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Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:17 am
by EvanT
The hopper gives a redstone-signal when all its item-Slots are used regardless it is still moving items into a targets (chest, dispenser,..) inventory.

This creates the following problem with an automated cart loading station:
When a lot of items are incoming (tree/weed farms) the hopper can not move the items fast enough to free a single item slot. So the signal stays on and the station is jammed.

This problem can be solved if the hopper would not send the signal when there in no free space in its inventory but when it can not pass items into the targets inventory instead.

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:40 am
by ThatOneDude
Not a bad suggestion, but it may break some persons' systems.

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:43 am
by Whisp
This would break a lot of existing builds. Why can't you simply slow down the massive amounts of items in this single case?

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:07 am
by Itamarcu
Whisp wrote:Why can't you simply slow down the massive amounts of items in this single case?

Just add another hopper above, which is powered, and it will drop about one stack per second.

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:56 am
by EvanT
Why would it break anyone's build? The signal would come regardless, but only if the chest below is full. This will guarantee at least a short off signal when a new chest is put in place.

The second hopper idea was tried. One would have to pulse that one to guarantee a lower Item flow that the actual loading station has. I tried two loading hoppers too so the second can handle any items the first can't pass on but that does not work either if a lot items (64 stack) of the same type are incoming. I have a test build where the items go in circles but after 10 Minutes tops the system gets jammed.

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:17 am
by Itamarcu
1. Please try to fix your grammar errors. It took me a while to understand what you were trying to say, plus my OCD made me make a list of all of them.
EvanT wrote:... i ...anyones...But It...garantee...litle off signal...secound...tryed...garantee...Item...tryed...secound...eigther...incomming...biuld...were...sytem.
I, anyone's, But it, guarantee, short off signal, second, tried, guarantee, item, tried, second, either, incoming, build, where, system.

2. It would break current builds because currently, the hopper sends a signal when it's own inventory is full, and people's systems would be affected by that. Plus, you don't need that change for your farms to work, you just need to add a delayer (for instance, another hopper which is powered and just sends the items in a normal speed).

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:21 am
by Whisp
EvanT wrote:Why would i break anyones build? The signal would come regardless but only if the chest below is full. But It will garantee at least a litle off signal when a new chest is put in place.
It would break my wolf feeder for example. A hopper with one free slot sends power to a dispenser with meat and itself to unload in a chest as soon as a piece of dung is dropped in it. Sending only redstone power, when the chest below is full, would make it useless for that purpose.
Another useless build that i had in my last world would be a distribution system with hoppers. Several hoppers in a waterflow with free slots according the needed proportions. Once every hopper is full and sends its redstone signal, they are all emptied in different water streams (or other means of transportation.)
Nearly every build where hoppers are used to influence items in between means of transport instead of just dumping it in some kind of chest would loose the redstone signal for any purpose.
EvanT wrote:The secound hopper idea was tryed. One would have to pulse that one to garantee a lower Item flow that the actual loading station has. I tryed two loading hoppers too so the secound can handle any items the first can't pass on but that does not work eigther if a lot items (64 stack) of the same type are incomming. I have a test build were the items go in circles but after 10 Minutes tops the sytem gets jammed.
If you got two hoppers on top of each other on the loading station. When an empty cart arrives you first power the hopper below for a bit to make sure it's empty. Then you power the above hopper and stop as soon as the one below sends a redstone signal. That way the hopper below is guaranteed to shut off its redstone signal and then on again after the cart is full. With bricks in the hopper below you can control the delay for that signal.
(I haven't actually tested this design, so please tell me, if I got something wrong here.)

Damn, itamarcu, you're too fast. At least my post is detailed enough to justify it anyway.

EDIT: Since I had to edit it anyway, @itamarcu, for a non-native English speaker: Why is it "anyone's" and not "anyones" like "its" for possession? I would definitely make the same mistake.

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:39 pm
by rhacer
itamarcu is completely correct you add an 's to a noun to make it possessive.

I find it very humbling when non-native English speakers grasp it so incredibly well.

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:18 pm
by ThatOneDude
itamarcu wrote:1. Please try to fix your grammar errors. It took me a while to understand what you were trying to say, plus my OCD made me make a list of all of them.
EvanT wrote:... i ...anyones...But It...garantee...litle off signal...secound...tryed...garantee...Item...tryed...secound...eigther...incomming...biuld...were...sytem.
I, anyone's, But it, guarantee, short off signal, second, tried, guarantee, item, tried, second, either, incoming, build, where, system.

2. It would break current builds because currently, the hopper sends a signal when it's own inventory is full, and people's systems would be affected by that. Plus, you don't need that change for your farms to work, you just need to add a delayer (for instance, another hopper which is powered and just sends the items in a normal speed).
Dude, hate to tell you this, but you had some of your own grammatical mistakes in that post. I usually don't try to correct others' grammar as I feel like it is kind of douchebaggy, but because you tried to correct someone else's grammar and wound up somehwhat failing I feel like I kind of have to.

The sentence should've said:

Why would I break anyones' builds? The signal would come regardless but only if the chest below is full; it will guarantee at least a little off signal when a new chest is put in place.

The secound hopper idea was tried. One would have to pulse that one to guarantee a lower item flow that the actual loading station has. I tryed two loading hoppers too so the secound can handle any items the first can't pass on but that does not work eigther if a lot items (64 stack) of the same type are incomming. I have a test biuld were the items go in circles but after 10 Minutes tops the sytem gets jammed.

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:22 pm
by ThatOneDude
itamarcu wrote:1. Please try to fix your grammar errors. It took me a while to understand what you were trying to say, plus my OCD made me make a list of all of them.
EvanT wrote:... i ...anyones...But It...garantee...litle off signal...secound...tryed...garantee...Item...tryed...secound...eigther...incomming...biuld...were...sytem.
I, anyone's, But it, guarantee, short off signal, second, tried, guarantee, item, tried, second, either, incoming, build, where, system.

2. It would break current builds because currently, the hopper sends a signal when it's own inventory is full, and people's systems would be affected by that. Plus, you don't need that change for your farms to work, you just need to add a delayer (for instance, another hopper which is powered and just sends the items in a normal speed).
Dude, hate to tell you this, but you had some of your own grammatical mistakes in that post. I usually don't try to correct others' grammar as I feel like it is kind of douchebaggy, but because you tried to correct someone else's grammar and wound up somewhat failing I feel like I kind of have to.

The sentence should've said:

That's what I get for posting at 6 in the morning.

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:08 pm
by Stormweaver
inb4 thread lock for grammar derailment.
ThatOneDude wrote:
Why would it break anyone's builds? The signal would come regardless, but only if the chest below is full; it will guarantee at least a little off signal when a new chest is put in place.

The second hopper idea was tried. One would have to pulse that one to guarantee a lower item flow that the actual loading station has. I tried two loading hoppers too, so the second one could handle any items the first couldn't pass on, but that didn't work either if a lot items (64 stack) of the same type were incoming. I did a test build were the items went in circles, but after 10 minutes at the most, the system got jammed.

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:14 pm
by TheHoboHunted
On-topic, isn't this what bricks are for?

The powered Hopper that is dropping items into a target entity (chest/BD/etc) is filled with bricks so that only one slot remains open. Once the target entity is full, the remaining open slot in the Hopper will fill, and once that has filled, the hopper is then full and will emit a RS signal.

I've never utilized this functionality before as I've never personally found a use for it as of yet, but I believe I understood the concept correctly. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


After reading through higher posts, I saw bricks were mentioned, but only once. I'll admit I'm ignorant to the finer points of Hopper implementation, but now not so much.

Today, I learned more about the Hopper. =D

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:02 am
by Rawny
Waow! Eye juhst try'd de foll hoppr...

I can't do it.

Wow! I just tried the full hopper minus one slot that receives a 'different' item that triggers the axle to said hopper and the redstone signal is also connected to <insert whatever circuit here>.

Its awesome and SO simple. Just so happens that this solves the 'timing' issue I was trying to work around with a post in the 'BTW discussion' about the time it takes for hemp to grow. In the past I'd have my meat dispensers pulsed by a single hemp plant that would get chopped when grown. This hopper 'timing' can be used in many MANY ways!

Booya! Thank you!

EDIT: You don't even need to trigger the axle, bricks just don't fit through and out! Awesome sauce! TY FC!

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:20 am
by EvanT
To the grammar/spelling discussion: I have implemented a few changes to my second post and installed a dictionary with a spell checker. (I really hope this will prevent similar problems in the future) (actually I checked the possessive grammar on "it's/its" beforehand but lucky-me took just the wrong example) By the way: I'm happy if someone is correcting my spelling/grammar if it is done in a constructive way, how else should one become better at it?

To Topic:
I never used the hopper as an item detector (dung farm) this build would be broken by my suggestion, so I guess it is off the table. Since it deals with a problem most people will never face.
Why do you not use a detector block to scan for dung?

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:08 am
by Whisp
EvanT wrote: Why do you not use a detector block to scan for dung?
Only possible with a single hopper after a water stream, because the water stream flowing over the hopper would trigger the DB constantly. So it isn't a full substitute.

Could you perhaps upload your build that isn't working? Then I'll happily take a look, because I can't imagine that the functionality you want isn't achievable with two hoppers and a bit of redstone.

Re: Hopper giving a redstone signal onTargetFull

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:30 pm
by EvanT
Actually it is. I just thought that it would be more logical for the hopper to send a "can't pass items"-signal than a "I have no more slots left"-signal. And I never thought of using a hopper for item detection. Which is a brilliant idea because of the hopper's filter capacities.

One can use a siding to filter out the items from the water.

Code: Select all

~ = Water
X = some block
| = siding
DB = Detector block