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Reach Reduction

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:35 pm
by Rawny
Was playing with and loving HCH and HCM when I noticed how far Steve could dig and it started pulling me out of my play experience whenever it happened. Steve can break a block four blocks away. Steve can pick away at a one meter block four meters away, 13.1234 feet away, more that two six foot tall humans away. That's huge.

Sry for a suggestion after a series of amazing updates. Ty FC.

Re: Reach Reduction

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:17 pm
by dawnraider
I agree. I always felt the length was rediculous, then they increased it, making it worse.

Re: Reach Reduction

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:52 pm
by jecowa
I think shortening the reach would only serve to make the game more tedious. It's nice being able to construct a ceiling, for example, without having to build scaffolding, jump up and down over and over, or crouch on the roof while building it. A shorter reach wouldn't make the game more fun or challenging; it would just make everything a bit more tedious.

Re: Reach Reduction

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:02 pm
by Gunnerman21
I agree with jecowa, the reach distance is fine. I remember when notch was adjusting and re-adjusting the reach of the player, and finally it feels just right. It's just enough to chop down the tallest normal oak tree (6 logs high) without making scaffolding, which makes sense in the case that chopping down the tree normally in the time it takes to punch each log would take just about as long.

Re: Reach Reduction

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:14 pm
by FlowerChild
Yeah, it's worth some thought for sure. You'll remember I was referring to it as "Steve's freakishly long arms" when Mojang made that change. there manna from heaven shooting from its hootch like so many ping pong balls? No. And I've asked people to hold back on suggestions if that's not the case.

In fact, I'd probably like to up the ante by saying it should also radiate golden beams of light and there be an angelic choir to accompany the pleasant schlupping sound.

Also, the "yay" or "nay" posts following are just an annoyance. Unless you have anything meaningful to add to a suggestion thread...don't.