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Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:51 pm
by Panda
This is exactually what tue title implies, mirrors, or reflectors that can be used in conjunction with the lens. They could bend light either to the left righ up or down. however they do not extend the distance light can travel, lets say they are hit by light from 60 blocks away the bent ligh can only travel 68 blocks in the new direction not a full 128 (i think that's how far they go). Also they cannot split a light beam into two signals. Also it cannot output or input redston. This used in conjunction with the turntable could could lead to some creative paths to light mastery. : ) How exactually could a mirror be created though? hmm...

That's my idea though Ide love some feed back to try to flush it out though!

Re: Mirrors

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:55 pm
by origsgtpepper
This is a good idea however I think there would be problems with keeping track of how far the light has traveled and how far it can travel after reflecting.

Re: Mirrors

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:56 pm
by Zhil
You can already do this with a detector, a light block and a second lens.

BTW is not about making stuff easier to do, it's about making new stuff possible. What advantages does your system have over just using a second lens? If the answer is: "it's smaller", then that's not enough, I'm sorry :)

Re: Mirrors

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:56 pm
by Battosay

Re: Mirrors

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:09 pm
by Panda
Gilberreke wrote:You can already do this with a detector, a light block and a second lens.

BTW is not about making stuff easier to do, it's about making new stuff possible. What advantages does your system have over just using a second lens? If the answer is: "it's smaller", then that's not enough, I'm sorry :)
Changing the direction of the light using mechanical power (turntable) or redstone (sticky piston). makes changing lights direction alittle easier without extending light distance.

also so i can look at my avatar in a miirow and sing "im sexy and i know it"
ok that last part was a joke.

Re: Mirrors

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:17 pm
by Stormweaver
darkpollopesca wrote:
Gilberreke wrote:You can already do this with a detector, a light block and a second lens.

BTW is not about making stuff easier to do, it's about making new stuff possible. What advantages does your system have over just using a second lens? If the answer is: "it's smaller", then that's not enough, I'm sorry :)
Changing the direction of the light using mechanical power (turntable) or redstone (sticky piston). makes changing lights direction alittle easier without extending light distance.

also so i can look at my avatar in a miirow and sing "im sexy and i know it"
ok that last part was a joke.
The reason you can't move a lens with a piston or turntable was to save performance; adding in something that causes the same issues wouldn't/won't happen.

Re: Mirrors

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:19 pm
by jorgebonafe
Edit. Ninja'd :P

This is from the Eureka thread...
kaspermwh wrote:Is it possible to rotate (Lens) using a turntable?
FlowerChild wrote: Gods no. That would require regenerating the beam each time the Lens was rotated. Same reason it can't be pushed by a Piston, despite it not using a Tile Ent.

Re: Mirrors

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:45 pm
by Darken5
tho a turntable that has a redstone torch attached to a block ontop, with lightblocks and lenses surrounding it should produce same effect...

Re: Mirrors

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:00 pm
by CreeperCommando
I had thoughts about a half mirror, one 45 degree plate that semi reflects from both sides. Mainly as a means to put parallel signals in the same transmission line, reducing long distance costs by means of muxing and de-muxing signals and also allowing beams to travel in the same block line and much more. Same constraints can be used as in the lens, but giving the feature some more flexibility....

I decided to remain silent as:
1. I haven't really used the lens that much in my main world, and thus don't have a feel for its resource balance, which would be largely affected.
2. The lens already have a very nice niche compared to redstone and any more could overpower it (even though it WOULD be nice to not have to worry about any redstone bugs.....), I feel that FC has put tons of thought into this balance bit in particular (doesn't he always? ;) )
3. I don't have a clue if the lens system is going to be a more fleshed out system (as mech power) or not, maybe FC wants to move on to the next head exploding thing... it takes skills to earn headshot counts with only programming skills....

Re: Mirrors

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:10 pm
by Zhil
Alright, since my post and Batto's didn't seem to be able to kill this thread: FlowerChild has outright stated in the past that he will not add mirrors for redirecting beams. That's a definite no.