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Just having one of those days...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:03 pm
by redrew89
I normally don't bring real-life problems into online communities, due to a strong aversion to sharing too many personal details with people I hardly know, but I'm just having one hell of a day and I thought I might ask for some support from the closest online friends I know of.

Today, I was asked to take my father's pick-up truck to get a load of firewood. I did this, and parked the truck out behind the house for the wood to be unloaded and stacked by my younger brother's when they got home from school. However, like a moron, I left the key in, and the lights on, which drained the battery. When I noticed this, I figured the logical course of action would be to use my Mustang (I say 'my', however the car is still legally in my father's name) to jump the truck and get it running again. I got the truck started, but due to rainy weather, the car was unable to gain enough traction for me to back it down out of the yard and into it's proper parking spot. I tried to get it unstuck, but only succeeded in making it slide sideways toward a line of trees along the edge of our property. So, I figured that as long as I had a running 4x4, I could attempt to use it to try and pull the car out. I made things worse, and caused the driver's side mirror to come snapped off against a tree. It's now resting against that tree, at such an angle that I'm afraid any further attempts to move it will only do more damage. So, frustrated and petrified of the reaction I'll be in for when my father sees the mess I've made of both the yard, and his vehicle, I decided to just leave things set and hide.

I'm currently at my local library, it being the closest place to lay low while I wait for the inevitable shit-storm that is brewing. Feel free to leave comments and let me know if you guys have ever had days where you just wish you could disappear.

Re: Just having one of those days...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:08 pm
by Thieme
ouch that just really sucks. I ussually have it to when i get into trouble and try to fix it myself i make it even worse. Bad luck never comes alone :(

Re: Just having one of those days...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:52 pm
by morvelaira
Oh honey.

*offers hugs*

It's going to suck, but the best thing to do is suck it up and take it. Admit you screwed up and ask immediately what you can do to fix things. It won't get you out of any kind of punishment, but not seeking to will probably get you the most respect out of it.

Here's to hoping the luck improves and the dad is moderately lenient. <3

Re: Just having one of those days...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:09 pm
by Johnnyboy
What year was the make model transmission type and year of the truck and mustang?

Re: Just having one of those days...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:20 pm
by gftweek
Nasty situation, but you weren't joyriding or being reckless, you were being helpful, but things just took a downward turn and spiralled a bit.
morvelaira wrote:Oh honey.

*offers hugs*

It's going to suck, but the best thing to do is suck it up and take it. Admit you screwed up and ask immediately what you can do to fix things. It won't get you out of any kind of punishment, but not seeking to will probably get you the most respect out of it.

Here's to hoping the luck improves and the dad is moderately lenient. <3
I have to agree with this, your Dad will probably be madder at you if you wait for him to find out. I'd say the best course of action would be to be there waiting when he gets home and explain it to him calmly (but try not to act too defensive), much as you explained it to us, he will see the accidental side, and be more lenient.

From my experience screwing up with my parents, they are usually more angry about you trying to hide it or escape from telling them, than from the actual problem.

Re: Just having one of those days...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:02 pm
by DaveYanakov
I have to add another voice to the take responsibility side of things. He will be angry at first. Anyone would but it passes. The respect you can get for taking a stand and owning up to your actions no matter the outcome lasts a lifetime.

It may end up costing you for awhile but these are the moments to show you can be an adult and in my mind, those are rare and priceless things.

Re: Just having one of those days...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:29 pm
by redrew89
Thanks for all of the support, guys. Things are resolved. I have a good friend who came out with his own truck, and through teamwork and determination, we were able to get the car unstuck without causing any additional damage. We were just a hair too late to get it done before my dad got home, and he proceeded to flip shit. However, it was as much as I expected, and he's now resorted to stoney silence. I've offered penance by letting him hold onto the keys to the car, and will re-attach the mirror with some high-quality adhesive when the weather dries out a bit.

In the end, even before I could read the responses on this thread, I did come to the conclusion that the proper thing to do would be to face the music. It has been a rough week for me, without going into detail, and my first instinct was to run and hide. If I were a weaker man, it might have come to self-harm, but fortunately my self-preservation instincts are strong enough to keep thoughts like that at bay. Life sucks, for the most part, but as long as I have some will to make things work out, I'll manage.
morvelaira wrote:Oh honey.

*offers hugs*

It's going to suck, but the best thing to do is suck it up and take it. Admit you screwed up and ask immediately what you can do to fix things. It won't get you out of any kind of punishment, but not seeking to will probably get you the most respect out of it.

Here's to hoping the luck improves and the dad is moderately lenient. <3
Thanks morv. <3
Johnnyboy wrote:What year was the make model transmission type and year of the truck and mustang?
The Mustang is a 1999 3.4l V6, 4-speed automatic with OD. The truck is a Ford F-150 Heavy Duty 4x4. Both are in acceptable condition, still, so all's well that ends well.

Re: Just having one of those days...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:42 pm
by Johnnyboy
The Mustang is a 1999 3.4l V6, 4-speed automatic with OD. The truck is a Ford F-150 Heavy Duty 4x4. Both are in acceptable condition, still, so all's well that ends well.[/quote]For a second I was worried that hurt smashed a good car. Like a 69 mustang.

Re: Just having one of those days...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:59 pm
by DaveYanakov
New drivers will break cars. You did minor damage while working, not because you went out and drive like an idiot. Overall you did the right thing and even took responsibility for repairing the damage. This gives me hope for the next generation.

Then Johnny here goes and dashes that hope against the rocks like a crusader with an infant heretic.

Re: Just having one of those days...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:28 pm
by Johnnyboy
DaveYanakov wrote:New drivers will break cars. You did minor damage while working, not because you went out and drive like an idiot. Overall you did the right thing and even took responsibility for repairing the damage. This gives me hope for the next generation.

Then Johnny here goes and dashes that hope against the rocks like a crusader with an infant heretic.
I was trying to bring some humor to a serious situation.

Re: Just having one of those days...

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:47 pm
by redrew89
DaveYanakov wrote:New drivers will break cars. You did minor damage while working, not because you went out and drive like an idiot. Overall you did the right thing and even took responsibility for repairing the damage. This gives me hope for the next generation.

Then Johnny here goes and dashes that hope against the rocks like a crusader with an infant heretic.

Hey now, I'm not as young as one might expect. Sure, early twenties is still pretty young, but at least I'm not still a know-it-all teenager. *Shudder* I look at my younger brother, who's 17 and has the mentality that he's above and beyond the restrictions of authority, and wonder how I could ever have carried on the way he does.