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Anesthetics are fun !

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:20 pm
by FurkeyRefills
Today I had a very minor operation to remove an in-grown toenail that had gotten out of hand, just a word of advice, if you ever see signs of one of these get rid of it straight away ! They are painful as shit if you leave them for too long !

Anyway, at the doctors just down the street from my house I went into the little room with a comfy bed in it and they did the thing I was expecting, but wasn't prepared for.
Having a needle shoved into the top, left and right side of my big toe.

Having not had any form of injection for the last 8 years I forgot what they felt like, and now I know why people complain about them so much ! It also turned out that three injections wasn't enough, so he stabbed another into my toe...

After being given a massive comedy-toe-bandage like something out of Tom and Jerry, my step-dad gave me a piggy-back home, felt like I was five again !

Features a smattering of blood, FYI.
Just had a anesthesia induced nap and can't feel my toe but glad the pain is out of the way now !

Just like to thank everyone on these forums for your creativity being far superior to mine and being a great distraction from throbbing numbness ! ;)

Re: Anesthetics are fun !

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:30 pm
by BinoAl
Hah, I've got a pretty bad ingrown toenail right now too. It regularly bleeds out my sock at work. It's almost grown through my toe, though, and I'm NEVER cutting my nails again. xD

Re: Anesthetics are fun !

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:50 pm
by Marasambala
Gah! I soo read the title as 'Aesthetics are fun." Needless to say, that piture was not what I was expecting.

Re: Anesthetics are fun !

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:52 pm
by Awfulcopter
Marasambala wrote:Gah! I soo read the title as 'Aesthetics are fun." Needless to say, that piture was not what I was expecting.
Me too. I burst into the thread thinking "I hope it is a picture of a clocktower!". My revulsion and disappointment were hard to deal with.

Re: Anesthetics are fun !

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:00 pm
by SterlingRed
I can relate....having 3 double infected ingrown toes on both feet at the same time didn't feel too good. Only had surgery on one, they stuck me 3 times I think. Fun times. Keep nails longer and cut em straight across. If they start bothering you stick cotton under the corners to pull the nail back up. Haven't had any trouble in 5-6 years since I started doing that.

Re: Anesthetics are fun !

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:10 pm
by FurkeyRefills
SterlingRed wrote: Keep nails longer and cut em straight across. If they start bothering you stick cotton under the corners to pull the nail back up. Haven't had any trouble in 5-6 years since I started doing that.
They told me something similar to that :)

Re: Anesthetics are fun !

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:00 pm
by Miss_Kat
Yikes. My fiancé just finished recovering from this exact surgery a few weeks ago. Had the same thing done on his other toe a few years before I met him, so I suggest keeping on eye on the other foot else you might have to have a repeat.

I wish you a very speedy recovery!

Re: Anesthetics are fun !

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:06 pm
by Gargantuan_Penguin
ah yes, narcotics and pain killers. I was on Hydrocodin for a couple of weeks after I smashed off my finger tip. and I admit I used a bit more tha the recommended dosage. I was not in pain, but I also could not focus on anything except how fuzzy everything was. yes, anesthetics are fun.

Re: Anesthetics are fun !

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:31 pm
by FurkeyRefills
Miss_Kat wrote: so I suggest keeping on eye on the other foot else you might have to have a repeat.
My other toe does have the same problem, it's just not as severe so they said I would be able to fix it on my own :/