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Tallow Candles

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:40 am
by Darken5
Simple idea. Tallow Candles. look different from torches. possibility of making different candle sticks, different colored candles, maybe even different colored light. (Say black candle gives of a dark light that can be put in mushroom farms to keep monsters from spawning but still let mushrooms grow as if there wasnt any light). Candles can also be used in a mining helmet that would give off directional light (like lens) or area light and can be worn in the head slot. Some candles may also even attract monsters.

Thank you for your consideration.

Re: Tallow Candles

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:04 am
by Darken5
Read that light cannot be colored... so nix that idea. but the flame of the candle as well as the candle base can be colored. so using the black candle idea from previous post (or any other color) they can have different uses. Mobs wont spawn but mushrooms will grow unhindered by light when said candle is within so many spaces, kinda like wheat not growing without water. possibly have some other candles up the spawn rate of certain mobs. say grey candle will up the spawn rate of skellies, green will allow slimes to spawn in an area not fit for slimes. Or other colors to "allow" the spawning of nether mobs in the overworld. even up to dragons.
There could be many other uses for colored candles as well that i havnt thought of.

another idea, have them have a state simmilar to light blocks, aka off/on. (probably a useless idea, but meh.)

crafting could require harvesting mob spawners... or use soul urns/mob parts to craft the "color". "color" + tallow + string in cauldron... meh.

thank you for your consideration.

Re: Tallow Candles

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:56 am
by EvilSheeper
First a few points:
Please use the edit button, it's there for a reason.
Don't suggest recipes, it clogs up the page and is unnecessary.
Please structure your post in a better way, right now it's difficult to read.
Don't suggest things that effect mob behavior, most of the time it's not technically feasible.
Now, onto the suggestion. The concept of a candle is good, but is it worth the time and resources? You would have to provide some solid uses for this to even be given half a thought.

Also, welcome to the forums.

Re: Tallow Candles

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:13 am
by Darken5
ah, sorry sorry.

Candle uses:

-something other than torches (meh)
-Occult uses (affect monster spawning rate somewhat simmilar to Monster Spawners)
-Miner Helmet - Candle + hat. gives either directional light (aka lens), or AOE light like normal torches. but worn.
-Darkness Growth - gives "dim" light that would allow plants that require darkness to grow optimaly to grow the same in the light of the candle. (Mushrooms)
-Monster Tracker - hold lit candle that somehow guides you to nearest spawner of that type, or where you can find slimes, ore... can be used in conjunction with Compass.
-Monster-Be-Gone- candle could be used to scare off monsters as well.

-and other things i havnt thought up yet.

just an idea ^^

Quote from Wikipedia on Tallow (

Tallow used to be widely used to make molded candles before more convenient wax varieties became available—and, for some time after, as they continued to be a cheaper alternative. For those too poor even to avail themselves of homemade, molded tallow candles, the "tallow dip"—a strip of burning cloth in a saucer of tallow grease—was an accessible substitute.
P.S.: Thanks for the welcome. Love this mod. Just throwing out an idea. Only reason i even had this idea was that I'm currently reading "The Wheel of Time" series of books and it has tallow candles and thought BTW has Tallow, maybe I'll suggest tallow candles. Just not really sure what good could be done with them ^^. Heck, FC could even make tallow into a "fuel" source.

As always, thanks for your consideration.