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Endgame Dilemma

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:24 am
by Ozziie
Hi guys,

I have a bit of a dilemma at the moment. I am at the point where I am ready to kill the Ender Dragon and "complete" vanilla.

I've become very attached to my world and killing the Ender Dragon seems very final. I believe phase development is due to begin again soon and I'm wondering whether it is worth waiting to see what is introduced or just go ahead and kill it.

FC's policy has always been to not affect existing worlds/builds so I'm not expecting anything new in terms of the fight or drops, but I'm interested in the lore and story. I feel like if I kill the Ender dragon I will have removed the end of the story before we've seen the beginning.

I have been following the mod extensively for well over a year, but have only recently started playing once the mod was released as SMP. I don't feel like I've missed anything in terms of announcements but I'd like to hear some of your opinions before continuing.

Re: Endgame Dilemma

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:15 am
by Donzaffi
FC wrote too, that not all have access to the end, so he will not add somehting there, and he loves his old world and he buiild an enderman farm in the end (like many of us) so I don't thinkhe will add somehting to the bad made enderdragon

Re: Endgame Dilemma

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:25 am
by Poppycocks
Yeah, go ahead an kick 'im in the gonads.

And start preparing for the real endgame, your new task is to manufacture enough resources to create "The Device" ™. Good luck.

Re: Endgame Dilemma

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:12 am
by StarsintheSky
I can appreciate your concern over "finishing the game" but for me, with BTW installed, that is my metric for completion. I see the Enderdragon as a mini-boss on the way to godhood. Once you've built up a strong BTW world, gaining access to the End is a new resource for building your BTW tech. I personally aim to kill the dragon quickly so that I can build an Enderman farm and reap the rewards of lightning quick XP and plenty of pearls to zip around the Overworld. Plus, the ambiance of building my Infernal Library in the End suits me quite well.

Maybe think of it as one chapter in the story. Do you remember Minecraft before the Dragon? It's like anything episodic: work your way up-to-date with the series then wait for the next episode to be released.

And like Poppycocks said, the new "end game" is The Device so there's already something to aim for once you come back with egg in hand and XP to boot. You might consider getting some scrolls and an IE beforehand, though, because it's the easiest 100 lvls you'll get in the game.

Re: Endgame Dilemma

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:52 am
by SterlingRed
Personally I see the ender dragon as a nuisance in the way of completeing my objectives. So I kill it in every world I start and just go on as normal.
Many mine craft players have bought into the perception that the dragon is the final boss, and for vmc it might as well be. But in btw, killing it is far from completing the game.

Re: Endgame Dilemma

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:20 pm
by Scarrboros
The Dragon is seriously just a big Piñata that contains a lot of XP. Kill it and continue with your Redstone manufacturing. :)

Re: Endgame Dilemma

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:13 am
by elustran
I have never killed the Endragon. I guess finishing the portal always seemed like a waste of time distracting me from my construction projects, and I've never really been interested in collecting Endstone. Basically, it's a dimension that does even less than the original Nether did. If I want to kill dragons, I play Skyrim. I'll get around to it someday, maybe, particularly with the new BTW changes that have been happening.

I think the Endragon was added mostly because a few people were complaining about wanting an easy and straight-forward Terraria-style boss to kill.

Re: Endgame Dilemma

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:51 pm
by heyz
elustran wrote:I have never killed the Endragon.
I've only done it once, and never returned to the end since in any of my builds. Before this update, I never had a need for endstone, and I rarely needed pearls, so I never built an endermen grinder. Gonna be interesting...

Re: Endgame Dilemma

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:49 pm
by Skwirral
I killed enderdragon twice, but once was with cheats and felt dirty, so I scrapped that world and made my current one, built from scratch with BTW and nothing else. When I did finally get to the End after hours and hours of enderman hunting and caving, I managed to kill him again and it felt a whole lot better. But the thing is, for me, he wasn't "endgame" at all. He was just a side goal on my way to a whole lot of other building. If you look at him as the biggest baddest monster, then fighting him and winning is only a test of your ability to fight monsters. There's also SFS automation and the exciting stuff waiting for it in the future as the (current) test of your ability to construct your automation devices. Hardcore Beds is a good reason to test your ability to make complicated minecart systems. There's billions of potential tests in the game, and BTW only betters them and adds more. So the enderdragon is one...there will be more.