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The Butcher (WIP BTW Add-On)

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:01 pm
by Kain Magin
Idea is to add the ability to "butcher" livestock by adding a new weapon to the game, the "Knife." That when used on cows/sheep/pigs/chickens will cause them to drop their specific animal carcase instead their normal drops. Carcases will be blocks (cow carcases will probably be 2 blocks). Carcases can then be cut using the BTW saw into slabs (beef slab, pork slab, etc... may use them similar to cake... prolly not...), which can then be cut down again into steaks and such (may require the cutting block and knife for this part). This will produce more meat than if you had just killed the animal. The knife will probably be steel, to fit with btw, and Steve's progression.

Reasoning behind the Add-on:
I'm not suggesting this to be added to BTW, in most cases, it really wouldn't fit in with it. But in my case, I'm not one for full on automation of everything, I'm gonna prolly end up trying to make it and see how it goes, always wanted to learn Java, and I miss programming. This will give me an excuse to get back to doing it ^^.

Current Progress:
*Knife textured and implemented in game | Image |
I would have had an in-game pic up sooner, had the code done long time ago... just had to reinstall java like a bajillion times cuz when i got home on break and posted the tiny knife pic, couldnt load minecraft to get a screenshot lol. I'm DEFFINATELY gonna re-do it, but it works for now ^^ prolly make it cleaver-ish.
To To:
*Knife functionality
*Removal of normal drops when knife is used
*Ability to cut carcases with saws
*Meat Slabs
*Other Stuff I Think of.

Nifty Idea Spoiler Box: (AKA: Stuff that sounds kool now, but may or may not make it ^^)
*Ability to cook/boil (not sure the mechanics of it) the flesh off of a carcase using a heated (stoked probably) stewing pot, leaving flesh and bones behind (probable the skeleton, as that would be more fun to play with and bones would be less fun to code ^^) My friends mom bleaches animal skeletons as a hobby, otherwise this wouldn't have occurred to me.
*Ability to place above mentioned skeletons like blocks.
*Ability to reanimate above mentioned skeletons. ( HIGHLY UNLIKELY! Only reason this even occurred to me is I was thinking chicken skeleton and the animated skeleton turtle things from old Mario games popped into my head)

Re: The Butcher (Possible BTW Add-On)

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:05 pm
by BlackCat
Sounds like a fun time, go for it!

Re: The Butcher (Possible BTW Add-On)

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:03 pm
by Kain Magin
Kind of feels like a "duh" question, but I would rather ask now than feel stupid later if I'm wrong (don't know Java). When doing the decompile with MCP, the minecraft.jar has to have modloader and BTW installed prior for the functionality I'm looking for. Correct? To get to FC's hook's?

Re: The Butcher (Possible BTW Add-On)

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:30 am
by ExpHP
Kain Magin wrote:Kind of feels like a "duh" question, but I would rather ask now than feel stupid later if I'm wrong (don't know Java). When doing the decompile with MCP, the minecraft.jar has to have modloader and BTW installed prior for the functionality I'm looking for. Correct? To get to FC's hook's?
Yes. And when you do so, MCP may complain about an error or two when recompiling; in that case, just fix what's causing the error, and try recompiling again.

If you have any more questions with writing the addon, try asking us in the IRC - #btw on EsperNet. It's better to keep modding questions off of the forum.

Re: The Butcher (Possible BTW Add-On)

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:57 am
by Kain Magin
ExpHP wrote:
Kain Magin wrote:Kind of feels like a "duh" question, but I would rather ask now than feel stupid later if I'm wrong (don't know Java). When doing the decompile with MCP, the minecraft.jar has to have modloader and BTW installed prior for the functionality I'm looking for. Correct? To get to FC's hook's?
Yes. And when you do so, MCP may complain about an error or two when recompiling; in that case, just fix what's causing the error, and try recompiling again.

If you have any more questions with writing the addon, try asking us in the IRC - #btw on EsperNet. It's better to keep modding questions off of the forum.
Kool, Thanks. And gotcha about modding questions, will do. IRC, heh, havn't used that in forever.