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Recent Book Findings with Splunk

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:17 am
by splunker1
So, not sure if anyone is any kind of interested, but when I was in California, there's a book store called Mathom House Books, and spent a hundred dollars on books. Yeah. But lots of old and interesting books there, and here are the ones I picked up:


Hiroshima: Very detailed, written in 1950.
The Spell of Belgium: Boring as shit and as old as your granny. But detailed.
Those Devils in Baggy Pants: Pretty good non-fiction book about parachuters in WWII. Might reserve it for a book report.
Secret and Urgent (the one without a cover): good book about code braking and code making. Published before morse code was invented, though.
JavaScript: The Missing Manual: Not going to read it, cuz its for a relative. Expensive book though.
Pistols of the World: Looked interesting, so I bought it. (it is a great reference for just about every hand held gun in history)
Rifles of the World: by the same author as the book Pistols of the world, also a great reference.

Yeah, so I'm done. Might do this again if anyone wants it. :D

Re: Recent Book Findings with Splunk

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:49 am
by Donzaffi
hmm weapons ....

If you wanna read good books, read Terry Pratchet or some more intellectual Poe, Goethe, Allighiere, Cervantes and of course Shakespear, its better than books about weapons ^^

(in my oppinion such books are not worth the paper there are print on)

Re: Recent Book Findings with Splunk

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:56 am
by splunker1
Donzaffi wrote:hmm weapons ....

If you wanna read good books, read Terry Pratchet or some more intellectual Poe, Goethe, Allighiere, Cervantes and of course Shakespear, its better than books about weapons ^^

(in my oppinion such books are not worth the paper there are print on)
I have read a few of those, just that these books seemed interesting and mostly bought them to put on a shelf and never been read again. :D
Also, I have some friends who are obsessed with weapons, so I'm probably going to give those books to them.

Re: Recent Book Findings with Splunk

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:49 pm
by TheAnarchitect
Bah, books about weapons are great. Certainly not character-improving, but as porn goes there are worse choices. I'm partial to books about WW2 era aircraft. My grandfather had a book for model plane enthusiasts that detailed the paintjobs for every squad of fliers... that book was pure military porn and I loved it.

I'm of the opinion that a book collection ought to consist mostly of "porn." And for this purpose, I define porn in the neological sense of "any media intended to satisfy a superficial interest or obsession rather than to educate or edify the reader." The latter is literature. Literature is great but if all you take in is literature it loses it's impact. Porn doesn't improve you but it relaxes, passes time and acts as a palet cleanser. I find a 2 to 1 ratio of porn to literature is a good ratio for me.

Of course, great authors manage to be both. Terry Pratchett is a wonderful example.

Re: Recent Book Findings with Splunk

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:58 pm
by rhacer

My father was in the RAF during the Second World War, so I too have a fascination for that era's aircraft.

Slight rerail...

if you haven't read and seen Piece of Cake I would greatly encourage it

Back on the tracks...

Terry Pratchett has written some amazing stuff.

Re: Recent Book Findings with Splunk

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:05 pm
by Miss_Kat
I think I may of bought those exact same encyclopedic gun books that you did, for my fiancé a christmas or two ago. The illustrations are fantastic, if they are indeed the same books.

Edit: Ah, no. After poking through yours on Amazon, they aren't the same. The ones I got were full color and showed the inner guts and such.

Gah, I really want to go back to the tiny used bookstore we have in town (technically the only one we have!). It's cramped, dusty, and the owner is a sourpuss, but I love the place. They have a whole bookshelf 7 ft tall and 5 ft wide full of nothing but Star Trek.

Re: Recent Book Findings with Splunk

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:51 pm
by splunker1
Miss_Kat wrote:I think I may of bought those exact same encyclopedic gun books that you did, for my fiancé a christmas or two ago. The illustrations are fantastic, if they are indeed the same books.

Edit: Ah, no. After poking through yours on Amazon, they aren't the same. The ones I got were full color and showed the inner guts and such.

Gah, I really want to go back to the tiny used bookstore we have in town (technically the only one we have!). It's cramped, dusty, and the owner is a sourpuss, but I love the place. They have a whole bookshelf 7 ft tall and 5 ft wide full of nothing but Star Trek.
Yeah, that was basically what the bookstore I was in was like. REALLY musty, but lots of hidden treasures in books. Like in the Hiroshima book, I found an Ablertsons receipt from 1978. The person bought a gallon of milk, a bottle of vodka, and some smokes. LOL

Re: Recent Book Findings with Splunk

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:14 pm
by whynocheese
I read that as a bottle of milk and a gallon of vodka...

Re: Recent Book Findings with Splunk

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:08 am
by TheAnarchitect
whynocheese wrote:I read that as a bottle of milk and a gallon of vodka...
Ah. "Putting the baby to sleep."

Re: Recent Book Findings with Splunk

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:43 pm
by whynocheese
OR putting any normal sized humanoid asleep.

Re: Recent Book Findings with Splunk

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:20 am
by Donzaffi
rhacer wrote:Derail...

My father was in the RAF during the Second World War, so I too have a fascination for that era's aircraft.

Slight rerail...

if you haven't read and seen Piece of Cake I would greatly encourage it

Back on the tracks...

Terry Pratchett has written some amazing stuff.
You have to be cautions with akronyms like RAF ;)
In some countrys they mean differnent things.

my Grandfather was partisan during the WWII and he teached me many things, I don't want to offend someone ;)