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Beginners' Guide

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:34 pm
by Kreyesh
So, i searched for quite literally hours for an up to date guide on how to start off in BTW or at the very least an up to date recipe list but it turns out neither of those things exist anymore. Having discovered this and being totally lost myself i decided to stumble through it and write it down as i go in the form of a beginners guide for people such as myself who get absolutely lost in the game and end up with 15 stacks of iron before remembering that the mod involves automation and i should probably start trying to build a windmill. Without further ado... ... ners_Guide

Please critisize the publication value of my work. I probably made plently of grammatical and spelling errors. And typos. :)

*edit* Guide has been updated to the level of your first kiln and fired pottery. If you are reading this as a beginner please let me know what you think after you try the guide!!

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:44 pm
by epicGHO5T
Hey, thanks for the guide! I didn't really know where to start when it came to this mod. This would have been really helpful a few days ago :D

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:56 pm
by Katalliaan
-Remove the "WIP" section. The line about when it was last updated is information that can be found in the page's history, and the paragraph would be better in the discussion page.
-Is the "baby steps" section really necessary? It's just a basic description of how to get started in Minecraft, something that I would expect anybody who's picking up BTW would already know to some extent.
-Inline links are your friends. I'd recommend surrounding at least the first mention of any BTW item with [[double brackets]], as that turns it into a link to the page of the same name.

Otherwise, it's turning out to be a decent guide.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:58 pm
by Kreyesh
Katalliaan wrote:-Remove the "WIP" section. The line about when it was last updated is information that can be found in the page's history, and the paragraph would be better in the discussion page.
-Is the "baby steps" section really necessary? It's just a basic description of how to get started in Minecraft, something that I would expect anybody who's picking up BTW would already know to some extent.
-Inline links are your friends. I'd recommend surrounding at least the first mention of any BTW item with [[double brackets]], as that turns it into a link to the page of the same name.

Otherwise, it's turning out to be a decent guide.
Thanks, I'll get to work on that tomorrow. Headed to sleep right now, and work early in the morning. This is the first time i've editted or added to any wiki. Only way i got the recipe pics and youtube links was from extensive and painstaking reading over of other pages code, haha. I'll get a bit better, noticed the brackets in the pages i was readign the code for, didnt realize what it did, guess i was a bit slow there.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:56 pm
by Azdoine
Alright, decided to pitch in on this, I had to familiarise myself with the mod through extensive wiki-tawling and watching youtube. A beginners guide would be very helpful.

I already fixed some grammar, but I want to get to work on expanding the guide. Is that alright, or do you want to do this yourself?

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:18 am
by DIG_down
I learned most of what I know about BTW through the MCF OP by FC ( ... upd-jun-5/) The OP is extremely informative as far as info about the blocks, processes and age progression, what info I couldn't find I looked up on the wiki.
But I think I think it's a good idea to have a beginner's views on the progression of BTW. The guide itself looks good and will get better as you progress.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:01 am
by Kreyesh
Azdoine wrote:Alright, decided to pitch in on this, I had to familiarise myself with the mod through extensive wiki-tawling and watching youtube. A beginners guide would be very helpful.

I already fixed some grammar, but I want to get to work on expanding the guide. Is that alright, or do you want to do this yourself?
Well, i would like to do most of the progression work myself. I would love for people to edit and/or fix up as they see fit but if you dont mind I would prefer to do the bulk of it.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:57 am
by Azdoine
Kreyesh wrote:
Azdoine wrote:Alright, decided to pitch in on this, I had to familiarise myself with the mod through extensive wiki-tawling and watching youtube. A beginners guide would be very helpful.

I already fixed some grammar, but I want to get to work on expanding the guide. Is that alright, or do you want to do this yourself?
Well, i would like to do most of the progression work myself. I would love for people to edit and/or fix up as they see fit but if you dont mind I would prefer to do the bulk of it.
Okay, that's fine.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:27 pm
by Kreyesh
Updated to include leather processing and with the fixes that were mentioned above.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:47 pm
by Kreyesh
Ok i need some advice here. I have brought the beginners guide up to the level of hoppers. Where any real automation finally opens up. I dont want to leave people lost but i think that after that they should enjoy figuring out more on their own. So, votes, continue a bit further? Stop now? Go till fill in the blank point?

Thanks in advance for your input.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:35 pm
by DIG_down
If someone doesn't want any spoilers they shouldn't be reading a guide-on a wiki no less. Just use your judgement on this one, but don't go into detailing every instance of how to use a hopper or whatever, just a general summary should do. Also you may want to include a little bit about how to filter using the hopper, filtering is pretty compicated though so of course just use your judgement on how much to include. So far it's shaping up very well, good job :)

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:41 pm
by orangeweaver
You may want to do a search on these forums, I know there have been guides here and there including youtube guides. May be of interest, may not.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:08 pm
by Kreyesh
Ok, i need help. I have my hopper, i have all the resources i can get from vanilla, i have a saw, windmill, plenty of hemp, stewing pot. Whats next? I cant seem to make several things yet without the soul forged steel and anvil but there are too many steps here and i'm missing 1-36 or so of those steps.

THIS MOD IS FREAKING HUGE, i thought wood was about all there was to it. then i discovered i was nowhere near done. Jeebus.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:12 pm
by morvelaira
A turntable and pottery is your next step.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:16 pm
by Kreyesh
morvelaira wrote:A turntable and pottery is your next step.
Thanks! Clay it is.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:26 pm
by Niyu
Grinding netherrack in the millstone and filter it in a hopper with soul sand as filter. And remember to power the hopper or there will be to many souls inside it. That can be dangerous.

Then make some hibachis and belows so you can stoke fire.

That should be made before the pottery, as you cant cook it without stoked fire

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:17 pm
by sargunv
Kreyesh wrote:Ok, i need help. I have my hopper, i have all the resources i can get from vanilla, i have a saw, windmill, plenty of hemp, stewing pot. Whats next? I cant seem to make several things yet without the soul forged steel and anvil but there are too many steps here and i'm missing 1-36 or so of those steps.

THIS MOD IS FREAKING HUGE, i thought wood was about all there was to it. then i discovered i was nowhere near done. Jeebus.
This may help:

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:27 pm
by Kreyesh
Is there a way to tell if the soul sand in your hopper is depleted? I accidentally spawned a fluffy friend and i have to admit to immediately switching to peacefull for a sec since my whole base is wood atm... :(

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:39 pm
by Force21
Kreyesh wrote:Is there a way to tell if the soul sand in your hopper is depleted? I accidentally spawned a fluffy friend and i have to admit to immediately switching to peacefull for a sec since my whole base is wood atm... :(
You need to power that hopper for the souls to be filtered out. Too many souls collect up and burst out, making you a new "friend".

Back on topic - The guide definitely needs plans past the hopper and pottery, it doesn't however need to say how and what to automate. For instance, it could say to make concentrated hellfire bars in the cauldron, and use those for hibachis under the kiln, but it wouldn't go into full detail of how to make the setup 100% efficient.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:45 pm
by Kreyesh
Yes i will definitely be expanding the beginners guide. I will avoid automation instructions but continue with step by step production of your first and hardest of each item. For instance, the hibachi, bellows, etc.

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:42 am
by Fozzel
The title. Should be "Beginners' Guide" (note the apostrophe).

Re: Beginners Guide.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:03 am
by Itamarcu
Either that, or A Beginner's Guide.


Re: Beginners' Guide.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:17 am
by Kreyesh
Hahaha, well, thank god for the weekend, back to work on the guide. I wanted to drop in however and say thanks to all the people editting the guide thus far. Yes my grammar and spelling are sometimes horrible. Most of the edits i understand but one sentence is very confusing to me(someone who has hated every english class through highschool and college) "Fixed headlessness. I suppose the second person singular pronoun is here to stay." What the heck is the second person singular pronoun? And headlessness?!?!!? Yeah I'm lost.

Re: Beginners' Guide.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:34 pm
by Itamarcu
Kreyesh wrote:Hahaha, well, thank god for the weekend, back to work on the guide. I wanted to drop in however and say thanks to all the people editting the guide thus far. Yes my grammar and spelling are sometimes horrible. Most of the edits i understand but one sentence is very confusing to me(someone who has hated every english class through highschool and college) "Fixed headlessness. I suppose the second person singular pronoun is here to stay." What the heck is the second person singular pronoun? And headlessness?!?!!? Yeah I'm lost.
Actually, it's one of the changes I wanted to make :)

That person meant he added a header, and he was disappointed about the fact that the name of the article is "Beginners Guide" instead of "Beginner's Guide or "Beginners' Guide" which are grammatically correct.

Re: Beginners' Guide.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:27 pm
by Kreyesh
Ahhhh, ok, well i can simply copy and paste the entire page into a new page with the correct title, since i can't edit that title, and then have the beginners guide page simply forward people to the Beginners' Guide page.

Aaaand someone is way ahead of me, nevermind. Haha.