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Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:19 pm
by Itamarcu
Here is a design I made today, inspired by CilantroGamer's failed attempts to build one. I got so annoyed I decided to build one which is both easy to understand and compact.

EDIT: video is unavailable for 1 minute, whoops!

How is it? Sorry for the lack of sound and for the terrible graphics, but I'm quite surprised I can even run minecraft with lens AND a screen cam, and still get about 10-30 FPS. Thank you FlowerChild!

Do you have any suggestions or questions?

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:40 pm
by Husbag3
I've never thought of having multiple buttons up the elevator to change direction. It's a very unique design!

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:45 pm
by Itamarcu
Thanks :)
My purpose was to have a simple system even if you want to stop at a lot of floors (like Cilantro did) which does not have "specific" floor buttons. I thought about it while I was eating dinner, and then while I built it I also came up with the piston-lens-stop idea.

By the way, I just added notes. Watch it again!

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:44 am
by TheAnarchitect
With that many lenses, you may as well use a block dispenser based t-flipflop. Also, wouldn't the interrupted light beam system also work on the reverse button side? IE: piston on a button interrupts light beam? Then the entire setup would only need two lenses.

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:04 am
by Itamarcu
Ummm....I think so, but I was pretty sure pushing blocks into the lens's path decreases performance, so I only made it once. I'll try doing what you said to check!

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:40 am
by Itamarcu
Okay, I made it again and better. still uploading, so wait a little!

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:13 pm
by ialdbaoloth
That's a nice design for putting stops anywhere. It looks like it should work just as well with a few stops, if you can't afford a full stack of pistons.

The misspelled sign really got me. I expected the "pull lever to break" to be wired up to tnt or lava, or maybe a piston to knock the windmill off. You remind me I've been lax about putting self-destruct switches on my own machinery :)

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:33 pm
by Itamarcu
Well, sorry for the mistake :P

I had a dung "farm" with a special emergency button. A press it would immediately transform all of the wolves into companion cubes, then move them to saws, cut them in half (for proper handling), put them all in a storage minecart, power the rails beneath it - sending it to a safe place at maximum speed, and then activate a TNT cannon to destroy the trails.

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:42 pm
by TSA
i taught in lenses and pistons too.
i made a project with 2 flip-flops and low cost of resources.
unfortunately i cant put a video my pc cant afford it. =(
but i will put a link anyway.

tell what you think =) dont look at the mess.

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:36 pm
by ialdbaoloth
itamarcu wrote:I had a dung "farm" with a special emergency button. A press it would immediately transform all of the wolves into companion cubes, then move them to saws, cut them in half (for proper handling), put them all in a storage minecart, power the rails beneath it - sending it to a safe place at maximum speed, and then activate a TNT cannon to destroy the trails.
Awesome. The wolves must be protected :)

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:40 pm
by TheAnarchitect
I'm glad to see the 2-lens version works. I'm really adverse to building devices that use too many lenses, detector blocks, and block dispensers in my survival world.

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:51 pm
by jorgebonafe
itamarcu wrote:Ummm....I think so, but I was pretty sure pushing blocks into the lens's path decreases performance, so I only made it once. I'll try doing what you said to check!
The performance problems would happen if trying to move the lens or rotate it, because it would have to remove and replace all the logic blocks which is why FC made it impossible to do that. Pushing a block in front of the lens should not be a problem. It is, after all, one of the things the lens was designed to do.

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:10 am
by Sarudak
I believe FC specifically stated something about pushing a block in front of the lens being the worst performance wise. It was part of his reasoning for not having a shutter block (don't encourage people do put something in front of the lens. The preferred method is triggering the light source.

Re: Compact, easy, nice elevator design

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:19 am
by TheAnarchitect
Given the choice between performance issues and using a crap-ton of lenses to do something one lens can do, I think I'll take the performance hit.