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Ehsan's Anarchy Server - No Whitelist - v4.69b

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:06 pm
by ehsanmp
Hey All, I'm Ehsan.

So, As you may have noticed, Anarchy as a server type, has pretty much died on the forums. Sad as that may be, the new challenges of Hardcore Armour, Iron and Food bring new and interesting challenges to an anarchic environment!

All hardcore modes except hardcore spawn are on. As per usual, No whitelist, but feel free to introduce yourself in the thread. Just because you are playing against each other doesn't mean you can't be social!

The rules are listed below, you are required to read them. I will not be kind to those who prove that they did not read the rules.

-------------------------------------------------THE RULES---------------------------------------------------------

GOLDEN RULE 1: Cheating = Ban.
GOLDEN RULE 2: No Racism.
GOLDEN RULE 3: This is an Anarchy server. Go hard or go home. If you cry me a river I will bathe in your tears.
GOLDEN RULE 4: No spawn camping, No repeated spawn kills, No griefing of spawn.

If you disregard the 4 golden rules, you will be cleansed by the fire and then banned.

In addition to this, I do not want to hear about how I should start a forge server, install incompatible mods or be asked to give users commands or OP privileges. These things will never happen. If you are crazy enough to ask me to /give you something, you may end up being cleansed by the fire, you have been warned.

A spawn area has been created for your convenience, by forum users DigitalAristotle217 and Dale. Show respect to their hard work. They made it legitimately, so do not grief spawn. Anyone seen or found to be griefing spawn will be banned.

1. You get ONE use of the /TP command to bring them to your base.
2. If they die, you will not get a second one, so don't beg for it. It is best to teach them the way back.
3. You are responsible for making sure they read this post in full, including the rules. May your god help you if I realise that they haven't.
Cheating is defined as the following:
1. Using Minimap: FC removed co-ordinates for a reason. It improves gameplay so stop fighting it.
2. Using X-Ray mods: On occasion users will be checked for suspicious behaviour, You have been warned, you will not have a second chance.
3. Any other tweak, exploit or modification not included in vanilla Minecraft or BTW that gives you advantage over other users that is both beyond the expectation of normal gameplay and function, while also being popularly viewed as against the interests of gameplay on this server
All Hardcore Modes are on except spawn, running BTW v4.69 on Minecraft 1.5.1.

Treat people as you wish to be treated, but as this is anarchy, there is no guarantee that you will in turn receive the same treatment you dish out to others. because of this you should err on the side of caution. Those on the server who have survived the longest without being found have all been quite cautious.

you can reach the server on (Don't forget the port)
if you don't include the port number you will be trying to connect to my private server, which will kindly tell you to jog on.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:31 pm
by tomiain

Thanks for the cool server -no lag for me (in the UK).

How often are you on it?

By the by I'm on BTW 4.40 (I looked to retrograde but couldn't find a functioning dl) I hope this isn't a problem.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:12 pm
by ehsanmp
Hey, thanks!
To be fair, I haven't been logged in much this week, been quite busy, and hence didn't notice the update which I will now apply.

I am also in the UK, and pretty much everyone, everywhere hasn't seemed to have had an issue with lag, which I'm assuming is either due to my beastly computer or my generous upload speed from Virgin.

I plan on keeping this and any other servers running the latest versions of the mod, but if it drops on a weekend I may be a couple days late in putting it on.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:20 am
by MrSponge

This has been a great server so far, minimun lag and a friendly host :)
You'll see me often online!



Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:52 am
by sunnydan
Hey ehsan, I just started playing on your server, and I am having a great time. However I have one request, I am really, horribly lost. If you could at least give us the /spawn command, that'd be great.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:39 pm
by greengoblint
I have to say, I don't get any lag even though I live in East America, me and my friend enjoy you server a lot, thanks

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:51 pm
by MrSponge
sunnydan wrote:Hey ehsan, I just started playing on your server, and I am having a great time. However I have one request, I am really, horribly lost. If you could at least give us the /spawn command, that'd be great.
You should use a compass

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:15 am
by DigitalAristotle217
Really like the server! (ingame name - Adalah217)
Only wish it wasn't as laggy and didn't have a max cap of 10 people. However, it is reasonable and it has many people that I've come to enjoy!

If anyone plans on trying the server out, keep in mind this is an anarchy server with no whitelist. But that does not mean you can't team up or be cordial to other players.

Note to Ehsanmp: You may want to define cheating more in the OP. Include info about minimap mods, and what happens when someone breaks the rules (CLEANSE). It would also be advisable to say something about curse words being allowed and maybe even a new rule about not pestering the admin (you). Also, this is a relatively new server, I personally understand the server restarts. But others might not. Perhaps set a time for restarts that would be best for you so that players can better prepare for them. i.e. every two hours, once a day, with obviously a warning about unplanned restarts.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:05 am
by ehsanmp
OK. I will edit it soon but till then know that if you do the things Adalah mentioned above you will be cleansed by the fire!

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:27 am
by Dale
I have to say that I have had a blast so far. Just a reminder to anyone new, this is ANARCHY. If you show someone where your base is do not be upset when they ravage it. Also Spawn area has been cleaned up a bit, and it was done LEGIT so please do not let creepers grief it. We can always go back to having a sh**y spawn area. One more piece of advice is to make your base FAR away from spawn somewhere under ground.

I like PvP and Anarchy yes but I am always willing to work together to accomplish a common goal. If you ever need anything just let me know.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:53 pm
by Dale
Ehsan, the server needs a reset or something buddy. Have you not looked at it due to the holidays? Looking forward to being able to log back in.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:08 pm
by ehsanmp
Thanks Dale, been away since Xmas eve, its been pretty wild. Got the server back up and running now.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:56 pm
by Dale
Are you planning on updating to 1.4.6? I tested it with my own server and it is working well, would be awesome to have the new features.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:35 pm
by ehsanmp
Lol, again, been away so didnt notice 4.4.1 (yay) gonna sort it out within the next hour.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:09 pm
by RalphKastro
ehsanmp wrote:All Hardcore Modes are on, running BTW v4.40
actually, hardcore spawn is off.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:53 am
by ehsanmp
Indeed, the top post is out of date.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:41 pm
by Dale
Had to do it.. :) Gotta watch them slimes!

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist - v4.4.1 - Anar

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:21 am
by RalphKastro
is it just me, or nobody is entering the server?

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist - v4.4.1 - Anar

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:09 pm
by ehsanmp
RalphKastro wrote:is it just me, or nobody is entering the server?
Indeed, It got prreeeety quiet today. Although later in my evening, it got pretty busy up in there. People are trickling back on after all these festivities from the last couple of weeks.

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist - v4.4.1 - Anar

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:37 pm
by menerell
i want to see the picture of that bridge!

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist - v4.4.1 - Anar

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:21 pm
by Dale
menerell wrote:i want to see the picture of that bridge!
What bridge? I scrolled through the posts here did I miss something?

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist - v4.4.1 - Anar

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:27 am
by tomiain
*creates imgur account*

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist - v4.4.1 - Anar

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:36 am
by tomiain
As promised...
Image In the foreground; _TXI_, the architect. On the (magnificent) bridge itself; Menerell the builder
Dale, you'd be better off going to Spawn and looking around ;)

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist - v4.4.1 - Anar

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:14 pm
by tomiain
A note on Anarchy...

It is entirely possible for anyone reading this post to login, raze our modest bridge and FO; indeed by building it (and any future projects) on an anarchy server we would have little recourse but for sadface and move on. We have knowingly left ourselves open to Trolling. If this is your intent I would however suggest that you establish yourself on the server first. Rather than 30 seconds of hollow and unfulfilling destruction you can at least then engage in Better Than Wolves brinksmanship, and face your comeuppance the way it should be delivered -by Soul-Forged fury, or perhaps even Ehsan's Hibachi'd arrows. Personally I like the idea of a middle ground between outright anarchy and enforced co-operation, where revenge is handled in game rather than with blacklists and such.

Also, y'know, there's nothing wrong with a bit of attractive convenience. It makes a change from our drab holes in the ground and it'll certainly make the dash home from spawn that much quicker -and if you don't happen to have a base in the same general direction as me, build your own damned road!

Of course this is Ehsan's show, and if he decides to give us the metaphorical finger with his literal stockpile of explosives then, well... long live the revolution, Comrades!

Re: Ehsan's Public BTW Server - No Whitelist - v4.4.1 - Anar

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:55 pm
by menerell
Yesterday we were talking about this anarchy topic.
I don't see the point in destroying the building. It's not fun, specially if you think about the time it will take to destroy a full bridge like that. But being forced to be a nice guy, collaborating and so... just sucks. Only in anarchy you have the real chance of helping others to create and evolve. And of course, sneaking in somebody's liar to pickpocket a small amount of gold shouldn't be considered a reason to ban...