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Particles not disappearing...

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:21 pm
by STrRedWolf
Something that's happening on my BTW install:
Those particles don't go away. They just shake in place.

It's not the install, I just installed from a clean copy the latest Modloader and BTW (4.57), and it's been like this since 4.56.

The funny thing is, I can reproduce it on different hardware. I have a Gentoo Linux running Core 2 Duo with nVidia Geforce 210M graphics, where this occurs; I was able to reproduce it on a Core i3 laptop running Ubuntu (XFCE desktop) on both the Intel graphics and the nVidia Optimus GeForce 310M graphics sides.

Let me know if you need different angles on this. While it mostly occurs with block dispensers, I've had a similar effect hand-breaking flowers.

Re: Particles not disappearing...

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:42 am
by Wibbles
- Have you used MCPatcher to install ML/BTW, or have you installed ML/BTW manually?
- If MCPatcher, any other mods enabled such as Better Grass / Random Mobs or what have you?
- Have you tried a fresh install of MC (since this wasn't explicitly mentioned)?

I did notice that the latest builds of BTW (4.56/57) don't appear to play so well with MCPatcher mods, I've been seeing graphical glitches such as creeper heads being brightly lit on one side, then the problem was gone when random mobs was disabled... who knows. Anyway it's a shot in the dark but if you're using MCPatcher to install ML/BTW consider doing it manually just to check.

Re: Particles not disappearing...

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:24 am
by STrRedWolf
Manual (MC Patcher doesn't run in Linux, I'm using Midnight Commander), and I just used a fresh install from archived vanilla like I said before. The only thing in this install is ModLoader and BTW.

Re: Particles not disappearing...

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:17 pm
by tom_savage
I had this happen on a turntable in one of my worlds. The clay breaking effect stayed when nothing else was there, just shaking. Reloading fixed it, but, just wanted to help confirm this--I've seen it happen too.

Re: Particles not disappearing...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:25 pm
by STrRedWolf
No luck on 4.59:
And yes, they shake like they had five Monsters in 30 minutes.

Re: Particles not disappearing... [FIXED]

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:04 am
by STrRedWolf
FIXED! It wasn't my BTW install. This is what I did to fix the lingering particle problem (from a Linux box; "~" means my home directory).
  1. Renamed my ~/.minecraft directory ~/.minecraft-old
  2. Launched Minecraft, letting it recreate ~/.minecraft. Opened a new world and played in it for a while (getting past the first night).
  3. Closed Minecraft, and opened up Midnight Commander against the two Minecraft directories. (Midnight commander is a clone of Norton Commander, a file/directory shell. You can use two Explorer/Finder windows, but...)
  4. Reapplied BTW to ~/.minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar with MidCmdr (saving the vanilla install off with a -vanilla extension)
  5. Copied the old BTW world in ~/.minecraft/saves to the new directory.
  6. Copied a fresh BTWConfig.txt over, editing that.
  7. Exiting MidCmdr.
  8. Launching BTW Minecraft.
Me thinks the old 3D libs used by Minecraft got corrupted a bit, so a refresh did the trick. This also means I may be running Spinrite on this laptop's drive soon...

Re: Particles not disappearing...

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:07 pm
by 0player
STrRedWolf wrote:Manual (MC Patcher doesn't run in Linux, I'm using Midnight Commander), and I just used a fresh install from archived vanilla like I said before. The only thing in this install is ModLoader and BTW.
I'm glad you fixed your problem, but you should know that MCPatcher in fact does run on Linux. ... 01-245-03/ - download labeled 'All other platforms' works just fine for me.
What are symptoms of MCPatcher dysfunction on your machine?

Re: Particles not disappearing... [FIXED]

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:27 pm
by STrRedWolf
I assumed it was Windows only. Ether way, I'm more comfortable using Midnight Commander (my regular go-to file manager) than that.

Re: Particles not disappearing...

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:07 pm
by STrRedWolf
I spoke to soon. It's baaaaaack! And I was able to make it happen by breaking wood blocks, some something in the particle code must of broke.

Re: Particles not disappearing...

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:23 pm
by FlowerChild
One possibility here: if it's happening with vanilla blocks like wood, and when breaking them in ways not related to the mod, my guess would be that this is related to the legacy Forge code I have in the mod.

Since all that's going bye-bye with 1.5, it may very well also resolve your issues.

Re: Particles not disappearing...

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:30 pm
by STrRedWolf
I'll check it when it and the updated BTW hits, and let you know.