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Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:01 pm
by HappyDyas
So, recently inspired by another topic *cough* bridges *cough* i decided to make this topic dedicated to walls. With the new dirt pathways availible (Thanks FC!) i am really re-amping my aesthetics for my world. I have a large peninsula with which my soon-to-be-town rests on. However, i want to border it in.

This is where you all come in! give me and other community members some ideas for walls! ranging anywhere from small and simple to large and grand. From one to multiple blocks thick with mod or non mod blocks interwoven (ie. wicker. rope blocks, panels, etc.)

The only reason i cannot contribute at the moment is really due to the fact that i dont know how to get the pics submitted/find a host for them to provide a URL.
And lets face it, im aweful when it comes to innovation.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:21 pm
by ThePowerofTower
I couldn't post any pictures as of right now, but I generally have fun building my walls with pillars on the outside of it, with a stone brick framework and cobble matter, about 5-7 blocks thick, and I include underground paths between several guard posts I establish. I lock my villagers up kinda like Fort Knox.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:37 pm
by CycloneSP
Walls? You build waaaallls? Hrmmmmmm... honestly, I never got into the habit of building security walls to keep out mobs. I usually burrow deep into the depths of the earth or secure a nice plateau as to prevent mobs from jumping up to me.

The main reason I have a problem with large was as defensive structures is that if you ever want to expand, that is a huge resource and time sink just to refit the entire thing.

What would you say are the merits to building a large wall as a defensive structure as opposed to simply digging underground?

Re: Walls!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:03 pm
by FlowerChild
CycloneSP wrote:What would you say are the merits to building a large wall as a defensive structure as opposed to simply digging underground?
It looks fucking cool :)
Seriously though, like yourself I used to live largely underground, but almost all my bases these days are on the surface. Looks better and is way more fun IMO.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:20 pm
by Platypus
It's simple, cheap on the resources, and it keeps the spiders out :).

Re: Walls!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:27 pm
by tom_savage
Yeah, this is about the extent of my walls. I just use enough to keep villagers in, and most mobs out. I do still love a set of walls that are done well. The rest of the base is under the town. I used the water from the well for all my mechanical powered needs XD.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:28 pm
by dawnraider
Platypus wrote:It's simple, cheap on the resources, and it keeps the spiders out :).
Wow. That is a genius way to keep spiders out! I always use lips of some sort, but that is amazing! Nice job! I also love the simplistic nature of the wall.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:51 pm
by Platypus
dawnraider wrote:
Platypus wrote:It's simple, cheap on the resources, and it keeps the spiders out :).
Wow. That is a genius way to keep spiders out! I always use lips of some sort, but that is amazing! Nice job! I also love the simplistic nature of the wall.
Thanks! I must warn you though, spiders do get over once every blue moon, so I wouldn't stay AFK for long periods of time at night...

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:00 am
by dawnraider
I may know what is causing that. At the parts where it goes up a block, you provide a constant smooth surface for them to climb by placing the blocks diagonally. If you situate them like this:

Instead of:
(Where F is fence and B is block)

you should not run into that problem anymore (And get rid of the gaps in the ledge, but that is obvious).
EDIT: Stupid removing of spaces at the start of a line!

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:09 am
by Platypus
dawnraider wrote:I may know what is causing that. At the parts where it goes up a block, you provide a constant smooth surface for them to climb by placing the blocks diagonally. If you situate them like this:

Instead of:
(Where F is fence and B is block)

you should not run into that problem anymore (And get rid of the gaps in the ledge, but that is obvious).
EDIT: Stupid removing of spaces at the start of a line!
Ahh, I never thought of that. Im sure that is contributing to the problem, but spiders did still get in every now and then before I added those raised additions. (This was before my crucible decided to burn down my fences) But hey, a few spiders never hurt anyone.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:14 am
by Landaz
Simple stonewall out of smooth and cobble, construct a wall when you dig out your mob-trab. Towers are optional at the corners.


CycloneSP wrote: The main reason I have a problem with large walls as defensive structures is that if you ever want to expand, that is a huge resource and time sink just to refit the entire thing.
Just construct a second ring of walls or make a large gate in a wall and construct a extension, maybe a little bit lower than the first and with other materials.
May look medival, but it's the way many cities evolved over time.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:44 am
by DaveYanakov
Do not feel like you need to tear a wall down to expand, either. It looks really cool when you leave the old walls in place to wall in a new section and add a gate or two between them. There are a lot of castle towns that started with just a wall around a keep that eventually expanded to surround a village.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:31 pm
by FlowerChild
DaveYanakov wrote:Do not feel like you need to tear a wall down to expand, either. It looks really cool when you leave the old walls in place to wall in a new section and add a gate or two between them. There are a lot of castle towns that started with just a wall around a keep that eventually expanded to surround a village.
That's the concept I'm working with, with my official server base. I started with a vanilla village, am now walling it with a wooden palisade, and then will later be building larger stone walls to encompass the full perimeter of what I intend to build.

It's exceedingly rare that I ever tear anything down. I really like the organic look you get when you just keep expanding on what's already there instead.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:39 pm
by CycloneSP
FlowerChild wrote:It looks fucking cool :)
Heh, well, you got me there.

Over all tho, I will say that those are some pretty interesting ideas. I never really thought about it that way. Honestly, I've always felt slightly opposite to how FC feels about old structures. I used to see them as nothing more than eyesores when I finally upgraded something and always wanted to tear it down and would have if it weren't for the fact that I can be rather lazy. However, I am slowly starting to see some merit to keeping older structures.(mainly cuz I'm just lazy, but there are other merits too. :P )

My main question here tho is this... where the heck did you get all that cobble? I've burnt through countless stone picks and almost 4 iron picks and just barely have enough cobble to do minor(as in small mob trap) projects. Ever since HC buckets became a mainstay, I have had it rough creating a cobble and smoothe stone generators(that and I still don't have steel, so not like it matters) What are your secrets to mass stone collecting? I personally hate spending so much time in my mines as I feel like I could be better spending my time accomplishing other objectives other than mining through block after block of stone.

funny how when I never needed cobble much I always had a surplus coming out of my ears, but when I need it, I don't have any at all.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:03 pm
by Rianaru
CycloneSP wrote: snip
I don't know about everyone else, but I usually end up with a few dozen stacks after a good couple hours of mining. I like to build in extreme hills though, so most of my buildings are either carved into and protruding from the cliff face, or I tear down a mountain to make room for my especially large machinery since I'd be hollowing most of the mountain out anyways. There was one time where I needed tons of stone for a series of towers I was building, and there were no mountain demolitions in the foreseeable future, so I just dug out a 20x20 quarry where it wasn't too much of an eyesore.

So I guess my suggestions are:
1-Build partially underground(storage room cellars or just building into mountainsides are my favorites)
2-Start a quarry. Dig out more levels as you need more stone
3-Make a cobble gen :P I don't like to do this because I like the logistics and planning involved in large builds(especially in a group scenario), but to each their own

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:34 pm
by Gareleus
I don't know how anyone else does mining for cobble but I basically find a nice amount of space, like a chunk and then start mining from there to bedrock. I call it chunk mining because it almost looks like a chunk error. After a single chunk I had at least 6-7 double chests of cobble one of dirt one of gravel and decent bit of ores. After building an entire network of buildings for factories out of cobble including a monumental tower I still had half that amount of cobble. Then I dug another one.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:53 pm
by mogulus
As much lurking as I've done I've never seen someone mention this before. So forgive me if it's not useful. But as I love cobble ramparts for my village, I've started using a very simple cobble/ smooth generator that uses a simple timed redstone pulse to a block dispenser to suck up the block made when lava meets water. It can't spit the block out because there is already another created right in front of it.

The beauty part is you can switch how the water hits the lava to make it create smooth stone or cobble with a single piston and lever.

Sort of off topic, i know, but when you're building houses, constructs and walls out of them it is useful to have a cheap source of these blocks. It creates a full inventory of said block in the dispenser in a very short while.

Oh and I am going to try topping my walls with your spider proof design simply because it looks really cool. Thanks for the idea.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:08 pm
by william711
I dont have any pictures but a simple wall design that I like is to have a block topped by a pane (like iron bars) topped by a half slab of some sort. It doesnt make for anything big but its a nice substitute for using a fence and it keeps spiders out most of the time.

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:58 pm
by HappyDyas
Spent about an hour in creative tinkering with the different blocks and what not just trying to get an idea of what i want to build towards.

I wish there was some way that i could show you all what i came up with!!!!

To me, its amazing. small (only 3 wide with the middle layer a complete wall of material) and 5 high. Super easy on resources. super fast.

Tried to get a look slightly simmilar to the town walls from Riverwood in Skyrim. Not exactly like them but same concept. Slight cobblestone base topped off with a oak walkway and a roof. every 5 blocks sideways i have oak logs acting as support beams on the inner and outer parts. Because there is no block directly next to the logs it sticks out slightly and adds beautifil depth. Upside down stairs act like other attaching supports where logs arent. Fences add more of a garrisoned and battle ready yet artistic design.

I took some of the ideas you all have inspired me with, so thank you a million times and more!

Re: Walls!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:59 pm
by kjbrona
Here is my wall:
Close front view:
Close back view:
Close top view:

Re: Walls!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:16 am
by BinoAl
kjbrona wrote:Here is my wall:
Wow, I really like the look of that. I never thought Netherbrick, Stone brick, and Wood could look good all together in one wall like that. I may just have to recreate this :)

Re: Walls!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:40 am
by Lars
FlowerChild wrote:
CycloneSP wrote:What would you say are the merits to building a large wall as a defensive structure as opposed to simply digging underground?
It looks fucking cool :)
Seriously though, like yourself I used to live largely underground, but almost all my bases these days are on the surface. Looks better and is way more fun IMO.
Haha, I really like all those cats on red wool along the path =D

And I must agree on walls looking cool, but they also feel cool. Like, you can walk over them and shoot creepers just for giggles. Also, it does not feel cramped up and clautrophobic as opposed to building underground.

When I get home, I'll post some of my walls!

Re: Walls!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:06 pm
by kjbrona
BinoAl wrote:Wow, I really like the look of that. I never thought Netherbrick, Stone brick, and Wood could look good all together in one wall like that. I may just have to recreate this :)
Thanks! I thought it turned out pretty cool.

Here is a view of my main gate with Battosay's texture pack. (I am not 100% happy with the gate yet.)

Re: Walls!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:08 pm
by Shengji
Platypus wrote:
Thanks! I must warn you though, spiders do get over once every blue moon, so I wouldn't stay AFK for long periods of time at night...
I use the fence/slab method on my roads, if you keep a gap between the fence and the slab it becomes completely spider proof and gives you a better view out!

Re: Walls!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:48 pm
by MoRmEnGiL
Aah, walls.. brings me back to my very first minecraft days, before I took to living in the deeps..

My walls were very much pure function, to keep mobs out, I never intended them to be good looking. They did have 2 very important features though.

They had an anti-spider lip, which was actually built later on, when the update that made spiders climb came out.

And secondly, and most importantly they had walkways that I could use to circumnavigate my entire fort. This is always extremely important to me. No wall is ever complete without them. I had spent hours upon hours just looking out from my walls, down at the mobs at night, and far away into scary unknown lands.. Watching the sun go up and down, cows and sheep frolicking, and making plans for expansion..

As FC said, there is no reason to tear down your own walls, just expand them.

Here are a night and a day shot of my very first minecraft base, in it's early days. (first month or so after I bought mc, oh the memories..)
This was my modus operandi back then, 3 tall walkways on the walls, so I can at any time jump down in the courtyard without taking fall damage (back then you did not regen health, heh), lip, and sometimes external walkway as well. On the external side, wall had to be a minimum of 4 blocks high, to avoid stupid jumping skeletons from randomly sniping me :P
And yes, I loved walling myself in back then..
EDIT: That little cobble hut in the beach in the lower left corner was my very first original spawn point.. sniff.. *wipes a tear*

These days though, I just dig myself deep, and tree farms are pretty much the only thing I always have above ground (along with early hemp farms of course)

In my main btw world I have a docm77 style water perimeter around my base, so I do not need walls at all, but I'm still planning to build them for aesthetic purposes.