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4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:52 pm
by FlowerChild
Creating this thread so that people can discuss their discoveries in 4.65 freely. Have at it :)

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:57 pm
by FlowerChild
Actually, I'll get this rolling myself.

After releasing last night, I installed 4.65 on the official server and played around a few minutes to make sure everything is ok.

I have a small barn with a number of cattle in it (maybe 20 head). I decided to go inside and get myself some steak as I was wandering about.

So, without thinking about it, I attacked my first cow as I was standing by the (open) door and suddenly I was engulfed by a massive stampede of cattle fleeing for the door while I frantically tried to put a dirt block in place to stop them. I think all but 4 managed to get out as I was consumed by a fit of laughter having been unexpectedly screwed over by my own changes.

On top of that, hunting down the rest within my base was an extremely time consuming process as each time I killed one, the rest scattered, and I was laughing all the while. It's pretty rare that I get nailed by emergent gameplay like that so soon after putting out a new feature :)

Moral of this story: keep the barn door closed if you plan on slaughtering animals ;)

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:02 pm
by Wafflewaffle
FlowerChild wrote:Moral of this story: keep the barn door closed if you plan on slaughtering animals ;)
Double fence doors FTW!

I just got killed by a creeper while stuck on spider web. Never got more scared from a creeper as i was when i saw him strolling my way unable to run away... GOOD TIMES!

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:11 pm
by FlowerChild
Wafflewaffle wrote: I just got killed by a creeper while stuck on spider web. Never got more scared from a creeper as i was when i saw him strolling my way unable to run away... GOOD TIMES!
Hehe...word. Spider/creeper combo kills were definitely one of the things I was going for there.

Mobility is probably one of the biggest advantages the player has over mobs in most combat situations that pop up. Hence, attacking it directly is bound to lead to some "fun" :)

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:23 pm
by SubparFiddle
That herd mentality was first new thing that I noticed. Such a subtle change, but it has a HUGE impact on game play and especially immersion. Love it!

I just recently saw a zombie come out of a cave during the day and thought "What the heck!?" Then he killed and ate a cow and went back to his hole. :)

Edit: Also, has mob spawning been changed any? The past couple of nights I've been able to come out of my hobbit hole and feel pretty safe around the area.

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:32 pm
by Kazuya Mishima
So it's first night and I have a good bit of wood and have slaughtered every pig in sight before descending into a small cave I found near spawn and boarding the entrance with planks.

As the night progresses and I'm cooking my pork while simultaneously digging some channels into the cave to see if I can find some iron I hear a pig screech and then a burp. The Nether groth has found me ! No, damn zombies have an appetite for pigs now. It's a good thing i slaughtered so many early on. I did manage to recover some of the pork from 2 zombies UV scorched corpses.

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:33 pm
by FlowerChild
Kazuya Mishima wrote: As the night progresses and I'm cooking my pork while simultaneously digging some channels into the cave to see if I can find some iron I hear a pig screech and then a burp. The Nether groth has found me ! No, damn zombies have an appetite for pigs now. It's a good thing i slaughtered so many early on. I did manage to recover teh pork from 2 zombies UV scorched corpses.
Doh! I was wondering if that might be a problem in that zombies that pick stuff up will sometimes wind up doing so instead of eating the meat.

Will fix that :)

EDIT: Although I kinda like that some zombies are hoarders instead of eaters, it provides some variety, and it encourages starving players to take risks if they spot a zombie wandering around holding a pork chop. Hmmm...will think further on it.

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:22 pm
by Mud
Zombie ate some of my pigs through my fence :[

:edit: in excuse to rig some defenses for my pens I suppose.

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:28 pm
by SeaOtter
Wow, this certainly makes spiders a major concern again.

I just met my end after a zombie lured me out of my base waving a bit of leather. His spider buddy came at me from behind and stuck me to the spot. The zombie finished me off and let out a very punctuating burp to rub salt in what was left of the wound...

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:40 pm
by FlowerChild
SeaOtter wrote:The zombie finished me off and let out a very punctuating burp to rub salt in what was left of the wound...
Lol! Thanks for giving me the good laugh on that one man :)

In SMP I tend to say "noob" every time someone dies to rub salt in the wounds. I like to think of those burps as my little way of doing so even when people are playing alone ;)

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:45 pm
by Kazuya Mishima
FlowerChild wrote: Doh! I was wondering if that might be a problem in that zombies that pick stuff up will sometimes wind up doing so instead of eating the meat.
I just thought he had eaten his fill. Whatever the case after a few nights of that there was not an animal on the horizon sight of my base. I felt a moment desperation where i wanted to try to collect any pig or sheep on the fringes of my loaded world bit without a way to breed pigs or sheep that doesn't seem like a good time investment now. I could go for cows/milk but i need a good enclosure first.

Anyway great job on making the 4 or 5 seconds of tension I used to feel on first night in vanilla stretch out for multiple days. Actually i'm still not sustainable yet.

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:51 pm
by ion
FlowerChild wrote:
Kazuya Mishima wrote: As the night progresses and I'm cooking my pork while simultaneously digging some channels into the cave to see if I can find some iron I hear a pig screech and then a burp. The Nether groth has found me ! No, damn zombies have an appetite for pigs now. It's a good thing i slaughtered so many early on. I did manage to recover teh pork from 2 zombies UV scorched corpses.
Doh! I was wondering if that might be a problem in that zombies that pick stuff up will sometimes wind up doing so instead of eating the meat.

Will fix that :)

EDIT: Although I kinda like that some zombies are hoarders instead of eaters, it provides some variety, and it encourages starving players to take risks if they spot a zombie wandering around holding a pork chop. Hmmm...will think further on it.
let it in, i would gladly hunt a zombie after a bit of meat, as i hated having to spend a full night in a tree and watching them tearing down about 30 sheep. some leftovers for a hungry poor man are always good.

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:26 pm
by TheYaMeZ
Just thought i'd share a little moment I just had in the initial stage of a new world. I had just built a furnace in a surface cave, slightly injured from a previous encounter with a skeleton from another cave. While my bacon cooked I thought i'd have a peek around the cave, turns out there was a spawner around the corner with a skeleton guarding it. With my pre-hardcore hunger mentality kicking in I swung at the skeleton with a stone axe a couple of times and the second blow broke my axe.. Thinking I could finish it off before any others came to help it I took another arrow trying to get a punch in.
Imagine the look on my face when I realised that punching it had no effect... I turned tail to flee but I was crippled and took an arrow or two to the back and that was the end of that story.

As a little side note, I had a previous world where I spawned in a jungle and I was loving the ability for the axes to be used as machetes. They really carved through the jungle, especially the iron one. But I immediately stopped using it when I had the feeling each leaf block I destroyed was taking 1 durability away from the axe, when a wood also took one I felt I was wasting it. It dawned on me the correct way of clearing the jungle would be to burn it down. I highly recommend it, but i'd remind people to evacuate any wildlife before any commencing any heat-induced deforestations. Hearing the cries of random cows and chickens that were trapped in jungle leaves didn't sound great to me when I was super low on food.

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:31 pm
by FlowerChild
TheYaMeZ wrote:As a little side note, I had a previous world where I spawned in a jungle and I was loving the ability for the axes to be used as machetes. They really carved through the jungle, especially the iron one. But I immediately stopped using it when I had the feeling each leaf block I destroyed was taking 1 durability away from the axe, when a wood also took one I felt I was wasting it. It dawned on me the correct way of clearing the jungle would be to burn it down. I highly recommend it, but i'd remind people to evacuate any wildlife before any commencing any heat-induced deforestations. Hearing the cries of random cows and chickens that were trapped in jungle leaves didn't sound great to me when I was super low on food.
Gods damn...given the themes of this mod, I must admit that having encouraged burning down the rain forest in-game does bring a smile to my face :)

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:31 pm
by xou816
Oh God... So you hid the most interesting things from the changelog :)
This is truly amazing. I'm really looking forward to this weekend so I can play the update a bit further. Definitely time to start a new world!

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:50 am
by Kazuya Mishima
So my understanding of weeds is that they are sort of like foul food in that they are punishment for the mistake of over-tilling. If you over-till the ground and don't plant seeds in tilled ground you will get weeds. Anybody have a different experience?

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:04 am
by Aesc
I was recording this for the Let's Play thread, but technical issues mean I won't be able to upload a video, so I'll just put my adventures in the spoiler below. It's written more as a story than a transcript of what happened, so I've put a short summary outside the spoiler that's written with the context of the game in mind.

Warning: there's a lot of text down there. I hope the writing's at least a little entertaining.
I spawned in an extreme hills biome near a bunch of caves, some chickens, and a crater with a little visible iron. I made my way to the nearby forest biome, punched down a tree (very slowly), and started off crafting some tools – or, rather, a single tool. Wooden pickaxe in hand, I made my way to one of the many patches of exposed stone and started digging. It broke after mining 11 blocks. It was beautiful. I celebrated by making a stone pick and axe and setting out on a murderous rampage. The weak herd animals fled before me, but they were not fast enough. I made a rough tunic from their skins and ate some of their flesh raw.

When night came, I had a simple wooden shelter with crafting table, furnace, chest and wooden door. I had found a little coal, and used it to make torches. Aside from the crackling of the furnace, it was quiet – too quiet. I heard no spiders skittering, no bones creaking, no zombies moaning. That was when the fear set in. I tried not to think about it, and occupied myself by cooking the rest of my spoils and trying to determine whether oak or birch would be best suited as fuel. I left it burning even when the cooking was done, as I had found no coal for torches and did not wish to face the darkness.

Morning came without incident. I saw fires in the distance as sunlight reached the undead, but the area around me was empty. In fact, it was rather emptier than I had left it at sunset. Certainly I had killed a lot of animals, but there were still at least a dozen left when I retired. Now there was a single sheep standing alone on a stretch of fairly flat grass. It had cold, dead eyes, and did not run from me as it had the day before. Perhaps it did not remember how it had feared me.

Perhaps it had something else to fear.

I saw webs scattered over the grass, and shreds of leather and wool. I saw blood. I saw no meat, though. I did not understand why until that night.

Returning to my home with a few pieces of iron ore that I had prized from the stone, I kept my eye on the sky. I did not want to be outside in the dark. I shut the door behind me just as the sun set and, after devouring a rather burnt steak I had cooked the night before, began to smelt my iron. In the end, I had eight nuggets. Not enough for an ingot, but still a valuable amount.

It was at that point that I heard it. It was not the growl of a zombie or the hiss of a creeper. It was a new sound, one that I could not put a name to even though it seemed familiar. I ate while I thought, trying to keep my strength up. I tried to stifle a burp.

I swore. That was it! A burp... from outside my house. But what could possibly have-

A moan. A crash. A zombie at my door. I backed into a corner, praying that the night would be over soon. As far as difficulty went, the last days had been normal. I was in no danger.

Except then the door broke. I fumbled for my axe, but I couldn't get a grip. My heart was beating too fast. I could hear screaming. It was coming from me. The rotting monster began to tear me apart.

A red haze clouded my vision. When it cleared, I was somewhere new. Not hills, but a swamp. I had no armour, no tools. The iron I had tried so hard to gather was missing too. I cast about for some sort of recognisable landmark; perhaps if I was fast enough I could make my way back to my shelter before it was completely destroyed. There! In the distance, a desert. I remembered there had been sand dunes across the water from the hills where I had made camp.

I had no guarantee that it was the same desert, but it was my only chance. In hindsight, I should have gathered food from the swamp before I set out, but terror had driven all rational thought from my brain and I could hear the clatter of bones in the swamp behind me.

I traveled for most of the day. As the sun began to set I found hills, but were they the same hills that I had found before? I had almost lost hope when I saw the flicker of torchlight.

To my great relief, the zombie had not disturbed my shelter. I did not trust a door this time. I blocked the entrance with dirt, leaving only a small hole in the wall to watch for the sun.

At daybreak I dug my way out again. I stood in the sunlight and began to laugh. I had died – died screaming, bleeding and broken by terror – but now I was more prepared, and stronger than ever. I would find more iron. I would make a sword, a pick, a suit of armour, and I would take on the creatures of the night and beat them back! I would-

...walk extremely slowly? I glanced down at my legs to see the white of a spider's web. I opened my mouth to swear.

Then I exploded.
But seriously, tho:

I was starting to get confused as to why FC wanted to see people's reactions, because I hadn't noticed anything too out of the ordinary. I mean, all the changes were awesome, but I couldn't see anything that would make a first-time video particularly exciting. I thought it was pretty cool that all of the sheep and cows would run away when I attacked one of them, but I was pretty sure that wasn't the only thing. I was kind of worried I was playing it wrong. Then I saw the absolute mess the mobs had made of the landscape during the night, and I laughed and clapped like a goddamn seal. Now that was a change worthy of a reaction video!

And then a zombie beat down my door on Normal difficulty. I was sitting there like “whatever, I have a door, you can't get me” and it got me. I don't know whether that was this particular release or an earlier one, but it was definitely Better Than Wolves, and I definitely was not expecting it. The bit up in the 'story' part, about the screaming? Yeah. That was a thing.

So was getting tag-teamed by a spider and a creeper a few minutes after I managed to get back to spawn.

This release is amazing and deserves all the awards.

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:21 pm
by Shengji
So I've run foul of the feature which discourages players from using peaceful!

FYI, no I wasn't trying to cheat, my son plays on peaceful and I am in the (bad) habit of switching over before he takes the machine - he's only 3!

Let me just emphasise, it is not a good idea in the slightest, I don't know if it will ever be restored or whether I will have to live with the consequences forever but the sadistic side of me wants to see how far I can get before I'm forced to give my world up!

EDIT: This post is inaccurate, see below!

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:33 pm
by FlowerChild
Shengji wrote:So I've run foul of the feature which discourages players from using peaceful!
Wait, which feature are we talking about? :)

I'm half asleep at the moment, but still, I can't figure out what you're referring to.

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:34 pm
by Shengji
The entire HUD was disabled?

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:36 pm
by Graphite
Sure you aren't just in screenshot mode? F3, if I'm not mistaken

Edit. F1, not F3. F1 toggles the HUD.

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:37 pm
by Shengji
Well, I'll assume this is a vanilla bug then, Neither F3 nor F1 are working and it only affects that save. Sorry for the noise :/ Did think it was rather clever though!

EDIT to prevent further noise: Well I can't repeat this bug in a new save, this is definitely a vanilla bug and potentially a world destroying one!

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:38 pm
by FlowerChild
Shengji wrote:The entire HUD was disabled?
Yeah, that's not me man, and if it was me, then it wasn't intentional.

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:54 pm
by Graphite
FlowerChild wrote:Yeah, that's not me man, and if it was me, then it wasn't intentional.
One thing's for certain. You have instilled an unhealthy sense of paranoia in people by now >.>

Re: 4.65 Spoiler Discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:56 pm
by jakerman999
@Flower - This seems like the best place to tell you that when you snipped the spoiler in the suggestions thread: you also replied to the thread and left the spoiler in your subject field. Somewhat defeats the point of cutting the spoiler out in the first place.