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Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:13 pm
by Panda
Doing alittle research for fun.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:17 pm
by SgtChuckle
I have to say... Neither. If I want to get a burger my apartment is right next to a Five Guy's, BEST BURGERS EVAR. I choose McDonald's though because they have a chicken sandwich that is a perfect replica of Chick Fil A's and there isn't a Chick Fil A within 15 miles of me.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:17 pm
by Urian
Err, neither actually :) I only eat fast food burgers if I'm drunk or hung over but since I can't stand McD I have to go with burger king (even if there are no burger kings in Finland, I still preferred it when I lived abroad).

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:19 pm
by rmdashrrootsplat
Neither for me as well... I avoid chains like the plague and would rather go to a local food joint. ;)

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:24 pm
by SgtChuckle
Mmh, heathen Americans like me need burgers to survive, so I just get the yummiest option (again, Five Guys) instead of a mystery meat surprise from McD.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:43 pm
by M!C
Neither for me too ... I sometimes go to Subway though. Their stuff tastes like food at least. ;)

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:49 pm
by morvelaira
I voted McDonalds, but only for the french fries. If Five Guys was an option, cajun fries wins >.>

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:01 pm
by Mason11987
5 guys is ridiculously expensive around me. I can get a burger that's maybe half as good for a quarter the price at mcdonalds. If I want to spend 10-15 bucks on a meal I'll go to an actual restaurant. Five Guys is good but it's price (at least near me) puts it in competition with decent restaurants, not fast food places.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:11 pm
by Ribky
McDonald's got my vote, only because Big Mac > Whopper.

Though I'd choose any of the following, in no particular order, over either of those anytime, depending on my current location:

Five Guys (though it is pretty expensive, and is slightly overrated)
In N' Out (I miss California)
Sonic (Cherry Limeade, ftw)
What-a-burger (I miss Texas)
Wendy's (why isn't it listed in poll?)
Jumpin' Jacks (not a chain, so really can't count, but coleslaw on a bacon double cheeseburger just freakin' wins)

Hell... I'd even choose White Castle over either of those... if only for their ability to cure hangovers before they happen.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:13 pm
by FaceFoiled
I do love a quick burger from time to time, and both Maccies and Burger king can help with that. :P That said, the burgers from burger king are overal just more "fresh", and don't look/taste like a microwave burger. I like em both though, but if I have the option I would go for burger king.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:20 pm
by jorgebonafe
Hard Rock Cafe

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:25 pm
by Gormador
I choose McDonald's because those are what we get the most of in Paris (not even sure there is a Burger King in France). But even then, it's a "last resort" choice.

To all French people here, living in Paris, here's an address where you you absolutely need to go if you like awesome burgers :
2 bis, Rue des Ecoles, just near Jussieu's University (and subway station). For 15Euros, you get a so called "Cheesburger geant" (Giant Cheesburger) which contains 2 enormous pieces of meat (beef, would say around 200g (0.4 lb) each).
And it's just the best burger I've ever had. And I'm not a big fan of meat.

(got no shares there, it's just a freakin' great bar, with "an" happy hour from 11h30 am to 1am (the next day), 3euros the pint, which is close to nothing in Paris !)

[/ad finished ^^]

But yeah, McDonald's wins thanks to it's wraps.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:48 pm
by whitechaos35
I spent $12 at the Los Angeles International Airport at the Burger King in the terminal I was waiting in. It was the most pathetic meal I had ever had. I'm not a fan of any large chains, but I avoid Burger King like the plague now.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:28 pm
by Katalliaan
Neither. I can't remember the last time I ate at a Burger King, and the last time I ate at a McDonald's was when I was watching my nephew (the little brat insisted on it).

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:35 pm
by PureZaros

I can get two hamburgers and fries for under 5 bucks.

Yeah, I'm a cheap bastard.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:41 pm
by Shengji
Fast food (of any description) is my guilty pleasure - hence me skimming my ideal weight and never achieving it - and certainly I enjoy both but burger king is just that little bit more enjoyable for me, juicier and better chips :)

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:44 pm
by walker_boh_65
PureZaros wrote:McDonalds.

I can get two hamburgers and fries for under 5 bucks.

Yeah, I'm a cheap bastard.
This is my feelings on it as well. The food doesn't have to be spectacular by any means, but if its cheep, close by, and I'm in a rush, why not?

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:45 pm
by DaveYanakov
PureZaros wrote:McDonalds.

I can get two hamburgers and fries for under 5 bucks.

Yeah, I'm a cheap bastard.
You can get that at Burger King as well and the burgers are better.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:17 pm
by ilovekintoki
Both are awful, but I vote Burger King I guess.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:26 pm
by Urian
One thing that several people have mentioned or suggested and that I know holds true for me; the fries are often just as, if not even more, important than the burgers. I very seldom, even when I'm falling down drunk, get the craving for burgers (and on the few occasions I do I go to some grill where the food is identifiable) but a craving for fries is much more common. In fact, the major factor for which chain I prefer is the fries and what dips they offer.

Oh, and sign me up for subway as well :p Even though it's hardly healthy it's a far step up from any greasy burgers!

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:18 pm
by Wgurgh
Well since burgers were so much mentioned I had to go with BK. I also like their fries better. Thing that made me hesitate is if I am in need of a fast breakfast I will pick McD's every time. If I DO happen to go to McD's for a burger, it won't be a big mac and it will be something with lots of condiments.
I did a (very unscientific) study once comparing the burgers between the two, and I mean JUST the burger. As in the meat part, or what is called meat. I determined that BK won because I did get a hint that a cow may have at least at one time passed near the thing.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:17 pm
by Pseudosavior
McDonalds would have to be my choice, and for only one good reason.

The McDicken (Also known as the McGangbang). It's a finely crafted bastard child of two dollar menu items, so it's a cheap item. What you do, is take a McDouble and split it between the patties, then put a McChicken (bottom bun is optional) between the patties and enjoy. It honestly tastes like whatever deity you worship or don't... Basically it's paradise.

It's commonly referred to as a stoner/drunk food, because it tastes better when you're not so sober... I'm not a HUGE fan of either chain with any other option, but I'll be damned if I can't eat my burgers McFrankenstyle... I feel so fat after eating them, that I forget I'm underweight.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:56 pm
by Katalliaan
For you people that are talking about the fries, I'd suggest checking out the fries experiment from "Supersize Me" - essentially, he compared McDonald's friends and some of its sandwiches to a regular restaurant's equivalents. Over the course of 10 weeks, all the sandwiches and the other restaurant's fries got moldy. And the McDonald's fries? They looked exactly as they did when he first bought them.

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:57 pm
by Ribky
Pseudosavior wrote:McDonalds would have to be my choice, and for only one good reason.

The McDicken (Also known as the McGangbang). It's a finely crafted bastard child of two dollar menu items, so it's a cheap item. What you do, is take a McDouble and split it between the patties, then put a McChicken (bottom bun is optional) between the patties and enjoy. It honestly tastes like whatever deity you worship or don't... Basically it's paradise.

It's commonly referred to as a stoner/drunk food, because it tastes better when you're not so sober... I'm not a HUGE fan of either chain with any other option, but I'll be damned if I can't eat my burgers McFrankenstyle... I feel so fat after eating them, that I forget I'm underweight.
I... am... going... to craft... one of these... tonight... :)

EDIT: Crafting successful, my proximity to a McDonald's is... let's say... convenient... and this looks glorious.

EDIT2: I think I'm dying...

Re: Nom noms.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:18 am
by Poppycocks
Fries and burgers in my fast food?! Inconceivable!

I like Kebab, it's either kebab or subway.