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I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:12 pm
by Panda
So most of you reading this are probably going "So what i found a million?". But my dear friends i am taking about in real life!!

So i was exploring the beach at my bosses house fossil hunting, he cool and lets me C:
Then when picking (pick for fossils) through a shall wall i kept finding these rocks that were shiny and smoth on one part and rusty and course on the other.
And also kept Finding Coal!!!!
I brought then up and showed my boss and he goes "Panda, thats iron ore...?" (everyone calls me that btw...)


Im such a good little miner!!! ive found over 60 iron ores so far =]

This is soo cool.....

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:15 pm
by FlowerChild
Now you just have to siphon off your boss's soul, and you're set :)

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:17 pm
by Panda
FlowerChild wrote:Now you just have to siphon off your boss's soul, and you're set :)
I like my boss though, hes a funny little jewish guy with poor english....

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:18 pm
by FlowerChild
Panda wrote: I like my boss though, hes a funny little jewish guy with poor english....
Progress always comes at a price...

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:23 pm
by Panda
FlowerChild wrote:
Panda wrote: I like my boss though, hes a funny little jewish guy with poor english....
Progress always comes at a price...
C: u silly man you

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:30 pm
by badmojo98
haha thats cool. nice scenery too. and holy crap, look at all those mussel/clam shells. must be a nice place :)
*nostalgic tear roles down cheek* i miss nature... i need to go fishing

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:43 am
by TheAnarchitect
In a similar vein, I'm currently tearing out a patio, putting in a fence, and starting my garden. I refer to this as "Minecraft LARPing" because that convinces me to actually get off the computer and go outside to do it.

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:04 am
by Ribky
I 'Minecraft LARPed' a new fence around my porch yesterday. Felt good.

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:21 am
by morvelaira
I tried Minecraft LARPing on a much smaller scale last summer, since I live in a townhouse that I rent. I got all the materials necessary for a few nice little potted plants, and started to grow them. Just a few herbs and flowers. They died. Plants always die with me :(

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:33 am
by SterlingRed
I'll be minecraft LARPing a new roof on my parents house in a couple of weeks. I wonder if they'll let me build it out of stairs and half slabs...

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:43 am
by Donzaffi
now its time for you beginn to cut trees with your fist and don't forget to get some lava with a bucket, you could need it too^^
I wonder what your boss say then :D

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:36 pm
by Panda
I know what you mean about minelarping, i cut down over 50 trees, for firewood, replaced the tin roofs on out barn with greenhouse clear roofing panels, now i got a huge ass green house. I started over 100 seeds, put em in my basement, rat ate em all... caught the rat in a humane cage trap so he was alive C: .... then threw the trap in our pond, restarted all plants. Tilled out a garden 20x20 ft. and yes i imagin im minecraft larping. ohh crap i gotta go get that trap out of the pond...

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:04 pm
by Husbag3
Take some of that gravel to turn into sand and flint! ;)

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:06 pm
by Zaikantos
Panda wrote:I know what you mean about minelarping, i cut down over 50 trees, for firewood, replaced the tin roofs on out barn with greenhouse clear roofing panels, now i got a huge ass green house. I started over 100 seeds, put em in my basement, rat ate em all... caught the rat in a humane cage trap so he was alive C: .... then threw the trap in our pond, restarted all plants. Tilled out a garden 20x20 ft. and yes i imagin im minecraft larping. ohh crap i gotta go get that trap out of the pond...
Wait, you use cage traps that don't kill so you can throw em into a pond?

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:11 pm
by Gargantuan_Penguin
Zaikantos wrote:
Panda wrote:I know what you mean about minelarping, i cut down over 50 trees, for firewood, replaced the tin roofs on out barn with greenhouse clear roofing panels, now i got a huge ass green house. I started over 100 seeds, put em in my basement, rat ate em all... caught the rat in a humane cage trap so he was alive C: .... then threw the trap in our pond, restarted all plants. Tilled out a garden 20x20 ft. and yes i imagin im minecraft larping. ohh crap i gotta go get that trap out of the pond...
Wait, you use cage traps that don't kill so you can throw em into a pond?
that way you get to watch them die :creepygusta: and it is actually really hard to find lethal traps. at least where I live.

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:45 pm
by SterlingRed
@ above


Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:52 pm
by TheAnarchitect
I do the same thing: I have a non-lethal trap, but I kill anything I catch in it. There *IS* a good reason for this. I have cats that I care about. My neighbors also have pets. Before I kill anything, I want to confirm that it's something that needs to die. Having a live trap lets me sort out the cats from the squirrels before the killing happens.

If anyone has any good ideas how to automate sorting cats from squirrels, I'd like to see a tutorial video.

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:54 pm
by Panda
Gargantuan_Penguin wrote:
Zaikantos wrote:
Panda wrote:I know what you mean about minelarping, i cut down over 50 trees, for firewood, replaced the tin roofs on out barn with greenhouse clear roofing panels, now i got a huge ass green house. I started over 100 seeds, put em in my basement, rat ate em all... caught the rat in a humane cage trap so he was alive C: .... then threw the trap in our pond, restarted all plants. Tilled out a garden 20x20 ft. and yes i imagin im minecraft larping. ohh crap i gotta go get that trap out of the pond...
Wait, you use cage traps that don't kill so you can throw em into a pond?
that way you get to watch them die :creepygusta: and it is actually really hard to find lethal traps. at least where I live.
Sweet revenge.

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:56 pm
by morvelaira
TheAnarchitect wrote:If anyone has any good ideas how to automate sorting cats from squirrels, I'd like to see a tutorial video.
God damnit, we really need a +1 reputation button somewhere on these forums. Thanks, Anarchitect. Now I have to clean up the soda I spit.

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:40 pm
by TheAnarchitect
Panda wrote: Sweet revenge.
It's more than that for me. Squirrels eat the tomatoes from my garden. But I have a rule around here, see. The calories from my garden are MINE. I'm gonna get them one way or another. Prepared correctly, squirrel is delicious.

Here's a little IRL tech tree for you: Acorns are actually edible if you soak the tannic acid out of them. This takes repeated boilings, and you make a lot of tannin water as a byproduct. But then you can grind the acorns up in a coffee mill, and get acorn meal. Acorn meal can be substituted for corn meal in most recipes.

The tannin water byproduct? You can use this to tan leather, such as squirrel hides. So I get a nice squirrel and acorn bread dinner, and a new squirrel fur.

So there you go, Flowerchild. Add acorns, tannic acid, and squirrels to the Mod. (Caution: not a real suggestion)

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:58 pm
by Poppycocks
TheAnarchitect wrote:
Panda wrote: Sweet revenge.
It's more than that for me. Squirrels eat the tomatoes from my garden. But I have a rule around here, see. The calories from my garden are MINE. I'm gonna get them one way or another. Prepared correctly, squirrel is delicious.

Here's a little IRL tech tree for you: Acorns are actually edible if you soak the tannic acid out of them. This takes repeated boilings, and you make a lot of tannin water as a byproduct. But then you can grind the acorns up in a coffee mill, and get acorn meal. Acorn meal can be substituted for corn meal in most recipes.

The tannin water byproduct? You can use this to tan leather, such as squirrel hides. So I get a nice squirrel and acorn bread dinner, and a new squirrel fur.

So there you go, Flowerchild. Add acorns, tannic acid, and squirrels to the Mod. (Caution: not a real suggestion)
Are you nuts?

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:01 pm
by morvelaira
Poppycocks wrote:Are you nuts?
My kind of nuts! Yummy, yummy squirrels... Well, if you cook them right. Gamey, otherwise.

Re: I found an Iron Vain!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:05 pm
by Poppycocks
morvelaira wrote:
Poppycocks wrote:Are you nuts?
My kind of nuts! Yummy, yummy squirrels... Well, if you cook them right. Gamey, otherwise.
I've seen a great recipe for reverse rat sausage where you remove the gallbladder and simply push the rats intestines into the guts with a finger.

Might work with squirrels too.