The Holder Series for Minecraft

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The Holder Series for Minecraft

Post by CreeperCannibal »

Just for the hell of it :3 The general formula here is: On any map, in any village go to the (Church, Smithy, Library, Bucher's Shop, Farm) and ask the (Preist, Blacksmith, Librarian, Bucher, Farmer) To see a man who calls himself the holder of ________ Then comes a strange reaction in the villager. The main portion consists of trials for the player, lastly there will always be a vague question the person must ask the holder. There's an example below which contains an inside joke for any BTW users.
The Holder Series: The Holder Of Placenta
On any map, in any village, proceed to the church and ask the priest that you would like to see a man to calls himself the holder of Placenta. If the preist's eyes go white, back away and try again on another day. If the priest asks you to come with him you may continue. He will lead you to a trapdoor with a dark pit below. He will then give you a key and tell you that you must proceed alone. Open the trapdoor and climb down the latter below into the dark pit. There is just enough light to let you distinguish the difference between the ground, walls and the dark openings in the ground that lead to an endless fall. The smell of the place is rancid enough to make you vomit right then and there and there is the constant sound of organs grumbling and gurgling as they process whatever is passing through them. The moment your feet touch the pulsating ground below the latter you will hear a hissing noise. Ignore the noise, do not look around for the source of the noise and do not panic. These reactions will only serve to show the holder that you would make an amusing play thing for him. Instead just look straight ahead and wait. If the hissing continues after three seconds rush up the latter as fast as possible. If it stops after three seconds, straight ahead. As you walk down the path you may notice an increase in light allowing you to see that the whole place is made from a pink meat like substance that is always oozing red, orange and yellow viscous fluids. Don't touch the fluids with any bare skin should you expose yourself to these vile fluids you're body will collapse and begin to decay and rot. Within a few minutes you'll be a part of the scenery. When you come to the end of the hall you will be met with a door. Take out the key before using it anaylize the rough edge. If the ridges decline towards the center and rise up towards the front end use the key you may pass. Any other configuration will open up an unpleasant surprise. Insert the key close your eyes, open the door and walk through. After the door slams shut you may open them. You should now be in a small garden. The sky will be a bright baby blue, the small ponds surrounding your path will sparkle and the unicorns all line up along the path will be throwing up rainbows. Do not look into the eyes of the unicorns or stare at the rainbows they throw up for too long otherwise blindness and a complete loss of sanity will follow. Proceed down the path until you see a naked villager violently twitching. He will keep twitching and will not respond to anything else except for the question. Ask him : How do they eat it? The holder will then stop twitching, and you will hear a nose much like that of an enderman's as he stares at you. Don't look away. Keep staring back and eventually he will begin to dissolve into nearly liquified tissue. By now the garden will begin to die and soon there will be creatures coming for you. You're only best bet of escape is to dig through his remains and find a placenta. Kiss it and you will black out. When you awake you will be outside of the village with object number 69: The power to birth infinite creatures of nature.
"Kneel says the demon light
With its eye of coal
Sauron knows your license plate
And stares into your soul"
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