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Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:07 am
by Kinniken
Hi FlowerChild,

I'm posting this in the off chance that you've already started working on upgrading Forge's sprite extension system to 1.2. I had a go at it, using a three-way compare between 1.1, 1.1 with Forge, and 1.2. I got it to compile, but I'm getting this when starting Minecraft (from MCP):
[13:53:54] MAJOR: mod_Millenaire 2.4: Millenaire loaded successfully.
[13:53:54] Mod Initialized: mod_Millenaire 2.4
[13:53:54] Mod Loaded: mod_Millenaire 2.4
[13:53:54] Done.
[13:53:54] Loading:
[13:53:55] ########## GL ERROR ##########
[13:53:55] @ Pre startup
[13:53:55] 1286: Invalid framebuffer operation
[13:53:55] Starting up SoundSystem...
[13:53:55] Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
[13:53:55] (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see
[13:53:55] OpenAL initialized.
[13:53:56] ########## GL ERROR ##########
[13:53:56] @ Post render
[13:53:56] 1286: Invalid framebuffer operation
I'll double-check what I've done, with a bit of luck it's a silly mistake (for instance from all those parameters getting renamed in MCP6), but if it's a real change in the way OpenGL is managed in MC 1.2 clashing with Forge 1.1 I doubt I'll be able to fix it. Any idea? ;) Below are the MC classes I've modified for 1.2. I haven't changed the Forge classes.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:10 am
by Zhil
Considering past releases, FlowerChild will probably just wait a while before updating to 1.2. At that point, Forge will probably be updated already.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:27 pm
by BinoAl
Looks like an invalid framebuffer operation.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:28 pm
by FlowerChild
Kinniken wrote: I'm posting this in the off chance that you've already started working on upgrading Forge's sprite extension system to 1.2. I had a go at it, using a three-way compare between 1.1, 1.1 with Forge, and 1.2. I got it to compile, but I'm getting this when starting Minecraft (from MCP):
Hey man!

I just woke up and just noticed the new version of MCP is out, so I haven't had a chance to set in on it yet. Will take a look after a bit of caffeine :)

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:42 pm
by Kinniken
Take your time ;) And coffee comes first, I agree :D

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:27 pm
by Kinniken
Just in case you've downloaded my classes already, I went over them again and found two-three errors (due to the renamed parameters). I've updated the archive with them fixed. It didn't help with the crashes, though.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:30 pm
by FlowerChild
Kinniken wrote:Just in case you've downloaded my classes already, I went over them again and found two-three errors (due to the renamed parameters). I've updated the archive with them fixed. It didn't help with the crashes, though.
I was just about to start the port process from scratch actually. I tend to like to know exactly what everything is doing within the sections of code the mod modifies, and I find doing everything by hand on my own is the only way to make sure that happens ;)

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:33 pm
by Kinniken
That actually sounds good, especially considering that I had to guess a bit at various points as to what Forge was trying to do and how it would apply to 1.2 ;)

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:36 pm
by FlowerChild
Kinniken wrote:That actually sounds good, especially considering that I had to guess a bit at various points as to what Forge was trying to do and how it would apply to 1.2 ;)
Yeah, within my own code-base I have extensive comments marking where the Forge modifies each individual base-class and to what end, so it might be a bit easier for me to plow through it. Some of the render-related classes are a real bitch though, as there's a ton of Forge code interlaced with the vanilla, and it's not always obvious to what end.

Worst case though, I'll just wait for the Forge itself to update before porting the mod, as Gil mentioned earlier.

On the bright side, hopefully this is the last version of MC where we have to put up with this. Soon as the vanilla version of the infinite texture-indices code makes it into the game, we will hopefully not have to bother with this anymore.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:40 pm
by Kinniken
Yeah, I'm looking forward to that as well! Plus working extended block IDs.

I did a compare between the vanilla 1.1 and the Forge Sprite Extender 1.1 code (basically yours minus a few features) though and the differences aren't that big. Most classes have only minor changes.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:45 pm
by FlowerChild
Kinniken wrote:Yeah, I'm looking forward to that as well! Plus working extended block IDs.

I did a compare between the vanilla 1.1 and the Forge Sprite Extender 1.1 code (basically yours minus a few features) though and the differences aren't that big. Most classes have only minor changes.
The one big question mark that I have right now is whether Mojang is going to release a 1.24 in the next few days. I'm not sure if any major enough bugs have been reported to warrant it, but I'll check out the bug-log on the wiki before proceeding.

I really hate to get caught up in update cycles like this if at all possible, and usually wait to port until I'm fairly confident that another version isn't imminent.

What's your feeling on the state of 1.23 right now?

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:50 pm
by Kinniken
I don't have any particular info on it to be honest, but I've heard nothing at all about major bugs left or Mojang hinting at an other release. I'm hoping 1.2.3 is the last one. In any case though what I've done for Millénaire and FSE wouldn't be hurt by a bug fix release - it would just mean I'd have to wait for MCP to be updated again.

And yeah, update cycles are a pain. I have a very nice nearly-done new feature I'd like to release soon, and I have the usual dilema of waiting until I've upgraded (which I hate) or releasing it for an obsolete MC version (which I also hate, as it means most people won't be able to play it).

Well, at least 1.2 brings nice new features.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:57 pm
by FlowerChild
Ok, these bugs give me serious pause and make me suspect 1.24 may be coming in the next few days:

-Some entities will at times act as if they are not present, even though they are. They cannot be interacted with, and clicking on them will cause things behind them to activate, as if they weren't there. These are not the same as the "ghost entities" bug that existed previously, as the entities in question are actually there and can often be interacted with both before and after this bug is observed.

-Looking upwards towards the sky can sometimes cause the game to randomly crash without a crash log.

-In converted maps placing a block sometimes cause the game to crash with the "saving chunks" screen and without a crash log.

-Enchanted Tools and Armor have their labels glitched.

The two crashes may very well be fixed in 1.23, as they might be related to the height-limit bug that was corrected in that version, but I don't see any specific confirmation of that. I find updating on the weekend can be particularly risky given that Mojang isn't generally in the office, and they may very well get right back into releasing updates come Monday.

Anyways, let me think about it. I may decide to wait until Wednesday or so to make sure that another release isn't imminent, or I may decide to take a chance and plow right into it now. I have a few outstanding bugs to address in the meantime for the release I put out last night that I'll take care of while pondering the overall situation.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:52 pm
by Gormador
We're all well and good with 1.1 FC. Save yourself some time and effort I would say... And even if they don't release a 1.2.4 version I don't think anyone* will be mad at you for waiting before updating BTW. Personnally I'd rather never get to play 1.2 and still be able to use BTW.

* : except stupid people, of course.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:38 pm
by STrRedWolf
I would not expect a 1.2.4 anytime soon, as Jeb_ and Notch are in San Francisco at this time for Game Developer Conference. I'd say two weeks, unless Jeb can crank out a release from remote.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:49 pm
by FlowerChild
STrRedWolf wrote:I would not expect a 1.2.4 anytime soon, as Jeb_ and Notch are in San Francisco at this time for Game Developer Conference. I'd say two weeks, unless Jeb can crank out a release from remote.
Ah, cool. That's useful information. Thanks.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:58 pm
by STrRedWolf
FlowerChild wrote:Ah, cool. That's useful information. Thanks.
Any time. I'm following them on Twitter, and noticed "Wait, they're in SF today? Isn't there a game conference they referred to... aaaah, GDC. I didn't know about that..."

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:00 pm
by Gormador
STrRedWolf wrote:I would not expect a 1.2.4 anytime soon, as Jeb_ and Notch are in San Francisco at this time for Game Developer Conference. I'd say two weeks, unless Jeb can crank out a release from remote.
If I'm mistaken Notch doesn't have anything to do with Minecraft anymore. The development is lead by Jeb, who is helped by Jon (the AI guy). Without counting the Bukkit guys.
But yeah, Jeb is abroad (don't know about Jon though) ^^

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:34 pm
by STrRedWolf
Gormador wrote:If I'm mistaken Notch doesn't have anything to do with Minecraft anymore. The development is lead by Jeb, who is helped by Jon (the AI guy). Without counting the Bukkit guys.
But yeah, Jeb is abroad (don't know about Jon though) ^^
Jeb signs the code, and releases it; Notch said he's not the primary coder but can still work on it.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:38 pm
by FlowerChild
Rather off-topic guys. The key point is that Jeb is at the GDC. The development hierarchy of Mojang is not relevant to this conversation.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:39 am
by Kinniken
Then let's hope the Forge team has a 1.2-compatible version out soon. I have stuff I would like to release soon :)

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:34 pm
by FlowerChild
Kinniken wrote:Then let's hope the Forge team has a 1.2-compatible version out soon. I have stuff I would like to release soon :)
I usually just continue releasing for the old version of MC until I am ready to port to the new. Like, I just put out a new release Saturday night because I wanted to get some features out.

It's something you might want to consider in the future. It definitely takes some of the edge off of Mojang updates :)

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:57 pm
by Kinniken
I'll be releasing a bug fix update tonight, but for major new features it annoys me to get them out when many people won't be able to play them ;) No matter, it gives me a bit more time to polish it and fix bugs.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:03 pm
by FlowerChild
Kinniken wrote:I'll be releasing a bug fix update tonight, but for major new features it annoys me to get them out when many people won't be able to play them ;) No matter, it gives me a bit more time to polish it and fix bugs.
Well, you'd be surprised how many people won't update until there favorite mods have all updated man.

Personally, I view these releases that I make while waiting to upgrade to a new MC version as a small reward for that kind of loyalty. It gives the real fans a chance to play around with some features before everyone else.

Re: Upgrading Forge's Sprite APIs to 1.2

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:36 pm
by Kinniken
It's true that I'm still getting about 50-60% of my normal download number, so everyone hasn't updated. And I like your way of thinking about it!