What do you do on a new world?

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What do you do on a new world?

Post by Nekhs »

For me, I have a little checklist I go through.

Find Forest
Cut down forest.
Smelt half of forest for charcoal.
Locate 4-7 iron.
Locate lava lake.
Build and light nether portal.
So, what do you guys do when starting a new seed?

((Oh my god must not ever post again because I have the perfect number of posts.))
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by Stormweaver »

I try and do something different each time tbh; on my most recent world (the burpcraft server) I got a few stone tools, and cut down a handful of jungle trees for torches, lit up an entire desert, and now having found a nice near-surface zombie spawner and proceeding to sand quarry...the entire thing.

My plans involve a lot of the new sandstone.
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by Caboose »

I usually come up with some grandiose plan and quit halfway through thanks to Minecraft Terrain generation updates.

Right now I'm still gunning for my huge factory complex that's all connected, but I haven't started on it yet.
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by Poppycocks »

Nekhs wrote:For me, I have a little checklist I go through.

Find Forest
Cut down forest.
Smelt half of forest for charcoal.
Locate 4-7 iron.
Locate lava lake.
Build and light nether portal.
So, what do you guys do when starting a new seed?

((Oh my god must not ever post again because I have the perfect number of posts.))
Cut down 5 trees, make a pick, mine 5 cobble, make a pick and sword, kill all that moves, dig to the earths core, dick around till I'm out of wood for torches and/or food.

Go back up, get iron everything / diamond sword + buckets. Start a hemp and wheat farm, build a portal, get nether stuff, make a stewing pot, get clay, start digging out space for factories, tame animals... etc etc.

Basically it all boils down to getting diamonds in the first 15 minutes and then going from there.
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by TaterBoy »

Poppycocks wrote:Cut down 5 trees, make a pick, mine 5 cobble, make a pick and sword, kill all that moves, dig to the earths core, dick around till I'm out of wood for torches and/or food.

Go back up, get iron everything / diamond sword + buckets. Start a hemp and wheat farm, build a portal, get nether stuff, make a stewing pot, get clay, start digging out space for factories, tame animals... etc etc.

Basically it all boils down to getting diamonds in the first 15 minutes and then going from there.

I pretty much do this exact ritual, except I inflate it to a rather unnecessary scale for a new world, gathering at least full chest for each resource: wood, stone, redstone, iron, etc. At this point I actually embark on the BTW tech tree. I think Minecraft brings out the dangerously meticulous/obsessive side of me.
Think The Anal Retentive Chef but with a pickaxe.

On an unrelated note: I can't wait until my 42nd post...I think I might actually squee...
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by DragonFire2876 »

i am either loving the underground and dont like to go above ground or loving the above ground and not wanting to go underground i just cant win!
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by DreamsofFury »

I take down some trees, dig a small hole to live in, start a wheat and hemp farm, snag some iron to dig out a huge complex dwarf fortress style while gradually working my way to bedrock and expanding my farms and at some point pen up and start a small breeding area for animals.

Once I hit bedrock I find diamonds and from there its just up the BTW tech tree at whatever pace I choose while filling all the rooms I have dug out with mechanical systems..

Depending on other mods I play I work those sytems into it as well, such as More creatures involving horse or dolphin breeding into it based on the area I'm in.
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by TheAnarchitect »

First I decide what my architectural theme is going to be. On my first world, I went with Frank Lloyd Wright. On my BTB world, I decided on Scandanavian modern. For my current world I'm rocking the Pacific Islander motif.

Then I spend like a week trying different seeds until I find one I like. I'll look at a few alternative biome generators, but eventually decide I don't want to bork my world gen with another mod. Yes, I do this every time, even though I always reach the same decision.

In those first critical 5 minutes, I dick around looking for a good view for at least 3. During that time I cut down some trees. Once I find a site, I dig for some cobble and make some stone tools. Then I put together a hasty wood shelter, and I'm still trying to decide whether an east-west axis or a north-south axis has better flow on my site when the first mob attacks. So the first night is spent fighting zombies, skeletons and creepers with a stone sword in the half-completed shell of my house. By morning my stone sword is in the red, and I stand victorious on the roof of my completed shelter.

Eventually I give in and mine.
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by MoRmEnGiL »

It usually goes like this:

I punch the nearest trees till I have like 10 logs. Make a wooden pick, look around for a suitable place, where coal is exposed or likely to be, maybe a surface cave. There I mine 3 stone, make a stone pick, mine moar stone,probably dig in a shelter. Then dig around some more to find coal, make a furnace, close off the entrance if it is night, and start digging a stairway to bedrock. Smelt iron when I find it, make iron pick, keep on digging til bored or out of wood. Go back up, kill some mobs, sort the food situation short term, get some wood, start on some farms.
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by DaveYanakov »

Find a big tree, 'pull' down a few branches to make tools. Upgrade to a stone pick straight away because the concept of a wooden pickaxe is stupid. Wood sword for blocking and spider killing only, no digging anything but cave walls until I find iron. Iron allows for digging through rock and stabbing monsters.

From there, gather more hemp seeds beyond those found while gathering enough wheat seed for subsistence farming. Build mill, automate mill, go hunting for wolves. Once I have a saw made I'll make a push to find diamonds and build a nether portal. After I get a water mill up and running I build a new windmill or eight and set up a nether processing base in hell before continuing work on turning the nearest village into a proper city whether they like it or not..
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by Zhil »

Punch tree
Get tools
Get charcoal
Make shelter
Plant hemp
Dig down for diamonds
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by Battosay »

Punch trees to get 30 logs
Get pickaxe
Mine 15 cobble
Get stone tools
Explore, punch tall grass
Plant hemp
Find a cave
Explore as deep as possible
Dig 'till y=10 if not deep enough
Make some sloppy strip mining
Get diamonds
Get obsidian
A bit of Netherrack, at least 1 Soul sand, and as much Glowstone as possible
BTW tech tree
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by morvelaira »

This list is why you got started so goddamn fast on the server Batto.

Aside from the BTW tech tree win Minecraft bit.

I'm sure that only delayed you by a day or so.
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Re: What do you do on a new world?

Post by SterlingRed »

Punch 3 trees.
Make wood shovel/pick.
Use planks to build shelter (4x4 box typically).
Start mineshaft, upgrade tools to stone on the way (and make torches).
X Mine at layer 14 until out of wood.
Return to surface, dump stuff in storage.
Explore and trap animals/wolves in holes for breeding.
Hoe for seeds, start wheat & hemp farm.
Expand box shelter into a proper base.
Continue BTW tech Tree.
vMC update changes terrain generation.
Start over.
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