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Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:45 pm
by kregoth
Welcome to the thread that all about indie game you may or may not have known about. The second post under this one is for alpha/beta funded games so keep your eye on both when I add new games to the list.

Released games:

AI War: Alien Bundle
The link provides the download links for the game and it's three expansions. You can download all 4 and play them in trial mode for free which allows you to play 3 hours on any single campaign. It's enough to give you a decent taste of the game.

If you are looking for that niche strategy game that is truly all about strategy. Then this game is for you, I can't honestly praise this game enough it's a truly wonderful strategy game. If you are looking for a game that not only challenging in depth, but also is all about deep strategy then you really need to try this game out. Each game is very customizable you can change a ton of options to cater the game to your liking. In all honesty if you like strategy games and you have never played this game, lets just say you wont look at another strategy game the same way ever again they just won't compare. Also take notice that this game is not easy to learn, expect taking a few hours learning the basic mechanics, and another several hours to get decent enough to actually win a campaign, if you hate loosing well think of it as Dwarf Fortress, Loosing is FUN! :)
A Valley Without Wind
You can download the game from there site for free which gives you access to the entire game up to tier 2 spells, buying a key will unlock the full game.

This game is another niche style game, it fills a role not any other game really has. in all honesty I can say this game for it price is well worth the purchase. It's a Schmup, platforming sandbox RPG, with some strategy mixed in. I am sure that sounds really odd but trust me it does a damn good job ofit. AVWW is all about exploration and destroying the overlord, every piece of land is proceduraly generated. There is also perma death, but not in the sense you loose the game for dying, just the character you where using. The game isn't about fighting everything, it about getting the resources needed to get more spells, enchantment, and materials need to fight the overlord and his 3 lieutenants. Each world you generate is infinite in size, the game is broken up into Continents and each overlord you destroy opens another continent you can explore and start a new game, but with a lot of your spells already unlocked. Try the game out but be warned it not easy to understand at first and can take a little while to figure out all it has to offer, but it worth at least trying the demo Also expect to DIE A lot that's what the game is about! :)
Legend of Grimrock
If you liked old school dungeon crawlers like Dungeon Master or Eye of The Beholder then you really should get this game. It a ton of fun and can be quiet challenging. There no demo which is a real shame, but I really love this game it brings back such fond memories, but gives it a new tasty visual overhaul. The video is enough to showcase what this game is about enjoy :)
This is a really great puzzle game, it not as large or in depth as the games listed above, but if you like puzzle games that are unique you have to get this game. I finished this game and can say that it's an absolutly wonderful game. The puzzles can be challenging and for the most part fun. for $15 I can say it worth it weight in gold :) This game also has some of the best mosuic ever put into a video game, it's made by John Hopkins, but it dynamic and changes as you progress through each level.

Music playlist on Youtube
The Binding of Isaac
This is a pretty fun game, it's RPG shooter rougelike. It's a rather odd game and the video just shows how freaking wierd the game is, none the less it's worth while to check out :)
Dungeons of Dredmor
This is probably the most approachable Rougelike ever made, it's easy to get into to and it's a blast to play. The humor is sometimes just plain hilarious and all the monsters are just as funny. If you have always wanted to try a Rougelike but have always hated the graphics and overly complex key bindings, this is the choice for you. Easy to learn yet hard to master truly a great game! Oh and there an expansion for it as well :)
Distant Worlds + expansions
I really love this game, but it's hard to recommend without the expansion and it's current state getting the base game and both expansion is overly expensive but needed. I am unsure why the devs haven't gotten to the point of making a complete pack yet but I hope they do soon. This game is probably one of the best 4x RTS games out there and it's the 4x game of choice for me (and that's hard to come by now a days). It's pretty hard to learn at first but in terms of what it has to offer it well worth it. I highly recommend getting the game, I just wish it wasn't so damned pricey, and until they get that crap resolved you may just want to wait for a more appropriate priced pack for it. Check out the link in the name and decide for yourself it has a ton of features and some pretty innovative features in automation and customization :)
Probably one of my favorite technical puzzle like games ever. The game play consists of trying to create chemicals by bonding, unbonding atoms, and attempting to shape them into the proper chemical product. It extremly well done and challenging and the puzzles have multiplae ways of being completed. It's a defint must buy in my book, Thank FlowerChild for first introducing me to it!
Mount&Blade series
One of my all time favorites and I still play it from time to time. This is a sandbox style war game where you are free to do what you want. The battles in the game can be extremely fun and there is usually multiple ways to win/loose battles. You can also aspire to be a king and start your own kingdom, or you can work with another kingdom to help them take everything. The games also have a strong community of mods, some take the game in a whole new direction while others add to the core experience or just balance it out. TBH Warband is the one you want to buy, and perhaps the original if you want more mods. the newest one is not all that great save your money and just stick with Warband :)
Lunar Flight
This game is not for everyone as it pretty much a simulation of a flying the lunar lander around. Although I have not played this game yet, it does seem fun if your into simulations like these. I am not a huge fan of these types of games but I love space game and this one seems like it would be fun.
A F2P/P2P game, it all about flying a mech around to control your control points, and build units to send to the enemy control points and base. It rather fun game and can be quite challenging. If you use Chrome you can play the game for free through the app store. For a F2P game it's actually one of the best and doesn't involve the Pay-to-Win model.
A very odd and one of a kind! You are tasked to control various joint points in a ragdoll. The goal is to kill the opponents ragdoll, the thing is both of you are planning how the ragdoll will move before the actions actually take place. Sometimes you will witness an awesome ninja like action sequence, or Laugh your ass off so hard at the hilarity of the outcome.
I highly suggest playing this game you owe it to yourself to laugh your ass off at the outcomes. :)
Cortex Command
Sense this game is nearly complete I am adding it to the released games list. It's a really fun game and some of the custom missions/units you can download can really add to the game. It's not the greatest and has some flaws but in terms of having fun trying to take on an army of dummies, or creating your very own mission to play on is a ton of fun. It's worth a buy in my book alone for the amount of hilarity you can get at times, as well as the fun you can have watching your unit not die from falling debris or wayward shots from the enemies. Also you can customize the experience a ton with the mission editor, and the mods on there forums which in turn add a lot to it's value.
Expect this list to grow as I add more, for now I am just reserving space to grow the list as I have a lot to add here it will be a little while before it finished :)

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:45 pm
by kregoth
Here is the list for games currently in either an alpha or beta stage:

Also I suggest checking out these 2 sites for finding indiegames and getting them for a decent price. and

Faster Than Light
Sadly there no demo/beta to play and the Kickstarter campaign ended, so I am unsure of what there plans are for beta/alpha version for none backers are. This game is a Rougelike space strategy game, it kinda a whole new type of game play experience for the space genre and it looks extremely promising. It's all about managing your crew and energy systems to contend with the random events you run across while exporing, it rather interesting and for those who love rougelikes this is one to keep your eye on :)
King Arthur's Gold
This is an extremely fun game specially if you like more tactical team orientated game play. There are several game mods to choose from, three classes (soon to change) and a new fun Zombie Fortress mode that challenges you to survive each night as you build a stronger and more defend able fortress to protect yourself from the legion of various undead. Best part is you can play for FREE, and for $9.99 you can purchase premium which unlocks a lot of nifty features :)
This game is something you should really keep up with, especially if you love space sims like I do :) Right now it very alpha, but the developer blog shows that the developer is doing a great job and I am personally looking forward to it. The game easily has some of the best tactical ship combat, which can make up for some truly epic battles. The video does a decent job of showcasing the game even in his hyper talk form lol.
Project Zomboid
I am sure everyone here knows about this game but currently this is one of the very few games that gets it right when it comes to a zombie game. My saying for this game is it is not a zombie game, It's a survival game with zombies :) The game even in it's current early alpha is extremely fun. I highly suggest purchasing and keeping your eye glued to there blog and twitter account. "This is how you die" that what this game is about, there no end goal no winning, it survive for as long as you can in anyway you can.
Castle Story
Currently in development with no playble version as of yet, but what the game is shaping up to be is worthy enough for you to pay attention to it. The devs are attempting to make a Dwarf Fortress inspired style game, but easier and more approachable to the not so patient when it comes to learning Dwarf Fortress. You control creatures called bricktrons and you have no real direct control over them. Similar to DF you manage them by assigning tasks and building your castles and mines, they will then with the best ability go and do the jobs. I suggest keeping track of this game it looks very promising :)
Gun Point
I had the pleasure of getting in on the test build that was released a few months back and I can say I am really looking forward to this game. It really unique and has some pretty innovative mechanics the give it an new original feel for a stealth game. You are a spy sent in to an area to steal documents from 1 or more computers inside the area, the fun part is how you get them. You can re-wire just about anything, and you can obtain upgrades to allow you to do even more. It's was a ton of fun from what I was given the chance to play with, and I am eagerly awaiting for more. It got potential oozing from it pores :)
Endless Space
There no beta or alpha to play yet, but the way they are making this game is worthy enough that you should definitely keep your eyes on it :) Not only is it nice to see developers share the progress on the game, but it's even better when you can vote on which one should be in the game. I am looking forward to how this game progresses along this type of development, unfortunately there isn't enough to go on to really know what this game will be like other then a 4x type space game.
I love space games I know, so get over it and learn to love it :) Starbound is all about exploring the galaxy for planets and doing what you want on them, you can colonize it, use it to research new things, or just plain blow it up! This game is made by the pixal artist for Terraria, and the art style is pretty much the same. I have always wanted to make a game like this, minus the way the art is, But I have been dying to see a space game that's about doing this very thing. I am excited to see where this goes, Can't wait to colonize a planet then nuke it to the core :P
Although it's nothing close to Dwarf Fortress, it does have the same feel just a lot easier and less complex. The game is fun I grabbed it from a bundle and so far have been enjoying what it has to offer, even if I snuff at it for trying to claim it's like Dwarf Fortress to much. Gameplay consists of managing a group of civilians to try and create a town for adventures to use your dungeons. It still very early in it alpha stages, but so far I like where it's going. If you have been interested in game that have a similar dynamic gameplay to Dwarf Fortress, it's worthwhile to try out the demo and decided if it's worth opening your wallet for. It's good enough for a buy in my book.
This really isn't an indie game by any means, it is a mod for a well known military like simulator called Arma 2! The mod is FANTASTIC if you enjoy games where the choices you make really matter, and knowing who to trust and not trust (online only play, players are a real threat) you really need to get the game and mod :) You need both the original Arma 2 and it expansion Operation Arrowhead in order to play, you can get the combined pack called Combat Operations from steam and other retailers for around $40. Arma 2 alone is a massive game, and there are hundreds of mods, custom missions, and addons, that the game alone is worth the purchase regardless of the mod. I highly suggest getting into DayZ as well, it is a truly thrilling and intensive game to play, and if you like anarchy type game play this is the mod for you :) <-- click here to purchase Combined Operations
if you already own the original Arma II but not the expansion then you can get it here
Dead State
Zombie games damn there are so many, but this one is another game you really should keep your eyes on and it's worth paying a bit into the kickstarter page. The biggest thing about this one is it's all about the interaction you have with other survivors and how you as their leader must make decisions that are not always going to be easy. Is that one twerp in your party causing trouble and is your team unhappy with his actions? Well you have to decide how to best deal with him, do you leave him behind on you next scavenger hunt? do you talk to him and tell him to get his act together? or do you straight out kill him to set an example of what no to do for the group? It's really interesting and I am looking forward to see what kind of stories I could get from this game.
This is a great game if you like fighting type games, the promising thing about this game is not just how the fighting in the game is handled, but also that the entire engine and things you can do are the same tools the devs use which really opens up to allow you to create your very own unique game to play. it's still in a very early state and there not a whole ton you can do, but the end point is where it going to shine the most, once it's done I can imagine a ton of modding support and custome missions you could play :)
Games mentioned by others:
Damonjay wrote:I was going to Suggest Kerbal Space Program but i see its already been Suggested.
So i put Forward Project Zomboid. its already well known.

- link

Captain Forever, Jameson and Successor


Games to keep an eye out for are

Castle Story and Prison architect

-Castle story

-Prison Architect
BinoAl wrote:Nexuiz looks like it could be pretty fun
Flesh_Engine wrote:Creeper World 1 & 2 (general site:

It's a sort of tower defense/puzzle hybrid with base building. There is a demo available online if i recall correctly (should be on the site)
The first one is a bit different from the second game though but the general vibe is the same.
Apprently he's working on the third installment :)
lostone1993 wrote:I know of a few more free indie games

The white chamber
A horror point and click adventure game

Urban terror a multiplayer shooter

Smoking guns a shooter primary multiplayer but has bots

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:36 pm
by whitechaos35
Thanks for these. I kept up with Legend of Grimrock for a while but lost my bookmark. I didn't realize it was finished. Happy camper here! :)

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:47 pm
by danielngtiger
Yeah I was watching and waiting for Grimrock for a while but gave up. I had no idea it was released. Awesome!

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:51 pm
by Williamson
I definitely agree with AI wars and FTL. AI wars is a lot of fun, especially when playing with a friend with something like teamspeak. It's quite exciting when a big assault is taking place across multiple systems, and you have to quickly flick through to see which ones can last another 30 seconds without your direct intervention (target picking), which lets you prioritise.
I quickly tried out the FTL demo when it was on OnLive, and it was fun enough for me to chip in on the kickstarter. Hopefully that'll be out this year.
Might give some of the others a try at some point, looks like we have a similar taste in games. Thanks!

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:08 pm
by FlowerChild
Anyone know anything about "Lunar Flight"? I was just checking it out on Steam, and it looks rather interesting.

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:31 pm
by BinoAl
FlowerChild wrote:Anyone know anything about "Lunar Flight"? I was just checking it out on Steam, and it looks rather interesting.
Damn, looks pretty cool
Bought it, and gifted a copy to the email registered on paypal. :3

EDIT: Well, it has joystick support. Freaking cool, I finally have a use for the old thing :)
I tried to start it up, and... my god damn monitor doesn't go to a high enough resolution. Minimum is 1200x768, my monitor only goes to 1024x768. Lame. Haha

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:00 am
by FlowerChild
BinoAl wrote: Bought it, and gifted a copy to the email registered on paypal. :3
Wow, thanks dude :)

Damn, every time I mention a game these days some seems to buy it for me.

Let's see how far this goes...anyone know if Drew Barrymore is any fun? :)

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:05 am
by orangeweaver
[quote="BinoAl"] Nice. Very kind of you BinoAI... I've tried Cobalt but haven't played in a month or so. It is pretty fun for a fast paced-different take on a sidescroll shooter. There are a few others I have wanted to try but am always gimped because I'm on a Mac.

I found Spelunky pretty enjoyable and HackSlashLoot. I think Machinarium is pretty great, I've always liked the point and click adventures from when I was a kid.

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:06 am
by BinoAl
FlowerChild wrote: Let's see how far this goes...anyone know if Drew Barrymore is any fun? :)
Close enough? :3

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:09 am
by FlowerChild
Lol! Nah, it's cool. I'm not a fan of her acting :)

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:11 am
by BinoAl
FlowerChild wrote:
Lol! Nah, it's cool. I'm not a fan of her acting :) ?

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:18 am
by Thalmane
Kenshi is a game that seems worth keeping an eye on. Currently it is only in its early alpha stage with core features still being implemented. The game design page is worth giving a read if you'd like understand the developers philosophies and his goals for the game.

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:09 am
by FlowerChild
So, after spending a few hours with it, I can safely say that Lunar Flight is quite a bit of fun.

I doubt it will be for everyone, but if you're into historical space flight, and simulations in general, it's worth check out. It's got a pretty cool retro-futuristic thing going on in that you're piloting what is basically a lunar lander from the 60's, kinda souped-up and running transport missions and such around a lunar colony.

Not sure if it will have a lot of extended replay value, but it's definitely an interesting and rather unique experience for however long it lasts.

Here's the trailer:
Official site here:

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:35 pm
by obl1terat1ion
if your into space sims kerbal space program is good. be warned one of the mods on the forums is a former BTW forum user.

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:36 pm
by BinoAl
obl1terat1ion wrote:if your into space sims kerbal space program is good. be warned one of the mods on the forums is a former BTW forum user.
Haha, who?

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:08 pm
by DaveYanakov
That was a great issue. I don't know about paying collectors prices good but probably worth digging through the garage good.

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:20 pm
by jorgebonafe
BinoAl wrote:
obl1terat1ion wrote:if your into space sims kerbal space program is good. be warned one of the mods on the forums is a former BTW forum user.
Haha, who?
Damion Rayne. The guy I got (unintentionally) banned :P

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:40 pm
by FurkeyRefills
It's quite bad that every time I go on a forum other than this one all I say in my head is "Oh Christ in heaven, this looks like shit !".

Good compliment for these forums though ;)
Plus the community for BTW is ten times better than any other I've ever had to deal with ! :/

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:59 pm
by logorouge
For those into turn-based strategy, I suggest checking out Armageddon Empires (video) and Solium Infernum (RPS "playthrough"). Both games were made by Cryptic Comet, a mini indie studio consisting of one guy with a passion for strategy games.

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:12 pm
by MoRmEnGiL
Oooh, I've played a bit with Armageddon empires but didn't know about Cryptic Comet, thanks for the heads-up man :]

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:16 pm
by kregoth
I added a few more games, and hopefully tomorrow I will get some more in there as well "My brain is a bit angry with me after my birthday party yesterday! hard to write sadly lol"

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:26 pm
by BinoAl
I got king arthur's gold a while back, it's a great game. Got me through computer OS and maintenance class <3

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:01 am
by DaveYanakov
I looked at Starfarer hoping for a newer Escape Velocity and this, sir, is no Escape Velocity. It just seems way, way clunkier which is kind of a problem considering that the EV series is 16 years old now. Seriously, EV: Nova still blows this 2D space RPG out of the water a decade later. I'm looking up my old serial key now and noticing that the modding community for it is still active...

Re: Indie games worth checking out!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:20 am
by MoRmEnGiL
I can easily suggest Dungeons of Dredmor to all hardcore roguelike fans ;]