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Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:07 pm
by Deepsniper
I hope I will not get in trouble for this, but I am looking for a possibility to set up a server with BTW mod as well as a few others on it. I was thinking using ItemCraft as a method to do this. I am wondering if it were possible to do this firstly, and secondly if I would be allowed to do this.

1) The server would be for personal use only with close friends and family
2) Using ItemCraft the clients would also need to be modded meaning more downloads of BTW.
3) I will not distribute this information whatsoever if I am successful in creating this plugin.

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:13 pm
by Zhil
I think if you do anything with BTW only for personal use, it's probably fair game. I'm pretty sure I'd break a lot of copyright and distribution rules in my kitchen if personal use were subject to copyright...

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:22 pm
by SterlingRed
I'm not even sure btw would work with smp even through itemcraft, but goodluck. So long as you don't redistribute any of FC's code it should be fine.

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:45 pm
by PringleMan
Do tell us if it works though, because me and my friends would love to know. If we know it can be done we could probably replicate it.

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:57 pm
by theonewithgingahair
I posted about this before, here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=62 and in the original minecraft forums page (very early on!) with a few other users ... try4463487 and didn't get much of a response, at least not from FC directly.

As mentioned by SterlingRed above I think the key is not to redistribute it. Although I am not sure how ItemCraft handles base class modifications (there are a few in BTW) which would be harder to translate into a bukkit mod as bukkit has its own modified classes (typically I believe ItemCraft ports are performed upon *pure* modloader mods, i.e. the ones that work on a zip basis). However, saying that I have thought about looking into this myself, as have a couple of users on the ItemCraft forum. Part of the reason that it has not been done so far is due to there having been a lack of consensus between the Bukkit, ItemCraft, Minecraft and BTW versions ;) (None of which is FC's fault! He updates like a champion!).

I also suspect that part of the reason has to do with the possible '1.8 server/client code integration' although I believe this will not act at all like we hope and that it is probably better to hope for a port either by FC or the community. As the Italians say: "È meglio un uovo oggi di una gallina domani." ;)

Personally, I am of the opinion that a solid team of individuals willing to faithfully reproduce FC's work without any modifications (code wise and other installed mods) or compatibility patches would alleviate some of the pressure and work that FC has to deal with, but thats up to him. It's his baby after all!

It would be good to see his opinion on this...

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:14 pm
by Deepsniper
Alright been cracking at Bukkit for the past 5 hours and still nothing... if anyone could give me a crash course on Java would be nice :), i do have some programming experiance in C and C++ so if anyone could help it would be nice...

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:25 pm
by Zhil
Your C and C++ knowledge won't do you much good, unless you messed with object orientation in C++, which is still another thing entirely than it is in Java.

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:08 am
by Fracture
Gilberreke wrote:Your C and C++ knowledge won't do you much good, unless you messed with object orientation in C++, which is still another thing entirely than it is in Java.
Because C++ and Java totally aren't similar at all...

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:15 am
by Zhil
Except for syntax, in what way are they similar?

I know about 8 programming languages or so and I'd say they're pretty far removed. Java is a memory-managed VM language with extensive libraries and C++'s template system isn't even comparable to Java's strict OO system, except for the basics.

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:30 am
by FlowerChild
Gilberreke wrote:Except for syntax, in what way are they similar?

I know about 8 programming languages or so and I'd say they're pretty far removed. Java is a memory-managed VM language with extensive libraries and C++'s template system isn't even comparable to Java's strict OO system, except for the basics.
In practice, they're almost identical (other than the templates). I've programmed in C and C++ most of my adult life, and had never used Java before I started this mod 3 months ago. I managed to release the first version of the mod within a week of starting it.

I'd say that means there's almost zero learning curve whatsoever. Maybe it would be rough going from Java to C++, but going from C++ to Java just basically means that you're dealing with a subset of the functionality you already know. You don't use templates, and you don't manage memory, so there's nothing new to learn, just a couple of tools you are used to using that you don't have at your disposal.

Seriously man, it's a fucking breeze if you know C++ well. Who the hell doesn't use Object Oriented methodology that's a serious C++ programmer anyways?

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:37 am
by Deepsniper
Lol thanks FC. Guess it doesn't help I haven't programmed a thing in 8 months since my last programming course ended. I'll take a look at it when I get home. Was way too tired to think strait anyway last night.

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:19 am
by Zhil
FlowerChild wrote:Seriously man, it's a fucking breeze if you know C++ well. Who the hell doesn't use Object Oriented methodology that's a serious C++ programmer anyways?
That's just it, most C++ programmers I know, don't know a thing about OO, except for the ones actually working as a programmer. I blame the lack of OO courses academically. I've seen people struggle badly trying to get their head around Java.

Like I said, if he knows OO, then it's going to be easy, if he just took some intermediate level C++ courses, then that's probably going to be a problem.

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:11 pm
by FlowerChild
Gilberreke wrote: That's just it, most C++ programmers I know, don't know a thing about OO, except for the ones actually working as a programmer. I blame the lack of OO courses academically. I've seen people struggle badly trying to get their head around Java.

Like I said, if he knows OO, then it's going to be easy, if he just took some intermediate level C++ courses, then that's probably going to be a problem.
Fair enough. I'd say they know C, not C++ though. The only thing really differentiating the two are the OOP related features.

I guess I just didn't notice the difference because I'm so used to following an object oriented paradigm to begin with ;)

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:45 pm
by Deepsniper
So seeing as I am a complete noob at this programming stuff in java I went looking for some help and help I did find. I met this guy on another forum I chat on and he agreed to help me with my Itemcraft/BTW plugin.

Just got an update from him. He believes he is about 45% done and should be done by the end of the weekend. After that all that will be left is to test the game blow things up and see what works and doesn't work.

As I have mentioned this mod to a lot of people and seem to get a lot of really interested people I might decide to put this on a public server (if FC permits) to run for the BTW community.

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:57 pm
by walker_boh_65
that would amazing!

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:39 pm
by Banpower1
Not to be rude, but is there any updates on how the work is going? :) i fell over this thread just as i was starting to think there was absolutely nobody who had actually tried making Itemcraft work with BTW (or visa versa w.e. is correct to you) so i was about to plunge in to it myself, with very little skills :P

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:43 pm
by empath
I think with the extra forge dependency, this is DOA, yeah?

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:46 pm
by Banpower1
i was hoping from the little "intel" i managed to gather about how Itemcraft works that you could just add in the Forge in the files and just treat it all as one big "mod" of the SSP so when you ported over it would combine into a single fully working thing, but I'm no genius :S

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:11 pm
by Deepsniper
Well I was away for the weekend but the guy helping me with the coding told me he should be done by the end of the weekend but so far I haven't talked to him.

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:27 pm
by Sky_Som
empath wrote:I think with the extra forge dependency, this is DOA, yeah?
Forge had SMP I thought, doesn't Spacetoad need It for Buildcraft to be SMP?

Edit: Yep just check and Forge is already Has a SMP version.

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:24 am
by Banpower1
Can't figure if its good or bad that forge has a SMP version, thr conversion of the SSP mods is to be done by using a minecraft.jar with the installed mod in a program that converts parts of it, and then fix the code so it uses correct names for method calling in bukkit and finally recompile it, so if you use forge SMP version, you would be trying to convert a minecraft.jar file that isn't working from the start (without forge in it) or you end up having dubble code, forge in the convertet file from SSP and the SMP, either way it would introduce their own problems, as far as my coding skills go...

NOTE: written from my mobile, sorry for the bad layout of this post

Re: Itemcraft Plugin for personal server

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:53 am
by Banpower1
Just checked up on Forge for multiplayer, its a mod that goes into the minecraft_server.jar handed out by notch himself, while itemcraft is a bukkit plugin, and thus my previous post is cut back to modding it in by having it in the SSP minecraft.jar you convert.

the reason i personally would prefer to have it/use it with bukkit is because of the extra work done with bukkit, to fix bugs and optimize code, and so on, plus the very VERY easy way you add and remove plugins, drag and drop to the plugin folder :P (thus allowing mods/plugins to overlap, as long as they don't interact contradicting to each other (example: one plugin removes all damage taken and another plugin allows for custom damage taken, thus making errors)

(Sorry for dubble posting, know its annoying, but didnt feel an EDIT was correct here)