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Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:43 pm
by Tsugumi Henduluin
So, with 1.0.0 finally here, I'm thinking of starting over completely from scratch. However, I'd like to mix things up a bit this time around and not just start yet another standard world. So I was wondering if anyone here knew of some interesting challenges or goals to use in my new world.

I'd like to at least give Hardcore (and HC bucket) mode a try, but I was also thinking about something unusual like the Spirit Tree challenge. However, with the amount of fire that's required by BTW, that might be about as fun as studying French. Unfortunately though, that's about as far as my knowledge of MC challenges go.

Any ideas? Hell, we could even think up something new for us all to try our hands on :p

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:59 pm
by MoRmEnGiL
Careful, prominent members of the BtW community are French :P

Well, one word. Four-oh-four. ;]

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:11 pm
by Alrin
Studying french is loads of fun, because you get really good at asking "where is the train station" and how to exclaim "this is my passport" in a overly excited manner. It also gives you lots of points with people who don't know french because it's still considered a culture language, which is a good thing :)

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:25 pm
by Tsugumi Henduluin
Haha, I knew I should've picked a different analogy :p It's not the people or their culture I have issues with, just their language. It and I have been on less-than-ideal terms ever since it was almost singlehandedly responsible for getting me kicked out of high school.
alrin wrote:Studying french is loads of fun, because you get really good at asking "where is the train station" and how to exclaim "this is my passport" in a overly excited manner.
Meh, I've got Japanese for that nowadays. Amazing language for that kind of stuff. Still can't get enough of my teacher going "Eeehh!?" whenever she's surprised by some of the finer points of Dutch culture.

Anyhow, I was under the impression that the 404 challange no longer works due to the changes to the world generation algorithms in 1.8?

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:40 pm
by Camerinthus

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:46 pm
by Katalliaan
Tsugumi Henduluin wrote:Anyhow, I was under the impression that the 404 challange no longer works due to the changes to the world generation algorithms in 1.8?
It doesn't. You could try something like the city construction challenge, although that's more aimed at people playing on a server than single-player.

There's also the challenge maps people put together. For example, there's a complete-the-monument map whose design was inspired by the 404 challenge, although the only rule it takes from the old challenge is that you lose if you return to the surface (whether intentionally or by dying without a bed somewhere)

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:08 pm
by FurkeyRefills
Building a portal before gathering diamonds is always fun !

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:10 pm
by MoRmEnGiL
Tsugumi Henduluin wrote:
Anyhow, I was under the impression that the 404 challange no longer works due to the changes to the world generation algorithms in 1.8?
Yeah but think about it, the spirit of the challenge was go down, never come up again, with a restriction on torches and a few other things. The actual world is completely irrelevant from that ;]

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:29 pm
by ilovekintoki
The 404 challenge is still very playable, you'll just need a save generated in 1.7, which I coincidentally have lying around. I'm currently unfortunately enough on my iPod, but I could send you the file when I'm on my computer if you so desire.

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:53 pm
by Tsugumi Henduluin
Thanks for the offer, but I think I prefer staying above-ground as I've been waiting to see snow again ever since it got kicked out of the game in 1.8. (I miss the old winter mode... I still hate myself for losing my old world, bah)

That city construction challenge sounds really interesting however. It'll give me something to sink my teeth in and offer something to work towards, which I can probably use quite well considering I often end up just building the bare necessities, then losing interest.

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:58 pm
by walker_boh_65
you could try to not use torches, I.E. when ever possible replace torches with lava/pumpkins/glowstone/light blocks.

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:54 pm
by bmanfoley
A challenge that I make for myself whenever I start a new world is to not make a sword for as long as possible. I end up being WAY more cautious and strategic around monsters. Oh, and bonus points if you don't make a bow either

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:42 pm
by MrGrau
I started fresh in 1.0 too, but the challenge that I decided to use, wasn't so much of a challenge, but something to slow your advancement, giving you the time to appreciate everything you've done even more. ... mercenary/, I'm not doing everything how it tells me to, but using it as a general guideline.

Re: Interesting challenges to use in a new world?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:41 pm
by Tsugumi Henduluin
Right, thanks all.

I've pretty much settled on the City Challenge. It'll give me a nice, long-term goal and it'll encourage me to actually try my hands on creating some aesthetically pleasing buildings for a change. The city of Markarth from Skyrim gave me some inspiration in that regard, though it'll take a little tweaking to the rules of the challenge as it involves digging around in the stone, but I'm sure I can think of something for that.

Interestingly enough, the rules of the challenge will severely limit the amount of BTW tech I can use until quite a bit into the playthrough, which should make for a nice added challenge. Handcracks all the way, baby!

I've also been thinking about logging my progress through a series of screenshots, possibly with some badly written commentary added to them, if there's any interest for that. Though I must warn you that I'm not much of a writer, or a builder for that matter, so it might all be rather dull :p