The Gourd bomb. Extending the functionality of pumpkins.

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The Gourd bomb. Extending the functionality of pumpkins.

Post by TheMightyFoochang »

A gourd bomb is a primitive bomb utilising pumpkins for the gourd body and filled with gun powder, gravel, flint and iron.
The gourd bomb is not a grenade and cannot be thrown by the player. It is intended to be either dropped by the player or a block dispenser from a wall or cliff onto mobs directly below. The bomb only explodes upon high impact with the ground and as such must be dropped from a height of at least 3 blocks. It has a 3x3x3 blast radius and does not damage blocks only mobs.
It can have an Incendiary variant utilising clay pots for the body and ethanol filled glass bottles (see still post of idea of ethanol) fire causes continues damage but does not spread (Similar to fire arrows).
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Re: The Gourd bomb. Extending the functionality of pumpkin

Post by TheAnarchitect »

Just lock this one.
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