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Thaumcraft 2 (Released !)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:19 pm
by Gormador
So, after a quick search I saw the last topic on Thaumcraft 2 began and finished with "OMG he copied a BTW feature !" ...
This is NOT what I want to achieve here. I can't agree with that and find it a bit of a shame for the topic's author...
With this topic I only want to share the new mod spotlight from Direwolf20 (don't bring flame here either, he is a youtuber that makes videos for fun. Period.) on that mod.

The reason I want to share it is that I find the v2 pretty cool and even kind of balanced, even though the video above doesn't show every and each feature of it, making it hard to evaluate.
Here is a list of the features I find interesting :
- The inherent nature of the world, which provides, at a slow pace, vis or taint depending of the location.
- The research system. Well balanced IMO, but again, haven't seen all of it. Basically, you have to research items in order to be able to make them. Even more basically : a tech tree.
- The seal/essence system
- All the graphic and sound design he achieved. In one word : impressive.

I might forget one or two things. You might better watch the video yourself anyway ;-)
There might be some overpowered aspects but this spotlight is based on a beta version (hence : uncompleted).

In any case, this looks far better than the first version of the mod.

So, what do you think of it ?

To me, this is a pretty decent way of implementing the "occult" in MC.

ps : Again, in case I haven't made it clear : I don't start this topic to give life to troll land. I just wish to discuss about that mod with civilized people explaining their point !
What better place for that than this awesome forum ?

ps2 : I hope my English is read-able ^^

Edit : As it appears I have been taken to seriously, I will precise that I only take precautions so that people only skimming through this post (is that even English ? :p ) would encounter it at least once.

EDIT 2 : The second part of the mod spotlight has been released. Link And, as mentioned in the thread, Thaumcraft 2 is now available.

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:31 pm
by FlowerChild
In all fairness, I think the last thread ended with me saying that I really didn't mind that he had bellows in his mod. Please don't blow things out of proportion.

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:34 pm
by Gormador
FlowerChild wrote:In all fairness, I think the last thread ended with me saying that I really didn't mind that he had bellows in his mod. Please don't blow things out of proportion.
Yep that's it.
And I don't try to do that either ^^ Just taking a lot a precaution :-)

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:36 pm
by jorgebonafe
He made a bellows... I wouldn't call that a copy of a btw feature. I mean, really, its not like FC has a patent on any real world contraptions he decided to bring to his mod, not to mention its designed different and for different purposes....

Also, no one in here (I hope) would flame you for talking about Direwolf or any other Forge mods, so I think you can relax in that regard :) I myself like to watch DW20's videos now and then...

I saw a couple of mod spotlights on Thaumcraft, and I have to say I'm pretty curious about it. I like the thing he did with runes and elements a lot.

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:46 pm
by Zhil
Direwolf's my favorite LPer right now. I'll check it later. That does sound very cool.

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:53 pm
by Gormador
Gilberreke wrote:Direwolf's my favorite LPer right now. I'll check it later. That does sound very cool.
I can't say more than that ^^
Of course there is Battosay, who get my preference (because patriotism... lol) even though he is more a "Let's make you feel like a total dumb ass with my magnificent redstone skills" than a Let's Player !

And on topic, it sure is a mod that I might play along with BTW once the mod API is released (in a few months, yes ^^) as they kinda complete each other (mechanic + "occult").

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:17 pm
by Sarudak
I'm really excited to play this mod....

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:20 pm
by kaos78414
My installation before I decided to go to BTW included Thaumcraft. It was a well thought out mod in some respects - the items it added weren't overpowered.

I enjoyed the fact that you could create vis from items you didn't need anymore. The fuel for the Arcane Bore is very expensive and so a lot of times you'll be throwing whatever it mined back into the crucible to get vis back. It also required a ton of coal and glowstone so I didn't find it overpowered. As to other features of the mod - I didn't play with it long enough to give a proper run down.

As for thaumcraft 2, it does seem a lot more full-featured than the original. But at the same time, I don't think I'll be using it even if Azanor ever decides to drop forge. There are a few things he adds that just don't feel like Minecraft to me, and that pushes me away from it. An example being the crystals that are actually shaped like crystals - its an eyesore in a game where everything is square. However I do commend him on his attention to detail, and on his mod obviously required a lot of work and planning. It's just not for me, I think

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:26 pm
by Gormador
Regarding the crystal, I kinda like them because they aren't shaped like blocks actually :-)
Brings a little diversity.

About the forge, there are (very, very) good chance that once the mod API is out, it won't be necessary any more, so I don't consider it under that angle.

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:30 pm
by Sarudak
It would be very interesting indeed if btw and thaumcraft became compatible. Otoh I don't know that they would really fit together.

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:35 pm
by Gormador
Well, IMO it would be two different aspect of the game, as stated in the OP. One mechanical, the other "occult" with "magic". They wouldn't interfere with each other I think.
And two independent and non-redundant tech trees in one game, well, I kinda like that !

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:37 pm
by kaos78414
Gormador wrote:About the forge, there are (very, very) good chance that once the mod API is out, it won't be necessary any more, so I don't consider it under that angle.
I tend to expect the worst, but I hope you're right :P

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:18 am
by MoRmEnGiL
Thaumcraft 1 left me totally indifferent, it really had nothing relevant to my interests (sic)

This version seems much much better, I'm actually somewhat interested in this.

As for direwolf, I systematically watch his lps, but man, he can be very annoying sometimes with his lack of general minecraft mechanics knowledge :P

This is why I would love to see him do a BtW lp, that would REALLY shake him out of his comfort zone :P

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:15 am
by Caboose
Wow, this actually looks really cool, I'd like to try it when it eventually comes out,

I don't like the crystals, though, they don't fit, aesthetically. But that's but a minor quibble.

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:40 am
by Panda
Wowwwwww it Looks sharp. : ) one thing i liked about the original was how nice it looked, and this is.... wow blew my expectations away. Ide love to have this with BTW, btw is the tech and brawn well TC is the magic and recearch. : ) lol better than thaumcraft please?

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:16 pm
by Zhil
I watched the videos I could find. Yeah. That looks awesome.

Would this go well with Equivalent Exchange? I imagine they work well together thematically

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:21 pm
by Gormador
Gilberreke wrote:I watched the videos I could find. Yeah. That looks awesome.

Would this go well with Equivalent Exchange? I imagine they work well together thematically
Thaumcraft 2 looks way less op, though...

By the way, aren't you the one who said that EE's next version should be more balanced ?

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:24 pm
by Zhil
Gormador wrote:By the way, aren't you the one who said that EE's next version should be more balanced ?
I don't consider the current version of EE with the EMC to be OP, but yeah, EE3 should be even more balanced. At least, that's what the author told me.

I'm thinking that I might play a second jar with just Thaumcraft 2 and EE3 once they come out.

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:42 pm
by Gormador
Gilberreke wrote: I'm thinking that I might play a second jar with just Thaumcraft 2 and EE3 once they come out.
Well, I would like it too, but I don't have enough time to play BTW already, so another Jar... no way !
But theoretically I would love to :)

And thanks for the confirmation !

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:50 pm
by deathzaplin
i must say the mod looks amazing. the mod looks good and has some really great features such as the research

the part i most like is probably the way he balanced it with the taint, if you mess around with magic and get all the cool stuff there is also a downside in that the world will get messed up

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:57 pm
by Gargantuan_Penguin
I think that BTW and thaumcraft are compatible because they don't overlap at all. so if they ever become compatible I would definitely have them both. I really like the difficulty of thaumcrafts magic.

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:58 pm
by Zhil
Might be worth having a look how much of Forge the guy is using. Maybe it's like Millenaire where a compatibility patch isn't that much trouble.

I foresee a slim chance that a compatibility patch is possible without breaking either mod's copyrights.

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:03 pm
by Sarudak
A very slim chance. Nonetheless I think I may play through thaumcraft on it's own if I can stand not having better than wolves lol.

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:41 pm
by Zhil
Sarudak wrote:A very slim chance.
Oh, so you checked the source code already?

Re: Thaumcraft 2 (NOT a troll of ANY kind)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:45 am
by Poppycocks
Gilberreke wrote:
Sarudak wrote:A very slim chance.
Oh, so you checked the source code already?
Yes, he's a fast one, ain't he?