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red stone dust

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:07 am
by Berhemoth
i know there is red stone dust with which is problem if you want to do more mechanism conected with this dust so do one or more kind of this maby green and yelow which culd be on one block
and one more sticky red stone dust simply conect dust and glue so it can be placed on wall or roof when removing must be destroyed block

Re: red stone dust

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:09 am
by magikeh
Berhemoth wrote:i know there is red stone dust with which is problem if you want to do more mechanism conected with this dust so do one or more kind of this maby green and yelow which culd be on one block
and one more sticky red stone dust simply conect dust and glue so it can be placed on wall or roof when removing must be destroyed block
... ... so you are saying you want to combine the functionality of vertical redstone mod and the colored redstone mod?

Re: red stone dust

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:21 am
by Camerinthus
So, the Redpower mod?

Re: red stone dust

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:26 am
by CaL
The idea of Yellowstone Dust or something similar would be quite nice. But if it was made so that it doesn't interact with redstone at all (allowing them to be placed side by side) then blocks that need Redstone to activate (such as gear boxes, pistons, lights etc) wouldn't be able to function based on that logic. You'll need to make new recipies for them which uses Yellowstone/other colour in the crafting of it instead. Or a Redstone-otherstone converter.

Sticky Redstone sounds good but I think a better recipe would be Redstone Dust + Leather Strap = Redstone Cable. Can be used for verticle aplications and doesn't get washed away by water.

Re: red stone dust

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:43 am
by the_fodder
Red stone paste (redstone + glue) sound a like a logical step. vertical repeaters would be nice too but probably over powered

Re: red stone dust

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:51 am
by grimper12341
CaL wrote:The idea of Yellowstone Dust or something similar would be quite nice. But if it was made so that it doesn't interact with redstone at all (allowing them to be placed side by side) then blocks that need Redstone to activate (such as gear boxes, pistons, lights etc) wouldn't be able to function based on that logic. You'll need to make new recipies for them which uses Yellowstone/other colour in the crafting of it instead. Or a Redstone-otherstone converter.

Sticky Redstone sounds good but I think a better recipe would be Redstone Dust + Leather Strap = Redstone Cable. Can be used for verticle aplications and doesn't get washed away by water.
All that is in the redpower mod point duplicating work that's already been done.

Re: red stone dust

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:11 pm
by CaL
I'll have to go and find the link to it then. I only ever use the BTW and Somnia mods

Edit: Wow, that sort of mod is way out of place alongside BTW. I dunno how hard it would be to implement but simple vertical redstone is more than enough for me. And for Steves current tech level.

Re: red stone dust

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:12 pm
by the_fodder
yeah redpower is way over powered and doesn't fit in with the feel of BTW.

I know the lens will fill this gap but it is one or two ages away if I remember correctly. sticky redstone would fill the gap nicely, but the benefit of vertical travel needs to be countered or there would be no reason not to convert all your redstone too it. Have it take two dust to make one sticky dust, or even have it burn out at 10 instead of 15.

OP you might want to rename this thread to be more descriptive, throw a vertical or sticky in the title.