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[BTW 4.21-4.22] Ecksie Trees v1.00

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:28 am
by Indras
So after two weeks of blood, sweat, and tears, I am ready to release my first mod: Ecksie Trees, an addon for Better Than Wolves.

This is my first attempt at modding Minecraft, my first time ever using Java, and, to be honest, the first thing I've ever coded that I've released publicly. It was a rough journey, to say the least. Kind of like trying to write an inspiring speech in a language you don't know by using a cross-reference dictionary.

But, I finished, and here it is: Ecksie Trees!

Left to right: oak, spruce, birch, jungle
Same trees a few minutes later
Growth of an Ecksie Tree confined by some stakes & string
What does it do:

This mod adds a new type of sapling that comes in four flavors: oak, spruce, birch, and jungle. Each sapling is crafted in a shapeless recipe using one vanilla sapling of the desired flavor and one soul urn. The trees have three special properties: they never stop growing, never produce wood blocks, and never grow up, just like me (pun intended).

Why I made the mod:

This mod is esentially a result of my frustration with the behavior of leaves in minecraft. I wanted to build an automatic leaf farm using block dispensers, but there's no way to get leaf blocks in front of the dispenser to pick them up except for that split second after they grow. My first attempt at an automatic leaf farm used sixteen block dispensers along one side of an auto tree farm and produced less than half a stack of leaves in around eight hours. For a resource that is almost completely for decoration, and one that is rediculously fast to harvest by hand, that seemed excessive. I thought about trying to make leaf blocks pushable by pistons, but came up with something more versatile, and fits better with the spirit of BTW.

So... what are they for:

Well, automatic leaf harvesting, that's the obvious one. One that isn't so obvious: combined with cement buckets, they allow you to pour ceilings, instead of just floors. And, when the cement hardens, the leaves can be rapidly removed with flint and steel. I've come up with a couple more uses, as well, but I'd be happier letting others discover stuff like that for themselves. Hint: they can be staggered upwards to produce leaves more than one block thick.

How to install:

Put the zip file in your .minecraft/mods/ folder, that's it. The default block ID is 149, if you want to change it, copy the config file from the zip to your .minecraft/config/ folder, and change the value there.


This is currently SSP only. I have a lot of learning to do before I can think of tackling SMP mods.
Ecksie Trees can be planted on dirt, grass, and BTW planters. However, their growth rate, like vMC trees, are not influenced by the block they are planted on. They also need light, just like vanilla saplings.
Ecksie Trees can "grow around" obstacles, or expand horizontally to fill a confined space. Play around with them and you'll get a feel for their limits.
Ecksie Tree Saplings do not drop anything when broken, by tools or by saw, which is by design. They are not meant to be used, moved, and used again. They also cannot be picked up by block dispensers, though I may change this later, as a BD is a high tier item that should have that capability.
"Ecksie Tree" is not a random name. First person to figure out where the name comes from is a nerd.

So, enjoy! Please feel free to leave criticism, as long as it is constructive. I can't do anything with: "This mod sucks." However, if you say: "This mod sucks, and here's why:" it acts as useful feedback.

Download Link

Re: [BTW 4.21-4.22] Ecksie Trees v1.00

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:42 am
by FlowerChild
Congrats on releasing your first mod man :)

Re: [BTW 4.21-4.22] Ecksie Trees v1.00

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:54 am
by Detritus
That's pretty cool :)

Re: [BTW 4.21-4.22] Ecksie Trees v1.00

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:01 am
by Ribky
That looks really awesome man. I think I will give this one a shot. Not at all what I expected when you mentioned it earlier, good freakin' job man.

Re: [BTW 4.21-4.22] Ecksie Trees v1.00

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:16 am
by Indras
FlowerChild wrote:Congrats on releasing your first mod man :)
Thanks! It was a real eye-opening experience. I'm now really seeing the modding effort vs payoff debate in a new light. I promise to never make ridiculous suggestions again!
Ribky wrote:That looks really awesome man. I think I will give this one a shot. Not at all what I expected when you mentioned it earlier, good freakin' job man.
Heh, I actually *thought* I had everything ready to release about three hours earlier. I packaged everything up, tested it in my main BTW install, and realized I hadn't updated to 4.22 yet, been so busy learning Java I just downloaded the zip and never installed. Turns out the block ID I hard-coded became the new white stone mouldings, instant conflict. Had to spend those three hours reading/watching tutorials on how to set up a mod to read from a config file, and picked a new default ID.

Hope you give it a try. If you don't like it, just delete the zip, it won't corrupt your world or anything, but the leaves will linger, since they are vanilla leaves set to non-decay.

Re: [BTW 4.21-4.22] Ecksie Trees v1.00

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:50 am
by Gormador
This looks interesting ! I don't use addons but none the less, good job on releasing it !

Re: [BTW 4.21-4.22] Ecksie Trees v1.00

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:04 pm
by BinoAl
Congrats man! :)
I may just have to try this out