont starve all of yesterday i came to the conclusion that not being able to see shit makes The idea of even a diggy hole shelter alot more meaningful and accomplished.
Yup, agreed. I may run a couple of quick tests as to how to amplify that effect actually.

Please stand by ;)

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:19 pm
by Panda
FlowerChild wrote:
Panda wrote:Mehhhheee yeah after playing dont starve all of yesterday i came to the conclusion that not being able to see shit makes The idea of even a diggy hole shelter alot more meaningful and accomplished.
Yup, agreed. I may run a couple of quick tests as to how to amplify that effect actually.

Please stand by ;)
o.O Ohh man i just got excited! (giggity)

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:19 pm
by FlowerChild
Actually, here panda, found the post I referenced and found the associated reddit:

Post: ... ry23094621

(be sure to check out the screen shots in the spoiler).

Reddit: ... d_created/

Turns out you can play around with it in the MC config file without installing a mod. It's just a setting.

I don't think that kind of thing is reasonable for above-ground, but for below ground it might just be, which is what I'm going to fool around with right now.

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:26 pm
by Panda
Holy Phallic objects go Flower go! Your making a pandas dream come true ;_;

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:35 pm
by FlowerChild
As an aside, I tend to like to cue up thematic music when I'm working on something.

In this case:


Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:03 pm
by Panda
What the beans! That works perfectly, accept for with texture packs...? when there on it doesnt, any suggestion flower?

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:18 pm
by Panda
Holy Shit this is what the night should look like, this is with gamma at -0.5 and ohh man, i am not going out in that fucking night Q~Q


Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:18 pm
by FlowerChild
No time for giving suggestions Panda. Tracked down the pertinent part of code, and here's the result of my first test:
That's on full brightness to boot.

Oh yeah baby :)

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:21 pm
by Panda
Fuck yes! This is a thing flower! im getting excited, im playing through my level with the gamma settings (and for all who want to try this and it doesnt work with a TP, the solution it to go to the TP>enviroment> and delete anything that says lightmap)

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:31 pm
by Sarudak
That looks really sweet! I like darkness being scary and I even think outside at night deserves to be darker. That said I still generally play with a fairly high gamma setting. The reason being that with the gamma set low even around torches it feels too dark so my cozy little cottage feels oppressive...

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:36 pm
by FlowerChild
Hehe...I'm primarily interested in the gameplay impact here. The status effects I made to being in total darkness were good, but missing a little extra something as it was a tad weird to be getting status effects when they player could still see their surroundings. With this though...definite fear of descending into the depths :)

Thanks for giving me the kick in the ass to fiddle with this through this thread panda. It really puts the cherry on the cake for the next release.

I'm still not down with having the same kind of absolute darkness above ground (I've set it up so that this only applies in areas that are cut off from any lighting from the sky whatsoever), as my experience in the military only exposed me to one situation where I was absolutely blind outside once my night vision had kicked in (in the middle of a swamp, during a heavy storm). In all but the most extreme circumstances, ambient light generally allows you to see well enough to navigate once your eyes adjust.

I *may* do something with this during storms in the future outside though, as I think that would make them absolutely terrifying, especially with the lightning flashes briefly illuminating the landscape.

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:43 pm
by Panda
FlowerChild wrote:Hehe...I'm primarily interested in the gameplay impact here. The status effects I made to being in total darkness were good, but missing a little extra something as it was a tad weird to be getting status effects when they player could still see their surroundings. With this though...definite fear of descending into the depths :)

Thanks for giving me the kick in the ass to fiddle with this through this thread panda. It really puts the cherry on the cake for the next release.

I'm still not down with having the same kind of absolute darkness above ground (I've set it up so that this only applies in areas that are cut off from any lighting from the sky whatsoever), as my experience in the military only exposed me to one situation where I was absolutely blind outside once my night vision had kicked in (in the middle of a swamp, during a heavy storm). In all but the most extreme circumstances, ambient light generally allows you to see well enough to navigate once your eyes adjust.

I *may* do something with this during storms in the future outside though, as I think that would make them absolutely terrifying, especially with the lightning flashes briefly illuminating the landscape.
Awww yeah im so happy with this gamma thing though!! also Nether:


Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:44 pm
by ExpHP
I messed around with the brightness table not more than a week ago. My experience with it fairly awesome the first few days; gathering stone became even more difficult, and I had to plan my trips back home carefully or I was stranded for the night.

After gathering much surface coal and some easily accessible iron, I finally decided to go in a cave, and things stopped being so fun. I felt like a very large portion of my success depended on luck, because the 13 block visibility radius of torches allowed for virtually no planning, and made it impossible to tell when things could fall from above (temp ceilings required everywhere!). The experience was off-putting enough that I gave up on the idea.

Come to think of it, though, the cave I was testing it in was fairly wide open. Looking at your image, it occurs to me that if I picked my battles and stuck to narrower tunnels, I would've had a better chance at making it...

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:08 pm
by DaveYanakov
This is scary as hell and I want to be inside of it...

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:12 pm
by FlowerChild
The one unfortunate part about this I am noticing so far is that it makes Mojang's lighting bugs even more evident. Whereas before, the areas appeared as really dark until you approached them, now they appear as pitch black.

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:16 pm
by DaveYanakov
Maybe it'll give Grum a kick toward making them a priority then?

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:23 pm
by FlowerChild
Arg...just ran some tests on the nether. Looks soooooooo frigging cool, BUT, the problem is that it would basically totally trash people's existing builds in the nether requiring extensive relighting to make them functional, since torches weren't at all required in the nether before.

Will have to contemplate that one further. Certainly not for next release as it's not a decision to be taken lightly.

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:38 pm
by Sarudak
So the ambient light level in the nether is not sufficient to allow vision in your new system?

Re: Is there anyway to make minecraft darker without a mod?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:43 pm
by FlowerChild
Sarudak wrote:So the ambient light level in the nether is not sufficient to allow vision in your new system?
Oh no, it's fine. I just temporarily gave a try to applying the same rules to the nether for low light levels to see what it looked like given Panda's screenshot above.

Looks great, but has its problems. So no, no problem with the system, was just talking about an additional test.