A superior browsing experience

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A superior browsing experience

Post by DIG_down »

Okay! i've been using Firefox for a very long time now, almost my entire online life. It sucks! constant crashes are destroying my relationship and even worse, no make-up sex afterwards.The addons/plugins are definately aweseome, but if i can hardly use them whats the point :(

So, what browser are you using and why? Also what IRC client are you using, browser based or otherwise.

Thanks! :'D
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by DaveYanakov »

I've forgotten the exact date I switched from Firefox to Chrome. It's very stripped down and lacks the extras/plugins of Firefox but after more than a year, I really don't miss them.

Basically If Firefox is a Porshe 911 to to Explorer's Minivan, Chrome is an Ariel Atom

For irc, I've been using mIRC since '96 and have never had reason to dislike it.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by Miss_Kat »

I switched to Chrome nearly as soon as the browser became available. I don't really have any problems with it - there are more than enough add-ons for me to use (adblock of course being the most important.)

Sometimes there are issues I have that firefox doesn't seem to have, but those occasions aren't all that frequent. Currently my only annoyance is spacebar not automatically pausing/unpausing videos until I've clicked on the video itself.

For IRC, I use mibbit.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by Itamarcu »

I have always been a loyal fan of FireFox. For about 3-4 years I used it, as far as I remember.
But a week ago, I tried to log in to the BTW forums, and firefox couldn't change my username's first letter to capital or something like that. I fixed the problem, and about 10 others showed up. I tried using it a bit more, but it started lagging, crashing, etc. So, I decided to switch to Chrome until I get things fixed, and I just stayed with it for a week.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by BigShinyToys »

Opera is like fire fox has add-ons and such but is more stable and comes with some nice features.
to name a few
Close all but active (allows you to close a lot of tabs at the same time)
Close all (same as above but closes all including active.)
allows custom security setting on a per site basis.
Works well on a older computer (currently I use it on my acer Netbook Intel atom 1.6 Ghz 1 GB RAM)
there is a portable version allowing you to take your settings with you. (extensions are not portable last I checked)
http://portableapps.com/news/2012-06-14 ... 0-released

ow and the main feature I use it for Opera Turbo basically when enabled your web page is processed by a sever that makes it smaller by reducing image quality and compressing data then sends it to you. You save data download and it will stably load a page on a 10 Kb/s connection (I have tested this my self). Pages load exceedingly quick sub 1 second normally even for youtube.

personally I have three browsers installed in portible apps drive currently

I have tried chrome but realty didn't get what all the hype is about so I'm going to try it again and I might find out.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by embirrim »

I think Chrome is the less-taxing one, performance-wise. At least it used to be. And it has some nice apps, and an app store, and it's pretty stable.

I'd also like to point out that Chrome has one of the best settings saver that I've ever used. You literally sync it up with your email, and when you reinstall it or install it on another pc you can get all your favorites, history, saved passwords, most visited sites, etc, at a click of a button. It even memorizes all the auto-complete stuff for your websites.
And filling in forms! It's so easy, it somehow gets a template with your name, phone, adress, email, etc, everytime a website asks for that (registering on forums for example) it just auto-completes it all.
Also, you can play angry birds in the browser. Angry birds. Cmon if that isn't enough to convince you then nothing is.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by Aonny »

I've always stuck with Firefox. I've tried Chrome but it eats up way too much memory for my shitty computer (unique process per tab plus random ones that need manual closing, nothx).
embirrim wrote:Also, you can play angry birds in the browser. Angry birds. Cmon if that isn't enough to convince you then nothing is.
Yeah, or you could, y'know, go to Newgrounds or something and play any of the hundreds of functionally identical games that came before and after AB for free.

Plus I've caught Chrome uploading my not unstained browsing experiences to some unknown database and it frightens me.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by weldaSB »

Definitely chrome. It runs on the worst computers, and runs well. It is also so simple, any idiot can use it, but at the same time, it is very powerful. Also, I love the lack of buttons, nothing is confusing, by memory, you have back, forward, stop/refresh, and settings. Sooooo simple but sooooo powerful
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by jorgebonafe »

I can't use chrome for one reason only. History. If (in firefox) you type any word in the navigation bar, it shows "all" pages you visited in the past with that word (or words) anywhere in the title in any order. In chrome it doesn't do that, I don't know why... It pisses me off... If anyone knows a plugin or something to add that to chrome I'd be very grateful...
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by Katalliaan »

I use Chrome (Chromium on my Linux box) for my browser for a few reasons:
-Ability to pull a tab from window to window, including creating a new one
-Uses very little of the screen for its UI
-Easy to apply themes and install extensions
-Has extensions that allow me to see at a glance if I have e-mail or if an RSS feed I follow was updated

For my IRC client, I use XChat. Since it's cross-platform, any tweaks I make on one can be done to the other, such as using a theme to change the colors to something that doesn't hurt your eyes or installing a script.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by Mason11987 »

DIG_down wrote:Okay! i've been using Firefox for a very long time now, almost my entire online life. It sucks! constant crashes are destroying my relationship and even worse, no make-up sex afterwards.The addons/plugins are definately aweseome, but if i can hardly use them whats the point :(

So, what browser are you using and why? Also what IRC client are you using, browser based or otherwise.

Thanks! :'D
I have no problems at all with firefox, what addons do you have? I've found people complain about firefox and it tends to be crappy addons they have installed, or adware, or several toolbars, or stuff like that.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by DIG_down »

I've used Chrome for a few months ages ago and I really loved it's functionality and what not, but for some reason I went back to FF. I guess my main concern with switching over, to any browser, is moving all my bookmarks. Moving bookmarks between FF on different computers is rediculous, simple copy paste didn't work. Does Chrome have a nifty feature for such a thing?
As for performance i'll just have to test it out again and see, since I haven't used it on this computer yet.
Also thanks for all the responses guys, very helpful.
FlowerChild wrote:
Sarudak wrote:Not to mention he posted an idea in the stop posting ideas thread right after he came back from a ban for posting ideas....
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by Mason11987 »

DIG_down wrote:Moving bookmarks between FF on different computers is rediculous, simple copy paste didn't work.
Go to "Firefox" > Bookmarks.

Then click Import and backup.

Then "Export to html", move that file to another computer, then "import to html".

That's it.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by kregoth »

I have been using chrome sense the day it was released and haven't had to many issues with it, it stable and is easy to manage and add extensions to. My only problem is it's tendency to keep pages cached on all your tabs, after a while this can eat my RAM and when you only have 2 gigs a tab taking 400megs is annoying...luckily it easy to just kill it and reload it which gets rid off all the cached RAM. Chrome has it's own Task Manager which makes it really easy to manage your tabs and plugins.

Another suggestion if you really do not like Chrome and are fed up with FireFox. You might want to look into Maxthon3 browser, It's not my default browser I use, but at times especially when playing flash games I use it as I can detach Flash/Java games from a webpage into it own personal full screen window :) It's got a pretty cluttered UI, but it pretty damn easy to make your own theme and modify the browser to look like you want it too. But agian I would use it for more intensive flash/java based sights and keep Chrome as my go to web browser for general use.

Anyway hope that helps :)
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by Eriottosan »

I use chrome, firefox, safari and IE.

Chrome I use for everyday things: social networks, general browsing, watching youtube.
Firefox I use for online games.
Safari I use for project work - uploads (like uploading videos on youtube), and any work/project related searches.
IE I use for downloading the other browsers.

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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by dawnraider »

I use chrome for everything. If a tab crashes, it only closes that tab, all others I have tried don't do that, you can easily move tabs, it uses hardly any memory (the original reason I went to it), easy app installation, useful addons, small and simple ui, easy to install themes, and the web store.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by walker_boh_65 »

I have used Firefox ever since I can remember, and have never had any problems with it. I have been tempted to try out Chrome, but I just don't know.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by kamshaft1 »

I use FF, Chrome, Safari, and RockMelt. I myself have had no problem with FireFox.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by Gargantuan_Penguin »

I also use firefox, Though Chrome is on my list of things to try out. I have just gotten really used to Firefox, and while it is occasionally finicky It has never messed with me in a big way.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by Ribky »

I broke up with Firefox and switched over to Chrome about a year ago. After about a week, I got used to everything that was different and have been with it since. I love Firefox, don't get me wrong, but there were just too many times when it would act up, so I made the switch and have never looked back. Together Firefox and I learned a lot, and I'm applying what I learned to my current relationship with Chrome, which makes me very happy. I wish you luck Firefox, wherever you are.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by ExpHP »

For the longest time, I stuck with Firefox 3.x because I had made some UserChrome.js modifications (to hack the browser's appearance) and I didn't want to mess them up. Besides, some plugins I had were dropping support for FF4. Then Firefox started going update crazy and decided that it should have a new major revision number every few months. I can't even keep track of what the latest FF is anymore.

However, FF3 was a massive resource hog, which eventually pushed me to Chrome. But I don't use Chrome exclusively; I still use FF when I need a plugin that can download Flash, and I miss the "AwesomeBar" (FF's URL bar); Chrome still has a tendency to rank previously-made searches and pages I've only visited once over pages I access daily through the URL bar.

For IRC, I use mIRC, mostly out of familiarity with the interface and scripting language. I know XChat is even better with regards to scripting (using actual conventional languages, *gasp*!), but the interface just isn't my cup of tea.
Last edited by ExpHP on Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by Siege Wizard »

Well, I, as a web developer, have all major browsers installed because I like my web pages to be shown properlly in all them.

IE, despite what lot's of people think, is not as bad as it used. The new versions are quite good, but it is still the browser that doesn't fulfill the standars, the one with the more space used by it's navigation and tool bars and the slowest, or one of the slowest ones.

Chrome has proved to be the fastest browser atm. And with Opera, they are the two browsers that have included the most part of HTML5 standards.

FF still is the safer browser, the one with the most plug-ins, and the most space-efficient browser. If you are having crashes with FF is probably because you don't have the latest version. I'm currently using FF 12.0 and I've never had a crash with FF, nor with previous versions, but I have to say that I upgrade as soon as BETA stage finishes.

Safari for windows isn't even worth mentioning nowadays.

So I would recomend FF for web browsing, except for high resource consuming web pages as multi-computer interaction or high media dependant like youtube, where I would use Chrome.
dawnraider wrote:I use chrome for everything. If a tab crashes, it only closes that tab, all others I have tried don't do that (if firefox crashes due to a page, what isn't actually ffs fault, next time you open ff you have a list of all tabs and windows you had opened and it allows you to deactivate the ones you want and refresh the others), you can easily move tabs (ff does this the easiest way I can imagine, just drag a tab from a window to another one and done), it uses hardly any memory (the original reason I went to it), easy app installation (ff installs apps automatically too), useful addons (be sure that all you can find for chrome, you can also find it for ff), small and simple ui (ff 12.0 is actually smaller and as simple as chrome 20.0, just checked it out), easy to install themes (same on ff), and the web store (same than ff).
Only speed and HTML5 support, that is all what you can find better in chrome than in ff.
Katalliaan wrote:I use Chrome (Chromium on my Linux box) for my browser for a few reasons:
-Ability to pull a tab from window to window, including creating a new one
-Uses very little of the screen for its UI
-Easy to apply themes and install extensions
-Has extensions that allow me to see at a glance if I have e-mail or if an RSS feed I follow was updated
This four points, are equal or even better in ff.

Summing up:
  • Use chrome if you need high speed browsing like watching videos, chatting or you visit pages with tons of images.
  • Use firefox for the rest and for everything that requires web security.
  • Don't use the other browsers.
PS: google is becoming the most powerful internet enterprise, search tool + browser + youtube + gmail + google docs + etc.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by ThatOneDude »

I go on and off from Safari to Chrome.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by BinoAl »

Siege Wizard wrote: Safari for windows isn't even worth mentioning nowadays.
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Re: A superior browsing experience

Post by Poppycocks »

Yup, google is now scary big.

Also, the big brother of most of your online activities. If not directly, then indirectly.

They're also dabbling in AIs... next up, weapon systems. Then

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