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Predictable respawns with HC Spawn (possible spoilers)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:27 am
by Sandrew
I am not sure wether to post this in BTW Discussion or Tech Support, but upon dying I am consistently respawned anywhere between 1000 - 1500 blocks south and 50 - 200 blocks west of my original spawn. I haven't ever been spawned in any other direction, despite the area around my spawnpoint being otherwise unobstructed (ie, land biomes). It turned dying into a rather dull chore of finding the trail of torches I placed after my first death and tracing it back to my base, rather than the starting from scratch it was the first time. Is this something systematic with the way HCSpawn works, or is it possible that this is caused by large biomes? The fact that I spawn in a forest biome is usually a dead giveaway of the direction I should be heading in anyways.

Furthermore, would anyone suggest playing with normal biomes to prevent these situations?

Re: Predictable respawns with HC Spawn (possible spoilers)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:54 am
by Eriottosan
Which version of btw are you using? I know recently FC changed the hc spawning mechanics (in fact, I think it was the latest version) so it would help to know whether you are using the old or new system (:

Re: Predictable respawns with HC Spawn (possible spoilers)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:04 am
by Marasambala
Sandrew wrote: Furthermore, would anyone suggest playing with normal biomes to prevent these situations?
My SSP world is a large biomes save. Usually there are only 2 or 3 biomes in the re-spawn area. Once you're familiar with them, it's pretty easy to find your way home. Death wasn't something to be avoided anymore.

I recently joined a server with default biomes; it's much more disorienting. There are a multiples of each type of biome, so you don't automatically know where you are. Digging for compass materials is the only way to go for me, unless there is someone elses's markers on the horizon.
Eriottosan wrote:Which version of btw are you using? I know recently FC changed the hc spawning mechanics (in fact, I think it was the latest version) so it would help to know whether you are using the old or new system (:
Yeah, the recent update has definitely put me in unexplored territory on multiple occasions. Death is not cool.

...and finding that village again is a lot harder. ;)

Re: Predictable respawns with HC Spawn (possible spoilers)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:18 am
by Sandrew
First off, thank you guys for your swift and helpful replies. I'm still in 4.58, which after reading the .59 changelog explains everything. I'll probably gen a new world as well, having only three biomes to spawn in (possibly four, but it changes little) does make getting back to spawn far too easy.

Re: Predictable respawns with HC Spawn (possible spoilers)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:36 am
by Eriottosan
Going with standard biomes is a good idea, seeing as that's what HC spawn (and indeed, BTW in general) is balanced around - the standard mode of play.

Good luck with 4.59, hopefully that, + normal biomes, will leave you lost each time you respawn ;).

Re: Predictable respawns with HC Spawn (possible spoilers)

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:07 am
by wizardglick
Predictable?? I'm currently re-spawning in the exact same creeper-bomb ridden skeleton-infested spot that I've respawned in after getting killed (cause it's night and/or raining I have no protection or weapons) the last 6 or 7 times. Add another half-dozen times respawning in the same snow biome after dieing in a extreme hills biome no where near anything that had snow.

I am a fairly casual player, and I have a new world, and I just spent most of my limited playing time tonight respawning over and over again and getting killed by the same damn creatures over again because I am not randomly respawning, but respawning in the same damn spot over and over again.

So, Not Fun. Lat week I was having fun when I died and spawned in an unfamiliar area and started a small farm and mine intending to mine down to get enough redstone to make a compass and make my way back to base with a nice supply of jungle resources. That plan went sour when I managed to die again and respawned in some completely different area. Maybe I need to learn to play better, but "start over" at ground zero every evening that you get a chance to play is not a very fun way to play a game that you are trying to progress in.

Re: Predictable respawns with HC Spawn (possible spoilers)

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:15 am
by ExpHP
wizardglick wrote:--snip--
HC Spawn has a generous grace period where you respawn at the same spot if you die too soon after first being sent there.

You know, in case you are killed too quickly to get started, or in case you have the bright idea of killing yourself on purpose to get a different spot.

Re: Predictable respawns with HC Spawn (possible spoilers)

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:18 am
by FlowerChild
ExpHP wrote: You know, in case you are killed too quickly to get started, or in case you have the bright idea of killing yourself on purpose to get a different spot.
Mostly the latter, but yes :)

Otherwise, I suspect we'd have people spamming deaths until they got a location they liked or that was close to spawn.

Re: Predictable respawns with HC Spawn (possible spoilers)

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:02 pm
by wizardglick
So, it's supposed to work like that? I wish I would have known that, it would have saved me from a lot of frustration. I thought something was broken or the Fates were conspiring against me.

I'll just start back up again and bury myself in the snow until the sun comes up...

Re: Predictable respawns with HC Spawn (possible spoilers)

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:44 pm
by wizardglick
Ok, so funny ending to my story. I started up MC and started a new base and tools and food supply to mine down to get iron and redstone to make a compass and some armor to survive a walk home.
I had to pause the game to take care of some household matters, but when I checked back, it turned out that I hadn't paused the game at all, and something had come along and killed me while I stood in my cave and stared at me crafting table.
And then I respawned at my original spawn in site of my house :-}

I think I'll do some nice safe mining for a while. Maybe get some armor so I don't get sent to a snowy desert just because there were _two_ skeletons in the hole....

Re: Predictable respawns with HC Spawn (possible spoilers)

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:25 pm
by FlowerChild
You mean actually try to not die? Go figure.